A Chicago activist appearing on Fox News “Kelly File” vehemently advocated for the abolition of police forces.
Said Jessica Disu in a heated discussion:
“We need to abolish the police. Period. Demilitarize the police, disarm the police, and we need to come up with community solutions for transformative justice.”
Who thinks that’s a good idea? Anyone, anyone? Bueller, Bueller?
Ms. Disu is wrong on so many levels. First of all, the first police department in America was not started as a “slave patrol.” According to Police Studies Online at Eastern Kentucky University, the first police force in the United States was organized in Boston in 1838 — because so many slaves were escaping from all the plantations that dotted the New England countryside, of course. Just like in Gone with the Wind.
As far as blacks being shot and killed willy nilly by police officers, two recent studies have proved that notion to be erroneous as well. Just yesterday, the New York Times published an article citing research conducted at Harvard that showed no racial bias in police shootings. It echoed the same results obtained in research conducted by the Washington Post at the end of last year.
The kicker? The author of the Harvard research is Robert G. Fryer, Jr., the youngest black person to receive tenure at Harvard. He called the finding “the most surprising result of his career.”
So let’s abolish the police in Chicago. So whom will Ms. Disu call when her home is robbed, or her car stolen, or she’s mugged on the streets? Ghostbusters?
Oh, right, “community solutions.” Maybe she envisions These Guys as the community solution.
I somehow doubt that Shetamia Taylor of Dallas would agree.
In case you missed it, Shetamia Taylor’s story of her experience with the dedication of the Dallas police department during the shootings is inspirational. She was wounded during the shooting, and the police protected both her and her son.
The heartfelt thankfulness she expressed to the Dallas police in a press conference at Baylor University Medical Center is poignant and uplifting. I recommend tissues nearby.
Abolish police departments — what could possibly go wrong? Just ask Shetamia Taylor. I’m sure it’s not a community in which she would want to raise her sons.
Well, yes, it’s a stupid idea, and no, it isn’t.
From a conservative point of view (and admittedly a bit libertarian), police are nothing more than citizens paid to do full time what all citizens should be doing anyway. So, abolishing the police dept would provide chaos in some areas (traffic rules enforcement), but not as much in others (bank robbery). But, that assumes the people are a strong, free, intelligent, self-governing citizenry!
I have no problem with communities (within often much too large cities) policing themselves, no matter the state of the city, county, or state police. It’s what citizens in a community should be doing! (And, eventually, a community will realize it’s a bit easier to pay certain people to do it all the time, than trying to run a volunteer schedule posted on the pool house wall.)
But, getting rid of police depts where there isn’t any community self-governance is stupid! The communities already struck by lawlessness and chaos will simply turn into death zones.
But, I will say, that if these communities would begin policing themselves (real policing, not some imbecility about “community solutions” – prog code for “let’s all sit around and kumbaya until we get some more of someone else’s money spent”) they would solve any racism problems. And many average intelligence people in that area would be shown that all the blather about “institutional racism” is bullhockey.
Notice, btw, that all the people advocating this idiocy live in nicer areas that don’t suffer from that lawlessness and chaos. She’s a “community activist” – I highly doubt she lives anywhere that gangs rule the streets.
Well said, GWB. Perhaps she should relocate to Baltimore for six months and see how that’s working out.
Wasn’t that how it was in the old west? Too few cops so the good citizens took care of things?
Without cops, it would be like The Purge every day.
PS. A former miss Alabama called the Dallas shooter a “martyr “.
Actually, I think we should eliminate “activists” like this, or at least name them more accurately. Anarchists.
For those interested, there is some good information on citizenry as police in this article about the common law origins of the 2d Amendment.
I would like to see communities reduce their police forces – if the cause is a citizenry taking its responsibilities seriously.