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There was a clash Friday night at a McKinney, Texas pool that yielded some awful images and a lot of video. The initial story was filled with pictures of a white police officer taking down black teenagers.
The video and the images sparked a flurry of Tweets condemning… whatever was going on. People had no more information than a single video and a single statement from the police department.
And the Tweets were flying.
The children's voices in #McKinney video are heartbreaking: appealing to the cop w reason, respect, pleading. He treats them like animals.
— leah mcelrath (@leahmcelrath) June 7, 2015
He's lucky this wasn't my daughter. As it is I could reach thru the screen & grab HIM by back of the neck. #McKinney
— Ann-Marie Poli (@annmariepoli) June 7, 2015
What threat did a teenage girl in a bikini represent? How can you justify that use of force? #McKinney
— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) June 7, 2015
The initial claim was that the teenagers were harassed by white adults because they did not live in the area.
White ADULTS being racist to black TEENS and then call the cops who proceed to ignore the people who were ACTUALLY the problem #McKinney
— Chelsea: Dora Milaje (@IfIWereMagneto) June 7, 2015
However, it was a little bit more complicated than that.
Residents in a McKinney subdivision were hosting an end-of-school party in their private community pool. Many teens who were not residents of the subdivision began showing up. Some had been invited by residents, some had not. An ad for the event had been placed on social media sites.
Teens who were not invited began climbing the fence to get in, according to reports from residents of the area. Trouble began when they were asked to leave by residents and pool management.
The ad in question for the event was this:
The pool party was advertised on social media. Homeowners say none of the nearly 70 people were allowed to be there
— Zahid Arab (@ZANews16) June 7, 2015
And the DJ may have created this ad and sold tickets to this event, though he denies it in now-deleted tweets (saved via Twitchy).
And if the DJ did that, then a lot of unknown teenagers crashing a private event is a whole different story than this:
Kids are at a birthday party. In what looks to be a quiet suburb. But blackness is a threat everywhere.Especially in the suburbs. #McKinney
— Brittany Packnett (@MsPackyetti) June 7, 2015
The residents are upset – both by the party crashing and by how the whole incident is being portrayed in the media.
One resident, Benet Embry, a black man, posted on Facebook about the events leading up to the police call. “Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all,” Embry wrote. “A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issues that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.”
In another post he is critical of media coverage of the incident. “I’ve never seen such irresponsible reporting and miss management of media resources in my life,” he said.
Another McKinney resident, Bryan Gestner, posted on Facebook, “This was a Twitter party that turned into a mob event. Jumping pool fence. Assaulting 2 security guards, attacking a mother with three little girls. The video doesn’t show everything.” He continued saying the kids were drinking and “smoking weed” and they would not listen to any of the adults around the pool.
“This isn’t about race,” he continued. “This is about outside kids invading our neighborhood and had no respect for authority or the residents here. I have a target on my back now and I have been threatened by these punks that they are gonna shoot up my house when all I did was try to control the mob and actually tended to the girl and the boy that had a bloody lip.”
“Yall don’t know the whole story,” Gestner continued. “I commend the officer for handling this situation.”
But because optics are everything, the police officer in question is now on administrative leave.
Sources confirm:McKinney Patrol Supervisor Cpl. Eric Casebolt placed on admin leave following conduct at pool party
— Zahid Arab (@ZANews16) June 7, 2015
It should be noted that only one person was arrested and everyone else (including the girl in the bikini shown in the video) were released to parents or guardians.
If there is no other evidence beyond this video and the facts that are known at present, this officer is only on leave because the video looks bad and because of the atmosphere that we are currently in. What a world this has become.
Imagine that – black thugs get a pass while the white cop gets suspended!
Please..Grow up…
Now we know a couple more things than we did – – four instance the cops weren’t arresting the right people. Those kids,bystanders, had just been telling the nice sane cop which kids were involved in whatever incident when Casebolt ran in and started throwing only the black kids to the ground. Convicted felon Sean Toon can be glimpsed pointing out who he believes was involved,and even he is pointing down the road,NOT at the kids Casebolt was assaulting.
