New York Times Editorial Board: Step Down, Biden

New York Times Editorial Board: Step Down, Biden

New York Times Editorial Board: Step Down, Biden

The earth is shaking-The New York Times editorial board has come out and asked Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 election.

Can he still win? The editorial board at The New York Times does not think so:

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.”-The New York Times Editorial Board

Are they? I would say their tone is a far cry from the way they were falling all over themselves to call the 2021 victory for Biden but, there’s lots of water under the bridge since those times.

The truth did not lie. The truth was told to all of America looking at that split screen on Thursday night.

He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”-The New York Times Editorial Board

He struggled to explain what he would do in his FIRST term. But, The New York Times and the media largely ignored this in 2020. This is what happens when you someone in the basement for a whole campaign season. Unfortunately, the Democrats did not have a pandemic to use as an excuse to lock up the incompetent this time around.

And, excuse, me, Joe Biden “struggled to hold Trump accountable for his lies?” You mean that “everything that guy said is BS” remark Joe made wasn’t good enough? It would have been in 2020. And, “he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence?” I hate to inform The New York Times editorial board but this guy has been unable to finish a sentence WELL BEFORE he was ever elected the 46th President of The United States, geniuses.

My vote is for the lying, convicted felon.

And, while Biden staffers try to calm down anxious donors after Joe’s dismal display of dementia, we say, the donors all but ASKED for this. But don’t worry, Bill Clinton both still thinks that Biden is THE GUY.

Leave it to old, horny Bill to utter the word, “quagmire”. Giggity. FYI, Slick. Trump did not put us in the quagmire we are in now, he tried to avoid it. The old fool on stage this past Thursday night and HIS policies did. I know, whether they were HIS policies or someone else’s (Ahem, Barack? What say you?) he was enacting, we’re still in the mess we are in because of the Biden Administration.

Yet this is the very editorial board, which is separate from the pool of journalists at The New York Times, who, apparently think Kamala Harris “could win this election” and (we) “should let her”

Can I get a hell-to-the-no?!

Did I mention my vote is for the lying, convicted felon?

Joe Biden was just a “shadow of a great public servant”, says The New York Times editorial board. A shadow? A public servant? In reality, Joe Biden was not a “public servant”, ever. He served himself and his family. This mentality, while it is not apparent in the old man at the podium, is still very much alive and well in his self-centered wife gunning for four more years in The White House. The question remains: will DOCTOR Jill help Joe to step down the “step down” stairs? It’s doubtful.
Jill Biden, in reality, should be charged with elder abuse. Why? Contrast this garbage “Doctor” with former First Lady, Nancy Reagan and I say no more.

Furthermore, Joe Biden certainly wasn’t great. Not in the least bit. I had to remember this as I watched the shell of a human being that is Joe Biden stand on the podium this past Thursday night looking one o’ clock, half struck. You could pity the Big Guy. Until you realize what a sub-par “public servant” he’s been in his years of lucidity. Until you realize what a snake he’s been when he had his mental faculties about him. This is Karma playing out for all (hey, young Swiftie Lefties old enough to vote, I’m talking to you). So, spare us, oh, great, New York Times editorial board with your “compassion” and “concern” for this country. You all have rammed this imbecile down our throats for years; promoting a “kinder, gentler America”; promising “stability and clarity”. This is the culmination of this very narrative.

The liberal media is attempting to save face by having this universal revelation that Joe Biden is incompetent and unable to serve this country in a dash-two term, to include The New York Times editorial board. Biden must step down, for the “good of this country”, they say, despite fawning over what and WHO was to be, “Obama 2.0” in 2020. Gag me. Since when have any of them cared about the good of this country? They’ve helped to wreck it. They are only “caring” now to save face because they look like idiots. The egg drips from their proverbial double chins in copious amounts. Grab a damn bucket, already.

You had better believe that I’m voting for the lying, orange-man, convicted felon.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    Sorry, NYT. You wanted this. And now you are going to get it good and hard.

  • Mad Celt says:

    A few days over 6 months and Pedo Joe Biden, the most inept, incompetent and evil president in our history, will have to step down. I would love to see the day the new president is sworn in the FBI show up to slap cuffs on the senile, old fool. That won’t happen but at least he will go out knowing how hated and despised he is. More so than Nixon ever was.

    • Cameron says:

      He pretty much beat out Wilson for the title of worst President which is rather impressive.

      Now funny thing about your image of him being cuffed. Imagine the same people demanding that of Trump and claiming that he has no immunity suddenly having to act as if Presidential immunity is important.

    • Jack says:

      I wouldn’t hold my breath on that if I were you.

      It’ll never happen.

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