MTG And the Jesus As a Convicted Felon Argument

MTG And the Jesus As a Convicted Felon Argument

MTG And the Jesus As a Convicted Felon Argument

At the Trump Las Vegas, Nevada rally, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene told the audience that she’s voting for Donald Trump and that Jesus of Nazareth, who she worships, is also a convicted felon. The Left removed their heads from their backsides long enough to cosplay fake outrage about Our Savior and Donald J. Trump being mentioned in the same speech. If God would just send the Sweet Meteor O’Death, we all might be better off. Here we are though. Welcome to the 2024 Presidential Race.

Oy freaking vey. I agree with Victory Girls own Carol. MTG is feisty, honest and fiery. It’s a welcome change from the spine-free, middle-manager types that are in the Republican leadership. There are times that MTG is just TEDIOUS.

Mediaite wrote:

Greene called Trump’s conviction “bullshit” before adding that her and other MAGA supporters were “not going to tolerate it.” The Georgia lawmaker remains one of Trump’s most ardent supporter in Congress and has demanded the DOJ face backlash for the conviction.

Oh, it is bullshit. And you want to know something? We are going to tolerate it. The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about. Oh, President Trump is a convicted felon. Well, you want to know something? The man that I worship is also a convicted felon. And he was murdered on a Roman cross. We’ve seen political corruption. We have seen this throughout history. This is nothing new.

Marjorie, Marjorie, Marjorie. Please police your piehole. There are many great leaders who were convicted by Kangaroo Kourts and sentenced to prison. When you compare Our Lord to President Trump, it gives ammo to The Left. You MAY have a point, but don’t help out The Left. They will grind you. They are humorless scolds who have no depth of understanding.

At the beginning of this video, Marjorie explains, but it does no good. You are not winning if you are explaining Jesus to Capitol Hill reporters.

Then, there is Rex Huppke. He used to be with a Chicago paper, but now writes for USA Today. Rex is a clever boy:

More from Huppke’s USA Today column:

Trump like Jesus? Not sure which Bible Marjorie Taylor Greene is reading.
I don’t remember from my Catholic upbringing the Biblical story of Jesus being convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with an adult parchment star. Also, “felony” as a legal term didn’t come about until Medieval England.
But I’d never claim to be an expert on Christianity like Greene. I’ll just assume she was referencing a parable from the “NEW New Testament: MAGA Edition,” which makes sense when you consider the fact that, before she spoke, the chair of the Nevada Republican Party said people at the rally had gathered to “worship” Trump.

Maybe we pray for relief from Biden’s money printing operations which have driven inflation to the point we cannot afford our lives. That is not worship for Trump. Fact is, we know Trump is a highly flawed man, like ourselves, and very unlike Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Son of God.

Let’s not get all high and mighty about Felony and Medieval England. I am not a Medieval historian, as Mr. Huppke seems to be. Nor, am I a Christologist. But I do know that there are other great leaders who have been imprisoned. Which, I believe, is the point. Having little autocrats go after great minds is done often.

That The Left cannot see what they are doing is soooooo typical. On the other hand, Marjorie Taylor Green needs to sit down and not invoke Our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth in comparison to a brilliant real estate developer.

Featured Composite: James Shepard/ Commons/DonkeyHotey/ Commons

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  • GWB says:

    Also, “felony” as a legal term didn’t come about until Medieval England.
    When you’re using stupid pedantry to make your point, you might not be making the point you think.
    “Felon” comes from “felun” of Anglo-French origin, probably from earlier Old High German. And the meaning of that word is “evildoer.” It (felony) has always had a meaning of a serious crime – like murder, rape, or insurrection against the king caesar.

    So, yes, Jesus was “convicted of a felony” and sentenced to die for it. Though no one really ever met the rules for a valid conviction/sentence. (Hmmmm….)

    to cover up an affair with an adult parchment star
    BTW, one of the accusations against Jesus was that he hung around prostitutes (with all that implied).

    On the other hand, Marjorie Taylor Green needs to sit down and not invoke Our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth in comparison to a brilliant real estate developer.
    Jesus is an even better developer. Did He not tell his followers that He goes to prepare a place for them? In some translations, it’s elsewhere said “a mansion with many rooms”? Sounds like an even better version of Trump Towers.

    MTG’s statements are something called rhetoric. It’s wise to remember that, along with the concept of hyperbole.

    BTW, something broke in your formatting, Toni. Your next-to-last blockquote ends up not closing and I can’t tell where Hupke’s quote ends and your text resumes. (Your last one does close, but that just puts you back into the next-to-last one.) It got confusing.

    • You made every point that I was about to, GWB. Sigh… No excuse now for not getting onto the dishes after fighting with the snake to get the sink usable again.

    • Toni Williams says:

      formatting was operator error. thank you. I love rhetoric, even Trump’s. I just think we need to be careful invoking Our Lord.

      • GWB says:

        Thank you for fixing that. Males it much easier to see who’s saying what.

        I see the invocation of Christ being a “convicted felon” as the same sort of thing as “You know who else owned a dog?” references. It’s a way of getting your attention (or should be, but we live in a highly irreverent world now) and making you take a step back. Because the bogus conviction of Trump has made even more people treat him as a martyr/savior, IMO.

  • Cameron says:

    Honestly, don’t care. These screeching bags of meat still won’t tell me why I should vote for the kiddy sniffer who heroically shit himself in front of the world.

  • American Human says:

    Jesus Christ was never convicted of anything. The Jews were not allowed to convict him of anything and Pilate could not find any crime. Pilate washed his hands (symbolically) of The Christ and allowed Him to be crucified. Again, he was not convicted of anything. The Jews could not even convict him of blasphemy..

    • GWB says:

      The Jewish council found him “guilty” of blasphemy. It wasn’t by weight of evidence, but they did find him guilty. TPTB in 33AD did exactly what the Dems have been doing for 4 years – shifting “guilt” based on whatever will get their target hung at any moment. (Hence, the shift to a crime against Caesar when Pilate tells them he doesn’t care about blasphemy. Heck, they even “say the quiet part out loud” when they tell Pilate, “But we can’t kill him for blasphemy, so we’ll also say he’s plotting against Caesar.”) It demonstrates an obsession with the target.

      None of that is to say Trump is the equivalent of Jesus. But it might be appropriate to say “You people are just as obsessed, regardless of justice or rightness, with getting Trump as the Sanhedrin was with getting Jesus.”

  • Carol Marks says:

    LOL Love it! Great writing!

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