Progressives Versus Pelosi

Progressives Versus Pelosi

Progressives Versus Pelosi

Democrats swallow a Matrix-esq “blue pill”, with the hope of obtaining a Mueller Miracle. Ending with Trump’s impeachment. But with a firm hold on the Speaker’s gavel, Nancy Pelosi is putting progressive’s impeachment dreams in cold storage … However, if she’s not careful, they may put her on ice. As she vacillates on impeachment, the vocal Democrat progressives are willing to sacrifice their savvy Speaker if it means they can take down Trump. 

Pelosi is a Player

Mention Nancy Pelosi and expect a spectrum of reactions. People love her, and others hate her. But both sides acknowledge her tenacity to win on the political field. I disagree with everything she stands for, but her ability to steadfast her position is admirable. She overcame the very real possibility of a failed bid to recapture her Speakership position. Still, the price to regain a leadership position has hamstrung her ability to maintain control of her house.

The ongoing riff between Pelosi and the #SodSquad (ready made politicians for the insta-gen) is a sure sign that trouble is set to a continuous boil. The Mueller testimony failed to give Democrats the ammunition required to successfully take down Trump. Yet, the only people to recognize the risk of a continued push are the “over 75” caucus. The younger Democrats are willing to risk the future success of the party on a risky bet of taking down a President. They are losing patience with Pelosi, whom they perceive as an obstacle in their march toward impeachment.

The Left leaning “Young Turks” pull no punches when discussing Pelosi’s reluctance to pursue impeachment.

Pelosi Remembers Bill

The current House leadership (Hoyer, Clyburn, and Nadler) experienced first hand the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Likely they don’t want to repeat the outcome. Pelosi saw Newt Gingrich surrender his Speaker gavel after infighting cost the Republicans the House. The American voters grew tired of the single minded focus to impeach Bill Clinton. Even with a smoking cigar, and an admission of lying under oath, it was next to impossible to get a conviction in the Senate.

A Democrat defeat in the 2020 election is a very high price to pay for a walk down impeachment lane. From Roll Call

The political dynamic in 1998, with the midterm elections bearing down, meant that the only people who would really suffer the consequences of an impeachment misfire would be the House Republicans who pushed it, namely their leadership. The stakes for Democrats, with the presidential elections fast approaching, are much higher. A botched impeachment attempt could cost them not only the House majority, but also the White House.”

#SodSquad and Hardline Progressives Can’t Let Go

Young people rarely appreciate history. They seldom learn it, and seemingly lack the ability to respect the insightful lessons. The hardline Progressives are blinded by their hatred of Trump and his ideological direction. Detest of the President is the unifying thread amongst politicians with their lack of wisdom to recognize how Pelosi is angling to win the White House in 2020, and recapture the Senate. She wants the Trifecta of the Obama years, and needs it to push through her agenda. The #SodSquad, and their ilk, fail to realize that a win for Pelosi is a win for them.

A majority control of the Legislative and the Executive Branches affords Democrats the opportunity to expand government. To control the immigration agenda … bring about single payer healthcare…. They can achieve all their dreams. But they have to allow Pelosi to do her thing.

Fortunately for us, the hardline Progressives would rather throw a temper tantrum about what they can’t have right now. At the cost of what they want in the future. Immaturity and myopic perspective will hurt their party in 2020. Unbelievably, the leaders of the new Progressives fail to recognize their responsibility for the situation. They see Pelosi as the reason things are going downhill in their party. From the Washington Examiner article about Pelosi lacking Progressive credibility,

“We know she doesn’t have the same goals as us,” Ben Becker, an officer at San Francisco Berniecrats tells me. “Pelosi isn’t doing this because she has some vision where she wants to change the world.” Why has she toiled so long in the political trenches? “She wants power.”

Unsupported Ambitions

Despite incremental climbs in numbers from the House, and a certain loss in the Senate, Huffpo reports the surge,

A growing number of House Democrats are in favor of starting an impeachment inquiry into Trump, though Pelosi remains the strongest Democratic voice against it. A record 95 lawmakers, all Democrats, voted earlier this month against tabling a House resolution to impeach Trump. That was an increase from the 66 lawmakers who voted against tabling a similar resolution in January 2018.”

Mueller’s testimony was not edifying in any regard to new information. The “bombshell” was a complete dud. A poll taken prior to his Capitol Hill appearance highlights waning support for impeachment. I find it hard to believe that the lack of new information will increase support for this distraction. Especially in light of the actual pressing issues facing the nation.

Pelosi knows that Independent voters are the key to winning in 2020. She knows that a Trump defeat will further her agenda. Even a Trump victory will offer the opportunity to continue the fruitless investigations. But what must happen is a temporary drawdown to let the focus shift from the “witch hunt” narrative, to the “working for the American people” narrative. Or as Congressman Cummings stated,

“This is not about liking the president; it’s about loving democracy, it’s about making a difference for generations. … That’s what this is all about.”

A theme Nancy Pelosi carried in her tweet,

Passive Agressive Tweets

Incapable of staying out of the fray, Freshman Ilhan Omar followed the Pelosi press conference with a rather ambiguous tweet. Is she calling out Pelosi for slowing down the Impeachment Express? Or maybe she felt we needed a study of religion. Either way…. it’s passive aggressive. And seemingly subtle for one of the #SodSquad.

Time Heals All

Okay, that’s a joke. However, time will tell if Pelosi’s strategy for 2020 is on target. I wouldn’t bet against her in a match with the #SodSquad or their minions. She’s a political animal, and has the cave full of bones to prove her voracity in the arena of politics. If the balance of the country wasn’t on the betting table, I may find some enjoyment in watching the battle. Unfortunately, it feels like this infighting will take us further down a path of incivility. Into a dark place where moderates are shunned in favor of extreme views and raging attacks on anyone who dares to work for the “other” people in the Republic. If I can’t have a Republican in charge of the House, Nancy isn’t the worst option.

Featured Image Credit: flicker Created by: DonkeyHotey License Under: CC2.0 Image Cropped 400×400

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"CC" to her friends. Recent escapee from Northern VA to the Great State of Texas. I'm a Pro-LIfe, Pro-Gun, Libertarian type... There is very little that fresh lime juice and good tequila can't fix.

  • George V says:

    It is sort of funny that the shoe is now on the other foot!

  • E, ROBOT says:

    Pelosi is only dangerous because no matter how scatter-brained she is, the media props her up.

    Progs are dangerous because they don’t need to make sense or for the media to clean up their act. No matter how nonsensical their blather is, it still resonates with their “gimme free stuff” cohort.

  • erp says:

    Pelosi is only dangerous because no matter how scatter-brained she is, the media props her up.

    Progs are dangerous because they don’t need to make sense or for the media to clean up their act. No matter how nonsensical their blather is, it still resonates with their “gimme free stuff” cohort.

  • […] awesome to see “The Squad” go after Pelosi. But the squad needs to fully understand that Pelosi is the grizzled veteran of many intra-party […]

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