The young girl he attacked for “running her mouth ” can be heard saying “But I didn’t do anything” or “they didn’t do anything” after which Casebolt throws her on the sidewalk and drags her, at one point by her hair before kneeling on her back, during which she cries for her mama and can be heard saying, “it hurts!”
It’s all right there in the video, but somehow,you missed it. Must’ve had something in your eye.
I did not see anyone acting like a thug in the video. I’d like you to tell me at what time in the video did anyone act inappropriately in this video. Other than the 1 cop who’s running around like he’s on coke.
It doesn’t matter what led up to this horrible incident. The officer was clearly out of line in the way he treated all of the minorities present. The way I look at it, another bad cops gets away with abusing minorities. In the video the cop is clearly the one acting like a THUG.
You’re ignorance is bliss, you prove that you know nothing of this incident by stating “in the video…” If you weren’t there for the situation don’t comment and make yourself look like a fool. It’s people who act like the media that make “race” an issue. If you don’t know, then don’t comment. How simple is that?
Just a spectator, you’ve got your head stuck in the sand like most white people. I wish you could walk a day in a black American’s shoes and then let me hear you make some more of your biased comments. And by the way, the video doesn’t lie about the actions of the cop no matter what occurred before and after. There is nothing in that video that justifies the amount of force used to control the situation by that cop. Oh and I guess you didn’t notice that there were numerous white people standing around and none of them were told to sit on the ground or cursed at. Take the time to look up the meaning of the words bias and racism and “ding ding”, I think that’s what happened in that video. Its people like you that perpetuate the ongoing ignorance regarding race relations, simply because you choose to keep your head stuck in the sand.
nice example of racism there neacee …. the video is a small piece of what happened. none of us where there so we don’t know the facts. so instead of you spouting racist insults and garbage why not do what rational people do which is wait for the facts, of which you have none.
Please Neacee, tell me all about your days on the cotton fields, getting whipped by your master. Spare me, EVERYONE experiences racism and prejudice at some point in their life. African Americans need to stop using the past as an excuse to justify hating the world and feeling oppressed. We are all human, perhaps these children need parents to discipline them so they understand how to act in public and to have some respect for their community and others. I was a kid once, I showed up places I shouldn’t have and did things that were irresponsible and you know what? There are consequences so tough luck. It isn’t racism when a bunch of dumb ignorant children want to act like fools.
if that was MY daughter, that cop wouldn’t make it back home to his family…. i don’t care what color he is….
You are part of the problem. You don’t raise your children to respect and obey authority.
That sounds like a threat to me. you’re just as bad as the kids that disobey the laws. They weren’t supposed to be there and when asked to leave, decided to be disrespectful. Punks got what was coming to them. The cop did what he had to do and nobody got hurt.
Many of the teens wanted to retrieve their belongings before leaving, a reasonable request. Or, they were scattering from the scene as a dozen police officers rolled up. Have you ever been to a party as a teen when law enforcement shows up? The natural inclination is to run.
The one white girl they handcuffed simply started to answer an officer’s question truthfully, but was never asked for the full answer.
That’s funny you say that because you would be the one not going home to your family. It’d be your family coming to see you in jail or in a coffin. The reason the cop almost completely pulled his gun on that kid running up on him would be the exact reason for him pulling it on you. Be a part of the solution.
Actually the girl in the video does live in the neighborhood. Tell me what law she was breaking.
Refusing to comply with a police officer? She was told to leave multiple times and did not
Yup, these are the days we’re living in now! Although, I did not vote for him, I had hoped that Obama would be good for all people. Wow, was I wrong?!? It’s to the point that blacks think they have the right to misbehave, commit crimes, and our law enforcement officers are being handcuffed, by him and Holder. Very demoralizing for our officers…but, I truly believe, that that is just part of the plan to weaken the country!
