#ProjectVeritas Breaks New Video Outlining Violent Plans Being Hatched By #DisturbJ20 [VIDEO]

#ProjectVeritas Breaks New Video Outlining Violent Plans Being Hatched By #DisturbJ20 [VIDEO]

#ProjectVeritas Breaks New Video Outlining Violent Plans Being Hatched By #DisturbJ20 [VIDEO]

Yesterday, I wrote up the Project Veritas video that was released detailing some nefarious plots being cooked up to disturb the Deploraball that is scheduled to take place to celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration this week. Today they released a new video that is even more chilling in which “protesters” discuss disabling DC Metro trains and blocking bridges and roadways into the city. Why do I have that word in quotes? Well if you read Nina’s post this morning you will know that these folks are being paid, yes I said PAID, by Soros funded groups to wreak all of this havoc in cities all over our country this week.

In this installment we meet lovely people like Legba Carrefour (that has to be a fake name or this guy’s parents hated him from the outset) who detail how his group will be wrapping DC Metro trains with chains and locking them so that they cannot leave the station and instituting something they refer to as “clusterf*ck blockades” to block all major roads into and out of the DC Metro area during the inauguration. Because it is not dangerous to have out of control crowds of people paid to disable your city’s rail system and block citizens free movement throughout the nation’s capital because you are throwing a giant hissy fit or anything. What if someone has a heart attack and an ambulance cannot reach them? No matter to these folks. if you do not agree with them, your life is meaningless.

Eric Sheptock lists himself on Facebook as a “homeless advocate”

The video continues  and we are introduced to a gentleman (and yes I use that term VERY LOOSELY here)  named Eric Sheptock who explains how “protesters” should pay homeless people and feed them in order to gain their help in creating mass hysteria and blocking roads and footpaths to the inauguration. Again, no danger in bribing someone who may be mentally ill to get them to go out and block traffic. No danger there. And this from a man who lists himself on his Facebook page as a “Homeless Advocate”.

Dylan Petrohilos of Industrial Workers of the World seems a confused Socialist since he has an Etsy shop

As always, the Socialists are in the mix as well with these plans, as evidenced by a man named Dylan Petrohilos who appears in the video who is with the Union Industrial Workers Of The World. He actually seems like he has some brainpower since he is explaining in the video that they will not be releasing their route for their march in public. They too are going to be contributing to the chaos by marching against traffic on DC’s myriad of one way streets.

Finally Mike Isaacson, billed as a co founder of Smash Racism in DC encouraging people in their meetings to “throat punch” people who they claim are Nazi’s if they are being “very loud with their views”. I would love to understand the qualification that Mr. Isaacson suggests in order to determine who is a Nazi and who is not. I doubt I would find it helpful or accurate since these folks seem to think many who disagree with their views would be “Nazi’s”.

All this while the nation awaits the peaceful transition of power on Friday

In short the goal of this group is to create hell on earth in our nation’s capital and many other metro areas this week because, well, racism or something. Really, it is a giant amount of butthurt that is fueling this and I am frankly hoping that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, DC Metro police are able to pour lots of cold water on the plans of these folks.

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  • Skillyboo says:

    If these groups riot and/or destroy property and it can be proven that they were funded by Soros the evidence should be presented to a grand jury to see if he warrants a trial.

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