No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

No Rachel Levine, Mothers Are NOT Chickens

Mothers are now chickens. We are only “egg producers.” That’s according to Rachel Levine, that guy masquerading as a woman while operating as the Assistant Secretary of Health for the Biden Administration is now calling women chickens.

Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health for the Department of Health and Human Services, praised an Alaska gender clinic which promoted revisionist ideas about biological sex, including eliminating the word mother from K-12 science classes.

Levine visited the Identity Alaska on August 6, stating, “These inspiring people work tirelessly to create a more equitable future, where all those living in the U.S. have equal access to lifesaving medical care.”

Identity Alaska actively promotes radical ideas about biological sex in its resources section called “gender-inclusive biology.”

Yes, he really went there. Then again, what the clinic is promoting is totally up Levine’s ally as he continually seeks to dehumanize and belittle women. But it’s worse than that. What the clinic is promoting for children as young as kindergarten is the erasure of mothers altogether. 

Instead of saying, “when the mom gives birth,” the terms should be “when the baby exists the womb.”

Similarly, a child shouldn’t be told they have genes from their mom and dad. Instead, it should be phrased as, “You received a mix of genes from sperm and egg.”

What this clinic is promoting is belittling and damaging. It will promote confusion among children as it pushes a radical trans ideology that is causing untold amounts of damage to children and adults. As we’ve repeatedly stated on this blog, puberty blockers along with other hormones and chopping off body parts doesn’t solve the inherent mental issues. It makes it worse. 

Furthermore, Levine himself is pushing this dangerous ideology to children and dehumanizing women and mothers. He’s pushing it EVEN as he didn’t transition until he was in his 50’s. He’s pushing this crap and ignoring the very real need for good mental health resources for these children and adults. 

This, as Kim points out here, has led several countries and some states to take GIANT steps back and assess the damage caused. Yet the transgender ideology is so pervasive and damaging that the knives are continually out for J.K. Rowling and a comedian just got canceled from a show in Scotland. 

An Edinburgh venue has cancelled a gig featuring controversial Irish writer Graham Linehan, after critics called out his history of remarks about the transgender community.

Linehan, 55, is known to many for being the co-creator and co-writer of the Channel 4 sitcom Father Ted, as well as other comedy series including Black Books and The IT Crowd.

He was suspended from Twitter, now known as X, in 2020 after making a series of controversial remarks about transgender people, but has since been reinstated on the platform.

On Tuesday (15 August), Edinburgh’s Leith Arches, which often hosts queer events, cancelled Thursday’s (17 August) Comedy Unleashed event featuring Linehan.

In a social media post, the venue said: “We are an inclusive venue and this does not align with our overall values. We were not made aware of the lineup of this show in advance.”

Oh, I see. The venue’s inclusiveness only goes one direction. As long as one stays with the chosen narrative and doesn’t step out of line, you will be applauded. But as soon as you invoke reality, you are canceled. 

The only “sensitive content” is the venue’s shrieking announcement canceling an entire gig just because Linehan was ONE of the actors. 

Back to Levine’s declaring women are chickens…excuse me “egg producers.” Levine is on record stating that if kids feel confused about their bodies, then just go ahead and transition them already. Even though HE is glad he got to grow up as a man, marry, and have kids, he’s now all in for pushing for transition during or prior to puberty. And that is what this Identity Clinic in Alaska is promoting. 

So now, in his fervent desire to push this ideology, he’s happily promoting the idea that mothers are chickens and men are only sperm donors. 

Yes, where are those liberal feminists? They wanted to be ‘woman hear us roar!,’ but now? Their silence is deafening. I can only presume that they too are completely fine being redefined as egg producers and having Richard Levine disrespectfully and mansplain to all women that we are just chickens. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Dietrich says:

    Every time I see a picture of that FREAK my stomach does summersaults. History will not be kind to this period in the U.S.

  • Liz says:

    That is one ugly dude.

  • Cameron says:

    I can only presume that they too are completely fine being redefined as egg producers and having Richard Levine disrespectfully and mansplain to all women that we are just chickens.

    That’s because Biden is in office. If Richard Levine was working under the Trump Administration, their screeching would shatter glass.

  • Johnny says:

    Twenty years ftom now, Levine will be the poster boy for this insanity.
    Can’t wait.

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