Media: Speaker Mike Johnson’s Ancestor Was Also An Election Denier!

Media: Speaker Mike Johnson’s Ancestor Was Also An Election Denier!

Media: Speaker Mike Johnson’s Ancestor Was Also An Election Denier!

If they can’t find actual dirt, the media will just make S**T up. That is highly evident with the plethora of ‘oh-so serious’ news reports on House Speaker Mike Johnson these last few days.

Mike Johnson is a Christian. That fact has the media clutching all the pearls. Check this bit of “wisdom” out from The New York Times. His faith is such that he’s a *GASP! Christian Nationalist.

“Speaker Johnson really does provide a near-perfect example of all the different elements of Christian nationalism,” said Andrew Whitehead, a sociologist at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. He said those included insisting on traditionalist family structures, “being comfortable with authoritarian social control and doing away with democratic values.”

Mr. Johnson declined an interview request and did not respond to a request for comment about whether he considers himself a Christian nationalist. But the little-known speaker of the House has made clear that his faith is the most important thing to know about him, and in previous interviews, he has said he believes “the founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around.”

In other words, a Christian Nationalist, if you believe the NY Slimes, is akin to those awful hard-right MAGA types. You know, the same ones whom the DOJ will investigate rather than Hillary Clinton or the Biden Brand. 

Furthermore, how dare he claim that Christians are censored?!!!

“What we found was often the Christian viewpoint is not given equal treatment and equal platform and equal chance,” he said in one episode, according to transcripts of the shows compiled by the Brookings Institution. “Very often religious viewpoints, specifically Christian viewpoints, are censored and silenced.”

I’ll give you just THREE of the many examples where Christians are being censored. 303 Creative and Masterpiece Cake Shop. The third is the social media silencing of conservative stances, opinions, and voices. 

But again, Mike Johnson’s faith and that of his wife’s is a really serious problem. It goes against that Separation of Church and State mantra that the left and media have been parroting for decades. And thus, the dirt digging gets slimy…

Well, both incest and bestiality are not only wrong, both are illegal. What Mike is ignoring is that the Bible DOES teach that homosexuality is wrong. Does that mean that Speaker Johnson and his wife hate actual homosexuals? There’s no evidence of that. But sure, let’s throw some slimy comments at them and hope it sticks. 

The media dirt dive has also gotten absurd. 

According to David Corn, an extreme liberal, conducting seminars talking about faith, our Founders, and the state of the Republic today is bad. Now, if Johnson and his wife would’ve conducted seminars lauding any of the liberal view points, Corn would’ve written multiple articles in approval! 

The additional absurdity of the media dirt digging involves Speaker Johnson’s great great great grandfather! 

Isn’t that handy? Because his 3X great grandfather was an election denier (cue ALL the eye rolls here) it’s genetic! Yes, really. 

At age 21, he’d joined Company F of the 3rd Georgia Cavalry. The Third had fought in the Chickamauga and Chattanooga campaigns, and Johnson had even been captured as a Union prisoner at New Haven, Kentucky. But he was just a foot soldier in a much larger war. Johnson had not grown up in a stereotypical plantation “big house”; his family’s farm was modest in size and census records do not list him or his father as having owned slaves. He ended the conflict as a private, just as he’d entered it. Johnson might not even have cared much for his war experience; Confederate records list him as having gone AWOL for a period in 1863.

Still, the federal government had decided that even men like him could not return to political power without making at least a gesture of reconciliation.


Like his great-great-great-grandfather Alfred, Mike Johnson was part of an attempt to oust the duly elected government of the United States and replace it with one more to his liking. In Alfred’s day, the tools were secession and battle; Johnson’s were spurious claims of voter fraud and trumped-up legal arguments.

Yes folks, because his 3X great grandfather fought for the Confederacy, he was an election denier! And that denial gene was passed down to his grandson! WOW. Such magnificent journalism. Pulitzer Prize winning at that! 

The ink was barely dry on the Speaker vote when leading Democrats such as Adam Schiff had their puny little knives out. With the media following suit to find anything they can to vilify Mike Johnson and his family. 

One key reason the media is trying to find any dirt they can, no matter how absurd, is that Johnson told Sean Hannity that the Biden impeachment inquiry WILL continue. And boy howdy, they can’t let that stand. 

Feature Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons, cropped and modified

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  • John Shepherd says:

    The secessionists were not election deniers. They accepted the 1860 election results. They were sore losers who took their bat and ball, and went home. They were the only Trumpers of their day and rejected their Party’s nominee Stephen Douglas because he was insufficiently supportive of slavery. Had they united behind Douglas he would have won.

  • Cameron says:

    Speaker Johnson really does provide a near-perfect example of all the different elements of Christian nationalism,” said Andrew Whitehead, a sociologist at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

    Sociology is the kind of field that kids too stupid to empty a trash can or get accepted into a journalism major pursue. As a result, they desperately attempt to sound intelligent.

    He said those included insisting on traditionalist family structures

    Something is traditional because it works.

    “being comfortable with authoritarian social control

    Citation needed.

    and doing away with democratic values.

    Democrat values such as black people are inferior and constant victims, children are sexual beings, the only sexual preferences are homosexuality and In Denial and criminals have the right to commit crimes. I’ll pass on such things.

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