Prince George is Four, But a Clergyman Hopes He Marries Another Man Someday. [VIDEO]

Prince George is Four, But a Clergyman Hopes He Marries Another Man Someday. [VIDEO]

Prince George is Four, But a Clergyman Hopes He Marries Another Man Someday. [VIDEO]

Little Prince George is an adorable little lad. And since he’s four-years-old, the wee son of Prince William and Kate has a special Christmas wish.

He wants a police car. After all, that’s such a boy wish, isn’t it?

An Episcopal clergyman from Glasgow has a hope for little Prince George, too. He would like to see little George find true love. Only the Very Rev. Kelvin Holdsworth wants George to fall in love with another man. Moreover, he’d like believers to “pray in the privacy of their hearts (or in public if they dare) for the Lord to bless Prince George with a love, when he grows up, of a fine young gentleman.”

Why? To advance the cause of gay marriage in the Church of England, of course. Currently, the C. of E. says it’s “not legally possible” for same-sex marriages to occur in the church. However, the not-so-reverend Holdsworth is from the Scottish Episcopal Church, which voted in June to let its priests marry gay couples. So now it’s Katy Bar the Door, because Holdsworth, a gay activist, is eager to force gay marriage on English Anglicans, too.

He hopes Prince George grows up to be gay. Credit: Herald Scotland.

Needless to say, the faithful in Britain had some choice words for the recalcitrant Scottish clergyman. Gavin Ashenden, a former chaplain to Queen Elizabeth, had this to say to the BBC:

“To use prayer as a mechanism for wishing this on Prince George is an unkind and destructive thing to do. It doesn’t have the prince’s best interests at heart, but uses him as a gender-political football to please 1.7% of the population.

And Susie Leafe, the director of a British evangelical group added:

“I was very disappointed that he was prepared to bring a child in to this same-sex marriage debate. As a Christian minister he should pray for all people to come to know the love of Christ, rather than a fine young gentleman.”

Now Kelvin Holdsworth is trying to explain away his statements. In his blog “What is in Kelvin’s Head?” (good question!), he wrote that this was an “old post” and it was “not my intention to cause hurt.” He concluded, “I’m not interested in continuing it through a conversation about Prince George.”

Nice try there, Sparky. But that horse has left the barn now, hasn’t it?

What in the hell is wrong with these people? Don’t most normal adults want their children to grow up to be happy, successful, honest, and virtuous? So why would they want to see their son enter into a lifestyle that could bring anxiety and depression?

The Gaystapo, of course, don’t care what parents think. They don’t hesitate to use an innocent boy as their pawn because it’s The Agenda which must hold sway over everything else. And already they’ve tagged Prince George as a ‘gay icon,’ as an LGBT news site did back in August.

He’s a four-year-old boy, for crying out loud. This is sick. Unfortunately, it’s not about to end. Because we will all be made to care.

Merry Christmas. I hope Prince George gets that police car, and lots of other boy stuff, too.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • wyldkat says:

    They say that like there has never been a homosexual royal before. Look up Edward II. There’s long been speculation that he was homosexual. George will still have to marry a woman to produce an heir.

  • GWB says:

    “What is in Kelvin’s Head?”
    A lot of hot air and rotten cabbage.
    But, really, I’m just making an educated guess.

    And already they’ve tagged Prince George as a ‘gay icon,’ as an LGBT news site did back in August.
    He’s a four-year-old boy, for crying out loud.

    No, not all homosexuals are pedophiles, but a significantly high percentage of them are. This is why. Yes, it’s sick.

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