Nikki Haley And The Swamp

Nikki Haley And The Swamp

Nikki Haley And The Swamp

Nikki Haley and The Swamp isn’t a new pop music group. But they do go together like ham and cheese, lipstick and pearls, or Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi.

Like it or not, Nikki Haley is gaining ground and will probably fare well in Iowa. What? Yes. I think she’ll do way better than most people think. No, I don’t like it either.

She has the expansive power of The Swamp behind her. She’s not a disruptor. She’ll bend to whatever The Swamp tells her to bend to.

Do you know who or what The Swamp is or what it consists of? Jeffrey Lord banged out a short piece at The American Spectator telling who or what makes up The Swamp.

The Swamp could be corrupt Old Order bureaucrats in the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice trying to thwart, first, a presidential election that elects Trump.

The Swamp includes a corrupted media that makes it its mission to not report the news that doesn’t fit The Swamp’s objectives. The suppression by Big Tech and Big Government of the 2020 New York Post exclusive about Hunter Biden’s laptop is exactly The Swamp at work.

The Swamp wants complete cultural and political control of America. Its players see themselves as having a God-given right to run America, whether they are in the federal bureaucracy, the media, academia, and more. – Jeffrey Lord, American

That’s an excellent start. And while Jeffrey Lord is way more wicked smart than I could ever be, I think he omitted some people from his description. I’ll keep my opinion about who else should be on that list for now, but I’ll tell you it’s not only the Left who needs to be on it. I can name some old establishment Republicans; I am sure you can, too.

But we need to move on.

The fact is that Nikki has The Swamp supporting her, and she wants The Swamp on her side. She thinks she can win this with The Swamp backing her. And you know what? She might just do it.

Who’s big New York apartment is he referring to?!

Nikki Haley is no disruptor.

The Swamp loves her. The former UN Ambassador is no rabble-rouser. But they do love it when she talks about Trump’s chaos and woes. Whether it’s his own self-induced chaos or chaos brought on by the left, she brings it up every time she has a camera in her face. And that alone is what is turning some moderates away from Trump.

In today’s climate, if you stand firm and believe that a man cannot become a woman, you are considered a radical. But Nikki can’t tell us if she thinks a man can become a woman. That is a huge red flag for those who live in a healthy and balanced world. Remember when Ketanji Brown said she couldn’t define what a woman is because she wasn’t a biologist?

That is just one small example, but at the same time, it’s also a huge one for some of us.

And now a poll shows that Nikki’s supporters would vote for Biden over Trump should Haley not become the nominee. What?

But while the survey reveals favorable results for the candidate, what it says about her supporters in Iowa is also noteworthy. The poll revealed that most of her supporters would vote for President Joe Biden if former President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee. –

Nikki Haley is not our friend:

I am going to predict that Nikki will come in second to Trump in Iowa, and she will close the gap in New Hampshire. At least, that is what the polls tell us. And if DeSantis drops out, and that’s a big if, his supporters may not go to Trump either. I think there is such a big divide between Trump and DeSantis that it cannot be salvaged. So, who will they go to?

Feature Image: Nikki Haley/Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0/Edited in Canva Pro

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