Last week, Victory Girls shared the concerns of what some students at Iowa’s Kirkwood Community College saw in a Hillary Clinton candidacy. Clinton visited the campus last week in a highly-controlled powwow, the ending of which resulted in an embarrassing display of liberal media ScoobyVan-chasing hysteria, and a revelation that the “listening” chats were seeded not with “the folks” as her campaign would have us believe, but with hand-picked Democrat operatives. Well, now Hillary is facing similar concerns from more (real!) students. This week: Dartmouth College.
Fifty random students were interviewed prior to Hillary’s New Hampshire barnstorm this week, and one issue was broached by no less than twenty-two of those students: Benghazi.
“I think there was blood on her hands.” [Cameron Poole] said he believes Clinton’s performance before, during and after should disqualify her from holding higher office. “I definitely do,” he said. “It shows how she acts under pressure.” — Cameron Poole, Freshman
On the issue of political opportunism, Poole continued:
“It almost seems like she tried to use the position of first lady to nudge her way into possessing political power,” he mused, dropping hints about her “Hillarycare” medical insurance overhaul proposal.
On gender and foreign policy:
Jacob Cutler, History Major (Photo Credit Daily Mail)
“It may be a historic thing, but it shouldn’t matter. I don’t really care what the gender of the person is. It’s whether their ideas are good. That’s the problem. She obviously has a lot of experience in a lot of ways, but what might keep her from winning is what she did with that experience. Under Obama I really think we’ve made a lot of mistakes, and some [were] under her tenure. I don’t know what she would do to change things. I think that’s for her to clear up.” — Jacob Cutler
Stacey Benton, Government Major (Photo Credit Daily Mail)
“Most of the things I know about her were during her time as secretary of state. I don’t know much about what she did as a senator, or before that. It’s hard for me to think of any particular accomplishments. I suppose – I know she visited the most countries of any secretary of state. But when you see a bunch of messes abroad, you kind of think of who was – well, it falls under who was secretary of state at the time.” — Alex Frye, Government Major
[A President Hillary Clinton] is “just going to continue a lot of things Obama has been doing. There hasn’t been much good in Obama’s foreign policy.” — Stacey Benton
On Hillary’s less-than-impressive resume:
“It seems like she wants the job more than she would be good at it.” —Robert Stackhouse, Texas native
Most of the left-leaning students who said they’d “likely” vote for Hillary admitted they really knew nothing about her life pre-State Department, while even the self-described Democrats expressed reservations about her character. Stackhouse continued:
“She doesn’t look like that fantastic a candidate”…[and Stackhouse] isn’t reassured by the idea of one of [Obama’s] secretaries of state taking over the Oval Office.
And on Hillary’s attempts to portray herself as an everyday American:
Julia Lau, Economics Major (Photo Credit Daily Mail)
“Her life has always been in the spotlight. I think that’s why it’s really interesting that she tried to go with this ‘everyday American’ campaign. Everybody knows that her life has not necessarily been about the everyday American. Any attempt at trying to reach out to the everyday citizen is always going to be a good thing…whether it’s just for show or if it’s actually genuine.” —Julia Lau
Yeah, I’m going with the former.
And when the worshiping media finally caught a chance to ask about that upcoming book? Well, Hillary’s answer on the campaign trail yesterday afternoon was absolutely Clintonesque:
Nice dodge, Baggage Lady. Still, she didn’t deny it:
VIDEO: Hillary WON’T DENY NEW allegations of influence-peddling at State Dept!
As long as you can run like a gazelle, are impressed with burrito consumption, or happen to be a Democrat plant.
The woman who desperately wants us all to believe she’s one of us, and is hypocritically taking aim at the “wealthy” as she barnstorms New Hampshire this week, is calling the soon-to-be released book, Clinton Cash, a “distraction.” In the book, author Peter Schweizer reportedly makes the claim that Hill ‘n Billy have accumulated portions of their vast wealth by accepting donations (translation: that’s “bribes”) from foreign entities in exchange for political favors, including during Hillary’s time as SecState. Excuse me, but isn’t that a…what’s the word I’m looking for…oh yeah, FELONY? And Hillary’s right. If what some at Dartmouth are saying reflects the opinion of the coveted youth vote at large, they may indeed be “distracted.” By the blood on Hillary’s hands. And her ever-growing pile of alleged felonies. And that’s good news for an increasingly diverse field of GOP candidates.
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