Planned Parenthood Pushing Teen Transition After Thirty Minute Chat

Planned Parenthood Pushing Teen Transition After Thirty Minute Chat

Planned Parenthood Pushing Teen Transition After Thirty Minute Chat

No, that’s not a joke. Planned Parenthood is prescribing gender transition medications to teens and young adults after a quick thirty minute chat.

The Free Beacon reports, after extensive investigation, teens and young-adults who visit Planned Parenthood clinics are prescribed damaging life-altering drugs so they can start transitioning. All without taking into consideration any underlying health and mental issues that person may have. 

As an example: Fred (whose name was changed to protect his and his family’s privacy), is autistic and announced he wanted to be a girl after another autistic friend of his announced the same. His parents tried to get him into the clinic that is geared towards helping kids navigate through this as his parents wanted him in counseling first. Except the wait time was over a year. And then, this happened. 

In late July, while his parents were out of town and after he had come of age, Fred went to Planned Parenthood, which prescribes hormones to any legal adult without a letter from a therapist or a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The only requirement is a brief consultation, usually with a nurse practitioner, about the drugs’ effects, which range from mood swings and male pattern baldness to permanent infertility.

How brief? Fred arrived at his local clinic, on North Fullerton Ave. in Montclair, New Jersey, at around 11:00 a.m., according to phone tracking data his parents used to monitor his whereabouts. By 11:39, they received a text message from CVS: Fred’s estrogen prescription was on its way. Instead of a months-long evaluation by expert psychiatrists, a nurse practitioner had, in little over 30 minutes, prescribed their special-needs son a powerful drug without their knowledge or consent.

“It’s criminal what Planned Parenthoods all over the country are doing,” Fred’s mother, a New Jersey pediatrician, said. “And most people have no idea this is happening.”

THIRTY MINUTES. That’s all it took for Fred to be given a prescription for estrogen. Was anyone at that Planned Parenthood concerned about the consequences of this for him? NO. Not one bit. In fact, it took me all of five minutes to determine that Planned Parenthood has completely immersed the organization into pushing gender transition with zero regard to the health and mental welfare of the people they are dealing with, particularly teens and young adults. 

You deserve safe health care. To find an affordable trans-competent nurse or doctor, do an internet search, ask trans and nonbinary people in your community, or talk to someone from a local LGBTQ+ community organization.

What if I’m afraid of how doctors will treat me?

It’s understandable if going to the doctor feels unsafe or uncomfortable, or if you worry about revealing your gender identity or gender modality. Accessing respectful health care can be challenging. Many transgender and nonbinary people experience discrimination and poor quality of care. Some nurses, doctors, and other medical workers aren’t sensitive to trans issues nor informed on transgender people’s health care needs.

You deserve to be treated well and seen for who you are when you see a doctor or nurse. Know that the staff at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center believes you deserve high-quality, compassionate health care that’s appropriate for your needs — no matter your gender identity.

That folks, is directly from the Planned Parenthood website. Did Fred receive high quality, compassionate health care when, after a mere thirty minutes, he was prescribed estrogen? No, absolutely not. Was the health care, and I use that term VERY loosely here, that Fred received, safe? No. 

It is this dangerous life-altering push that is finally leading doctors, parents, child advocates, and some legislatures to push back against this damaging ideology. 

Temporary regulations on gender transition hormonal therapies for youth under 19 took effect in Nebraska on Sunday following the state’s ban on gender transition surgeries for minors.

The state’s Department of Health and Human Services published temporary guidelines on Sunday mandating that patients under 19 receive 40 hours of psychological therapy focused on gender identity before being prescribed puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. Patients under 19 must also obtain parental permission and follow a seven-day waiting period before starting hormonal therapy for gender transition.

Not thirty minutes, 40 HOURS of counseling before any prescription, surgery, etc is to be considered. Would this regulation would include the Nebraska Planned Parenthood clinics? I would certainly hope so. But then again, Planned Parenthood may do pop-up clinics similar to what they did in Missouri a few months ago.

In Washington State, a CASA advocate was summarily dismissed from the organization because she wouldn’t help young children transition if they expressed a desire to. CASA is supposed to be working on behalf of the BEST INTERESTS of the child. Apparently in Washington State, gender transition with no questions asked is how they want to roll. 

According to Planned Parenthood, not only is abortion “healthcare,” gender transition is as well. And, they’ve been doing this for years. Cat Cattison, whose singing voice was destroyed by this “healthcare” had a similar experience to Fred’s, with one exception. 

A thirty minute PHONE CALL. That’s all it took. 

Planned Parenthood is proving themselves to be just as dangerous to those who think they want to gender transition as they are to the babies killed by abortion procedures. 

Feature Photo Credit: Tim Evanson/ Commons

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