Quote of the Day: Target Lets a Man Use the Women’s Bathroom and Is Unapologetic For It

Quote of the Day: Target Lets a Man Use the Women’s Bathroom and Is Unapologetic For It

Quote of the Day: Target Lets a Man Use the Women’s Bathroom and Is Unapologetic For It

It’s no surprise by now that Target poked a hornet’s nest by announcing that they would let men use women’s restrooms at Target. The policy was clearly meant to pacify the LGBT lobby, with all of the stories about transgender bathrooms in the media right now, but it just made a lot of people angry instead. Over half a million people have signed a pledge to boycott Target in response, citing the obvious security issues with letting a man use the women’s restrooms simply because he feels like it. The LGBT lobby, along with their liberal allies, have thus responded that this is all much ado about nothing, and that you won’t even be able to tell if there is a trans woman in the bathroom, because she’ll look like a woman… and if you’re OK with men being in the men’s restroom with little boys, then why are you worried about them being in the women’s room? They want to make us all believe that this is a non-issue, and that men wouldn’t be trying to go into women’s restrooms looking like men. Enter Andy Park.

lgbt target

Andy Park decided to see just how far Target’s new bathroom policy goes. So he went into a Target in St. Petersburg and asked someone who works in asset protection if he, while dressed as a man, could use the women’s restroom. He told the employee that he wasn’t transgender, but simply felt more comfortable in the women’s restroom. The employee told him he could, and that any women who have a problem with it could come and talk to management, and they would deal with it.

Mediaite reached out to Target, whose response was less apologetic than you might have hoped for.

Thanks for reaching out.

We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and opinions. As a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work — and our guests an inclusive place to shop – we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target.


So if a man wants to use the women’s restroom and it makes a bunch of women uncomfortable, then that’s apparently just fine with Target. Better to satisfy the LGBT lobby and the perverts of the world than let women feel comfortable and safe when using the restroom. A man flat-out said that he’s not transgender, and Target said that was fine, too, even if women might have a problem with that. Women now can’t use the restroom without having to worry about a Peeping Tom, or someone that might expose themselves to their children, or becoming victims of sexual assault, because men can freely enter with no consequences. Who cares about the safety and comfort of women? They need to just shut up and take it. That’s evidently the Target attitude.

Feeling like joining that boycott now? Sign the pledge here.

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  • Jodi says:

    The petition site keeps locking up my computer. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

  • Rebecca says:

    Every mom of boys in America worries about men being in the mens’ restroom.

  • Wake Up America says:


    “Thanks for reaching out.”
    (We don’t give a sh!t about your concerns.)

    “We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and opinions.”

    TRANSLATION: (While we care about a “wide” variety of perspectives and opinions we’ve chosen to cater to the “slim” minority. We want everyone to see how fabulously trendy we are.)

    “As a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work— ….”

    TRANSLATION: (We’re just throwing this part in so you’ll think we have lots and lots of team members that agree with us.)

    “…. and our guests an inclusive place to shop –”

    TRANSLATION: (We are throwing this part in so that you will second guess your silly common sense and maybe if we repeat it enough you will begin to accept that 2 + 2 = 5 and that there is nothing at all to wrong with this..)

    “we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target.”

    TRANSLATION:(We don’t give a sh!t about YOUR concerns.)


    TRANSLATION:(Now be good little boys and girls and accept what we tell you and see how trendy and fabulous we are.)

  • Penny says:

    Right now, I don’t live very close to a Target……but, this kind of attitude and permissiveness is going to keep me from going into a Target in the future. Target has made themselves a huge target with this crap.

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