Pro-Palestine Rioters Swarm U.S. Capitol During Netanyahu’s Visit

Pro-Palestine Rioters Swarm U.S. Capitol During Netanyahu’s Visit

Pro-Palestine Rioters Swarm U.S. Capitol During Netanyahu’s Visit

This afternoon, ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned speech before Congress on Wednesday, pro-Palestinian rioters have swarmed the U.S. Capitol.

That’s exactly correct. They should all share the same fate as those who entered the Capitol on January 6. Months and years of sitting in jail with major sentences and/or fines handed out once their case is finally heard. But you see, they aren’t the BAD kind of protestors. 

A number of pro-Palestinian protesters were apprehended by U.S. Capitol Police officers as they staged a protest inside one of the House office buildings just one day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to address Congress.

Protesters gathered in the rotunda of the Cannon Office Building on Tuesday afternoon, their chants echoing throughout the building that were heard from several floors away. Capitol Police attempted to disperse the crowd and confiscate banners, although it was not immediately clear how many protesters were arrested.

What they are doing and advocating for isn’t an insurrection according to the Democrat left. Nope, it’s just ‘expressing their opinions loudly.’

Which is why security fences suddenly appeared around key buildings in Washington D.C. 

We already know that Kamala Harris won’t be in attendance at tomorrow night’s speech. Instead, she’s off speaking and working to gin up support for her Presidential ambitions. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, will potentially meet with Netanyahu on Thursday. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will hold separate meetings with President Biden and former President Trump this week.

Netanyahu will meet with Biden on Thursday in Washington, the prime minister’s office said in a statement.

It all depends upon Joe’s performance on Wednesday night as to whether a lid will be called on Thursday or not. 

The Prime Minister has a busy schedule, but it was good to see he was meeting with the families of the hostages. 

Back to the pro-Palestine rioters. What they are doing isn’t an insurrection, according to the left’s definition. Especially since they have supporters among the ranks. 

You just KNOW she’s itching to join them in their righteous indignation! Yet, evidently she may not even show up at the Capitol on Wednesday if her staff deems it unsafe for her. So, maybe the crowd will get a touch violent? Again, isn’t that kind of insurrectiony? 

We’ve written again and again about the violence committed BY Pro-Palestine protests. Yet most of them are free to protest again and again, because the consequences of their actions are a mere tap on the wrist. 

Democratic lawmakers who spoke to Axios also expressed concern that Netanyahu’s speech will put Israeli issues back in the spotlight, as Israel’s counteroffensive operations in Gaza have largely ended, making it a less prominent issue in the U.S. political scene. Still, between 50 and 100 Democratic lawmakers will not attend Netanyahu’s speech out of protest for Israel’s operations in Gaza, one House Democrat told Axios.

“Today’s Monday and the speech is Wednesday, so I think it will quickly turn,” a senior House Democrat told Axios.

Pretty telling that Democrats would rather let the mob have their way while also clutching pearls over the fact that Israel will have the spotlight tomorrow on two occasions.

The Prime Minister will be speaking at Joe Lieberman’s memorial service, and to a joint session of Congress that afternoon. 

Blumenthal said Netanyahu’s appearance will not take attention away from the purpose of the event.

“Joe Lieberman was always his own person. Whoever attends that service simply will never detract from Joe as a person, what he did in his life, his model, as a mentor to so many of us, and as a leader.”

By definition, what the pro-Palestine protestors are doing today and planning tomorrow (likely with funding from Iran) meets the Democrats definition of insurrection.

Jinan Deena, a Palestinian-American from the Washington area, said she and others were “gearing up for a day of rage” against Mr Netanyahu’s visit.

“To know [Mr Netanyahu] is going to be sharing air with us in our own city… it’s like a slap in the face,” she said.

Another organiser from Michigan, who did not give their name, said “more people are willing to get arrested this time” compared to previous protests.

In fact, those peaceful protestors got a little big for their britches!

Yet there will be zero consequences for their actions. Rules for me, not for thee!

Feature Photo Credit: Becker1999 from Grove City, OH, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Language. “pro-Palestinian rioters” – not. “Supporters of mass murder and rape” – yes.

  • John Shepherd says:

    This represents a major dilemma for the Democrats. It is one thing to boycott Netanyahu’s speech, that is news for 5 minutes. It is another thing to been seen as sanctioning a violent anti-Semitic demonstration at the Capital. You can bet the RNC and the Trump campaign will be documenting the violence for campaign ads.

  • Tim says:

    That poster looks like a Bolshevik retread from the 1930’s. They need to work on their material.

  • Cameron says:

    Someone should educate that woman about how she’d be treated in “Palestine” or any other Middle Eastern country.

  • GWB says:

    Far-left and Palestinian nationalist groups have announced plans to shut down Washington, D.C.
    Hmm, what? Oh, ok. You said that like it’s a bad thing.

  • GWB says:

    violently beating on the office doors, shouting loudly, and attempting to force entry into the office
    Well, that sure sounds like a valid case for shooting a shotgun through the door in self-defense, if ever I heard one.

    Oh, wait, he wouldn’t have a gun handy, would he? What with being a Dem.

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