In the words of Chicago Mayor Rahm “Dead Fish” Emanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” And the incident in McKinney this past Friday is no exception. Nevertheless, one self-described “progressive” radio host based in Dallas, who’s incidentally black, says he witnessed the altercation and insists it has nothing at all to do with race. From Breitbart:
Radio Host, Benét Embry (Photo Credit: Facebook)
In an appearance on CNN’s “Outfront” on Monday, Benét Embry, host of the “Benét Embry Radio Show,” explained that it was his view that a pool party that went awry and led to a confrontation between several black teenagers and local police wasn’t about race.
He blamed “seven knuckleheads” for ruining what was about kids “there just having a good time.”
“I do not believe that this was about race,” Embry said. “What this was a teenage party that got out of control. It was about 130 kids there, 100 good kids there just having a good time. Out of the 130, predominantly African-American, seven knuckleheads ruined the whole thing for everybody. That’s what this is all about. I don’t think — I do not believe that officer showed up to the subdivision with the intention, ‘I’m going to go out and swing black kids around.’ I do not believe that. That’s not the way the community is set up. That’s not the community we live in. So, amidst death threats that I have received and the banning of my radio show, my neighbor had to send his son away because he is receiving death threats.”
Watch Embry’s entire interview:
Of course, “activists” want Mr. Embry fired…for practicing free speech by relating exactly what he saw…
@Mr_Lexington He should be fired for this nonsense. He is a disgrace to the world of communication.#BenetEmbry
But little things like facts and eyewitness accounts won’t be stopping the astroturf protesters. And at least one representative from the Next Generation Action Network—which went mostly unreported by our oh-so-objective mainstream media—was caught on tape yesterday threatening our men and women in blue:
But no matter to the MSNBC’s of the nation who ignored this blatant threat, because Reverend Wright is not a pasty-white conservative type, and therefore not held to the same high standards.
So, astroturfers: What exactly is it that you’re “protesting?” Is it this terroristic threat by a fellow “protester?” No? Is it an utter lack of respect for authority? Is it piss-poor parenting? Or perhaps out of control youth? Or maybe it’s in support of our fundamental right to due process? Nope. I suspect it’s none of those things. Because somehow I think your astroturf protest is nothing but a George Soros-funded paycheck to you. Just like those in Ferguson, and Baltimore, and DC.
Not everything is about race. Sometimes it’s about children who desperately need discipline.
He obviously DID NOT see everything. I noticed that he did not say that Tracey Carver-Albritton DID NOT hurl racial slurs at the black teen Tatiana then walked up and struck her in the face. He did not say that Tracey and another woman DID NOT ridicule the 14 year old white teen for having black friends when she was defending Tatiana from the racial slurs of Tracey Carver-Albritton. And I noticed that he DID NOT address the cop who body slammed a black bikini clad teen to the ground , handcuffed her, took her to jail, then released her with NO CHARGES.
Did a police officer ever treat you that way when you were a teen then release you no charges? How do you think your parents would have reacted when they would have found out?
He talked as though he observed everything, but DID NOT address anything that WE saw in the videos, i.e. that cop’s treatment of the teens. So by what he actually said and they gave him plenty of time to say it, he DID NOT see what has ticked us off about that pool party. There WAS racism taking place that day. He just didn’t SEE it because he just happened to NOT BE present where it WAS being carried out. LOL I wonder what he would be saying today if his daughter got slapped or hiz daughter got body slammed by that cop or if it was his son that the cop pulled a gun because he was swimming while black. His children must have been standing SAFELY his side.
He shied away from discussing the very specific inflammatory incidents that were recorded visually and audibly didn’t he. I guess he expects that white neighbors and white cops will NATURALLY over react when 7 unruly teenagers at a pool party happen to be black instead of white, right? Do you think that is what is what he thought? Apparently more went on at that pool party than what he actually SAW, right? If people are mad at this guy and rightfully so, it is because he does not address what they are actually upset about that was the recorded instances of racism. He thinks that he has summed up EVERYTHING that happened and that NO RACIST ACTS took play ANYWHERE NEAR that pool party. He somehow MISSED those! Maybe because he wasn’t on scene WHERE they actually took place? He tries to act like he knew everything that went down that day and it is pretty clear that he does not.
10 cops show up at that pool party. 9 cops see teens milling around that need to be sent home. 1 cop SEES ENEMIES WHO ARE DEFYING HIM. Were they enemies because they wete black? Were they enemies because they were teens? Did he think that he was breaking up a riot? We don’t what the scenarii was that was playing through his head. What we do know is that 9 cops were praised regarding their professionalism by neighbors and their boss while 1 is being vilified for having snapped and treated a bunch pool party teens like hardened criminals.
And is anyone trying to say that white teens have never fled when cops showed up at a party that they were attending? Teens of every race, color and creed for reasons known only to them, FLEE from cops.
I wish I could have interviewed that guy. The outcome might have looked quite differently than what was broadcast on CNN. Why don’t these TV news hosts know the right questions to ask?
And I want to be absolutely clear about this NO TEENAGE GIRL of any race, color or creed, no matter what she has supposedly done should EVER be treated this way by ANY COP IN AMERICA, EVER!
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