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Rahm Emanuel to leave the White House?

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Rahm Emanuel to leave the White House?

The buzz this morning is that Rahm Emanuel will allegedly be leaving the White House within six months. Apparently, DC politics aren’t dirty enough for him — he wants to be mayor of Chicago. And, you know, politics are so tough and he’s getting burned out.

Personally, my B.S.-O-Meter is going off. Burned out? Yeah, right. I think the problem was summed up perfectly in the very first sentence of the Telegraph article.

Washington insiders say he will quit within six to eight months in frustration at their unwillingness to “bang heads together” to get policy pushed through.

As Stacy McCain points out,

So it sounds to me that the realpolitik of Chicago is losing out to the Ivory Tower buffoonery.

Let’s face it: running banana republic-style regime in a country where people are armed and can still speak out is hahrd.

The White House, of course, is denying that Rahm is planning on resigning. But what else could they say? Frankly, it makes sense to me. He wants to get back into politics in Chicago. He needs an insurance policy. He’s been a terrible Chief of Staff, and this administration is going down in flames. He’s laying the groundwork for his mayoral campaign now. By quitting, he can paint himself as the frustrated guy trying to do everything he could to bring about the real change, but the Obama administration was standing in his way.

See, I got out because those dumb idealistic Democrats weren’t willing to bang heads together. They weren’t willing to do the hard work, to make the sacrifices, to get things done. That’s why I left. I’m about doing the work that’s necessary, and that Obama idiot is just too idealistic. I’m not afraid to be tough and mean and make the hard decisions. If Obama hadn’t been such a p****, then his agenda would’ve worked. I tried, but they wouldn’t listen. But once I’m the one in charge, that’ll be different. I make things happen, baby.

If Rahm is leaving of his own accord, then he’s doing it to try to salvage his political career. He’s not stupid. He knows full well what is going to happen in November, and he could very well be trying to jump ship and spare himself the carnage.

The other situation, of course, could be the exact opposite. The White House could be forcing him out as a sacrifical lamb. He could be the scapegoat for the corrupt, Chicago-style politics that have permeated the White House. It won’t work, but Rahm Emanuel could very well be the next person to get thrown underneath the Obama bus.

Either way, they’ve got it wrong. All the anger from Americans, and Democrats still don’t get it. It’s not the style or the message that everyone hates. It’s the corruption, the spending, the massive government expansion. Rahm Emanuel can leave, but it won’t solve the problem.

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1 Comment
  • Frank says:

    Perhaps Rahm’s will try to pull a ‘Palin’: leaving one political office to ascend to another. However, Palin has a much better chance of ascending to the presidency than Rahm has of getting the helm in Chicago. I’ve spent most of my life in Chicago and there’s been a twisted love affair between Chicagoans and Daily. For all of his buffoonery Daily is well liked by the people and Rahm has little or no chance in an election against him. That’s my take anyway.

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