Nikki Haley Is Making Her Move

Nikki Haley Is Making Her Move

Nikki Haley Is Making Her Move

It appears Nikki Haley is making her move on Trump. She says she agrees with a lot of his policies. She says she was proud to serve America in Trump’s administration. But the chaos that follows him is the problem now, she says.

The chaos as in the lawsuits and indictments that the fascist Democratic leaders have brought upon the former President, Nikki? The chaos that the radical progressives have created and ginned up, Nikki? Is that the chaos you are referring to?

There would be no chaos if not for the wild imagination coming from the minds of the seditious radicals of the left wing. This is what Nikki Haley is hoping to cash in on. She’s leaning in on the made-up lies from liberals who want to see the downfall of Trump.

While the big media pundits want Nikki as the candidate, and they do, Trump is having none of it. Trump decided to have a little fun with it. That, or maybe he does feel slightly threatened by Nikki’s so-called surge.

During the college football rivalry weekend, it looks like Trump might attend the Palmetto Bowl in Columbia, South Carolina, for the Clemson vs South Carolina game.

Maybe Nikki’s “surge” is contrived by Ronna McDaniel and her Grand Old Party. Perhaps they are secretly desperate for the first woman President in the Republican party like the left was desperate for the first black President. I said what I said. It may be hard to believe that it really could be that simple. But it just might be.

The Surge?

However, for argument’s sake, I give you the following quote from the Messenger:

Any path for Haley would depend not on winning over the most loyal Trump supporters, but rather on consolidating the anti-Trump vote within the GOP and using impressive showings in both Iowa and New Hampshire — two states where Trump’s lead is relatively weaker, and where Haley has surged in recent weeks — to convince the roughly two-thirds (66%) of Trump supporters who are open to another candidate that she is that candidate.

That said, Haley’s improving poll numbers — she sits at 19% in New Hampshire and 14% in Iowa per RealClearPolitics polling average — also underscore just how challenging it would be for any Republican hopeful to defeat Trump.

However, for Republicans who believe Trump’s nomination would jeopardize a winnable 2024 presidential election, given President Biden’s historically low approval numbers, Haley represents a glimmer of hope, and Haley is now capitalizing on that.

A glimmer of hope. Pffft. She’s not my glimmer of hope. I know many people who do not like her and do not want her as the candidate. But the media sure is doing its best to push Nikki in your face.

But yes, chaos

Chaos was created surrounding Trump, that’s for sure. And I think Toni has been doing a great job covering Trump and his campaign. Here, Toni writes about Trump’s wishes and strides on how to move America forward.

But every time Trump tried to move us forward the party elites slammed on the breaks. They should today be screaming about the lawfare being waged against Trump, but are silent. Silent like they were six years ago with the Steele Dossier. Best way to lose is to refuse to stick your neck out. Republican voters see this. Trust me. – Victory Girls Toni

I hope so, Toni. I hope the voters see it.

The only surge going on with Nikki is her making the rounds of big-time dollar donors in the Wall Street world who want anyone but Trump. I guess Nikki is their girl.

And, of course, we know there is no second place in the Republican Presidential Primary; everything from here until the Convention in July is nothing but pure speculation, hard attempts at jockeying in the polls, ridiculous headlines, and inflammatory campaign ads. And voting in the primaries. The Victory Girls will write it all up here on the blog.

Feature Image: Nikki Haley/Flickr/DonkeyHotey/CC BY 2.0 DEED

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  • John Shepherd says:

    It doesn’t matter what the cause of the chaos during the Trump years was it is the reality that is in the mind of the voters that matters and not what opinion writers think. Trump is not blameless either. From the beginning he has been a co-dependent. He thrives and is energized by the negative coverage. He deliberately provokes it. If it weren’t for the indictments he would not have a commanding lead as much of his support is driven by it. I suspect that the Democrats know that and is whatotivates their behavior. Once Trump secures the nomination the Democrats are going to discover that Joe is no longer up to the job and select the candidate that is strongest against Trump.

  • Joe R. says:

    UN trash

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  • Bob says:

    After what Nikki did in South Carolina I’ll never vote for her again, ever.

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