Media Is Still Trying To Find A Way To Save Joe Biden

Media Is Still Trying To Find A Way To Save Joe Biden

Media Is Still Trying To Find A Way To Save Joe Biden

As we have talked about before, the media is quite angry at the Biden campaign and White House for selling them a lie that they eagerly bought for over four years.

The lie, of course, is that Joe Biden was totally fine behind closed doors. In front of cameras, he bumbled and stumbled and misspoke and forgot details and had a stutter. But when the cameras were off and no one was around, he was as “sharp as a tack” and asking smart questions and doing backflips. Then the debate happened, and the emperor was revealed to have no clothes. And the media, who had been dutifully talking about the fine patterns in the fabric, were forced to confront the fact that it was wrinkly bare skin they were seeing. Their shock would be comical if it wasn’t so phony.

Ever since then, the media have been eagerly waiting for a sign of life from Joe Biden to come and save them from their terminal case of embarrassment. Maybe THIS campaign speech will prove we weren’t dumbasses! Nope, he’s on a teleprompter and forgot what year it was. Maybe THIS phone call to “Morning Joe” will prove he’s still with it! Nope, we can hear the paper rustling and he’s ranting. Maybe this NATO speech will do the trick! Nope, still on a teleprompter.

The Stephanopoulos interview was supposed to be Joe Biden’s big moment to prove that he was able to handle life without planted questions and scripts, and it wasn’t. And then George Stephanopoulos accidentally committed a cardinal sin of liberal journalists – he told the truth.

Stephanopoulos, 63, was recorded by TMZ answering a question from a passer-by in midtown Manhattan about Biden’s political future.

“Do you think Biden should step down?” the anonymous interrogator asked the “Good Morning America” co-host and “This Week” moderator.

“You’ve talked to him more than anybody else has lately.”

“I don’t think he can serve four more years,” the soft-spoken Stephanopoulos responded after a pause.

“You don’t think he can serve four more years?” the questioner repeated before adding: “All right, that’s an answer.”

And what happens when you say the inconvenient truth out loud and it’s on video, everyone? You apologize.

Stephanopoulos has every right to his opinion, but it’s very telling that HE is saying that he shouldn’t have even responded to the question. It’s ALSO very telling that ABC News has a “position” on whether Joe Biden has the mental capacity and physical stamina to last another four years in office, and that it DOESN’T align with Stephanopoulos’s personal “point of view.”

There is now open speculation about Joe Biden having Parkinson’s disease. We’ve seen the media press Jill because Joe isn’t making himself available. The media dam has burst, and while Democrats are being told to circle the wagons around the old man, the journalists are stuck. They have to cover the story because it is the only thing people want to know about. Is the president going senile? is simply too big a story to ignore now.

That is why so much is riding on the “big boy press conference” on Thursday. The media are looking for an answer to the Biden conundrum. Stephanopoulos tried giving him an out, and Biden vowed that only the Lord Almighty could take him out of the race now. The media are now eagerly waiting to see what God does on Thursday. If Joe Biden shows up and is able to be his snotty, snarky self with the press WITH NO TELEPROMPTER, then they will take that as a sign that all is going to be okay, and they shouldn’t push any more. However, if Frail Sundowning Grandpa Joe, who can’t project his voice or answer questions in complete sentences appears, then it will be all over. One has to wonder if the White House is just rolling the dice and letting the chips fall where they may, because the Biden bubble is simply too thick to pop in any other way.

The media are looking for their sign from God to either save the old man or break him on Thursday. And if they decide he has to be broken in order to get him out, expect nothing less than full-scale war between the Biden family and the press. It will get ugly, and fast. After all, the clock is ticking on the number of days left before the convention.

Featured image: mock reporter by Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay, cropped and modified, Pixabay license

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1 Comment
  • — the media is quite angry at the Biden campaign and White House for selling them a lie that they eagerly bought for over four years. —

    No, their anger is over Biden having made the media’s partisan duplicity undeniable, thus costing them the credulity of the country.

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