Michael Avenatti Tries To Climb Back Into Spotlight

Michael Avenatti Tries To Climb Back Into Spotlight

Michael Avenatti Tries To Climb Back Into Spotlight

“Nobody puts Michael Avenatti in a corner!” screams Michael Avenatti from his time-out corner.

Just because Stormy Daniels’s former lawyer has many, many, MANY legal issues of his own isn’t going to stop him from riding the coattails of a current bestselling book back into the media spotlight.

The book in question is Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino’s “Justice on Trial,” and Hemingway announced the news that the book was on the top of Amazon Charts. (Victory Girl Nina reviewed the book here.)

Well, Avenatti is not portrayed favorably in the book (surprise!), so he has a bone to pick with the authors. He wants to debate them. On TV. Because no Twitter feud is worth it unless Michael Avenatti can turn it into some sweet, sweet, cable TV exposure, right?

One would think that Avenatti would have enough sense to walk away. He’s proved repeatedly that he is lacking in the common sense department. There’s really only one thing left to say to the man.

But Avenatti’s not done! He’s going to ride the coattails of another legal case!

So, what is this about? Well, it has nothing to do with Michael Avenatti, but when has that ever mattered to him?

Federal prosecutors have told a judge in New York they have concluded their investigation into campaign finance crimes committed by President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The closure of the case is the strongest suggestion yet that federal prosecutors have decided not to bring criminal charges against anyone besides Cohen in the scheme to use hush-money payments to protect Trump’s reputation during the 2016 presidential campaign.

U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III made the disclosure in a court filing Wednesday as part of a legal fight over whether to unseal search warrant materials dealing with the investigation.

For months, prosecutors had asked that the documents remain sealed because they were still probing payments Cohen helped orchestrate to two women — porn actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold Karen McDougal — who claimed they had affairs with Trump.

While Cohen pleaded guilty last August to charges that the payoffs amounted to illegal campaign contributions, others involved remained uncharged, including Trump himself and executives at the Trump Organization and American Media Inc., the company that owns the National Enquirer.

Now, though, prosecutors have informed the court in a sealed filing that they’ve concluded the investigation, clearing the way for the release of documents related to the case.

If you didn’t know this already, Avenatti will do or say anything in order to 1) be on TV, and 2) not talk about his own felony indictments. His press conference is sure to be a temper tantrum about Donald Trump and nothing else.

His fifteen minutes are long done, but Michael Avenatti is giving it all he’s got to get back in front of a camera. He really is a sad, strange little man.

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Featured image: Michael Avenatti via Fox News YouTube channel screenshot

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  • Johnny says:

    Michael who?

    Oh – Creepy Porn Lawyer!
    Isn’t he in prison yet?

    On second thought, never mind – don’t care.

  • GWB says:

    “Nobody puts Michael Avenatti in a corner!” screams Michael Avenatti from his time-out corner.
    Heh. Love it.
    (Now I have a picture in my mind of Stetler lifting Avenatti over his head while dancing……..)

  • CaptDMO says:

    After reading Mr. A’s “tweets”, I recognize the unmistakable style, use with several sock puppet accounts, in threads at (eg)Daily Caller!

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