Oh please Penny so now it’s Obama’s fault?! You are delusional and crazy?!! And I’m sure you were defend Josh Duggar last week right? In no way that officer was right?! And @merle, what made them “thugs” I’m just wondering? Because you friend Sean Toon Toon whom called the police have a long violent criminal record that includes aggravated assault but I guess he’s not a thug because he’s white, right. And actually one of those boys respectfully handed the cop his flash light and was cursed out, when the white kid handed him the flash like the cop respectfully said, “oh thanks”. He wasn’t ordered to “get his a**” on the ground. So I girl saying she’s gonna call her mother is acting a fool? What about the ladies thy called them N****, oh I guess that is excused right. These were grown women.
Wow, the black race call each other n*** more than the white race ever could so don’t even try to use that as white people demoralizing blacks. You are just absurd. Also since Obama has been in office how many riots have broken out? How many cops have been killed by BLACK citizens? Obama is going to funerals of a dead black kid who tried to kill a cop. So yeah we are going to blame that son of a bitch for giving power to the problems. If you raised your children right they would have done exactly what the officers asked in the first place. This WHITE POLICE OFFICER has every excuse to be extreme. COPS ARE BEING KILLED BECAUSE THEY ARE COPS AND BY BLACKS…NOT WHITES. Media is spinning this too far out of focus. I have never been racist but am beginning to feel a little pissed off when I’m pointed at by the black community because I’m not. Stop using the RACE CARD…the more it’s used the worse it’s going to get. And just so you know, if it does come down to a race war white people make up 72% of the population, black make up 13%.
Don’t assume that your race war will go your way. MANY of us white folks are also “sick and tired of white people’s bullshit.” Just come out and admit it: you want to go back to plantations days when there was a place for everyone and everybody was in their place. That shit is OVER; we fought a war to put an end to it. So if you want to start some “us versus them” race war, I will be standing on the other side of the barricades, the one with “liberty and justice for all.” But until then, enjoy your fantasy. . .while it lasts. . .
You are a Racist Ignorant Bitch. You & your other Tea Party KKK members are angry as hell that we have a Black POTUS & you have been acting up since November 2008.
Lol I love how the angry comments, unintelligent, vulgar and disrespectful responses prove the anger and entitlement that are causing the problem. Classy not trashy lady. If you want to be heard then speak appropriately and respectfully or you are just part of the problem. #ignorance
Very classy Anna! You are part of the problem! Obama is president because he was voted in by not only black so knock off the foolish talk.
Remember one thing your black POTUS is half white!
For the record the kkk was established by the democratic party not the tea party
Obama wasn’t at the pool party, lol. What are you talking about? If the gas prices go up, “I hate Obama!”
If there is a random fight in the streets delaying an event, “I hate Obama!”
Bees dying off, “I hate Obama!”
Earthquake kills thousands, “I hate Obama!”
Not everything negative is Obama’s fault. Get a grip on reality, lol.
So thes people should get away with this behavior because they are minorities? So if you are a minority then you have free access to anything and everything you desire without any consequences? People keep this up and that’s what our country is coming to. The Reston they were minorities is because it was a bunch of black kids being disrespectful. If it had been a mob of white, Indian, Mexican, or Eskimo children they would have been in trouble as well.
It is about the ACTIONS that call for correction not the COLOR. All of you bandwagon people are creating a monster you are not going to be able to control one day.
By the way if this had been one of my children, they kind have been punished and forced to apologize to the home owners of that community, along with hoing to clean up the mess from their actions. I world not be telling them they had a right to be on private property and to disobey and disrespect the law.
Idiot Embry Benet tripping all over himself trying to defend the indefensible. No child black or white child should have been treated that way. No Child! I expect Embry Benet to have a show on FOX by the weekend. That’s how this usually works.
All of it was ignorant and stupid. I live in McKinney and I’m their age. Yeah I’m white, but they were called there saying they could get in, so naturally they showed up. But then they realized they weren’t allowed and trespassed private property. That’s not acceptable. My parents raised me to teach me that that kind of behavior was NOT ACCEPTABLE! Not at all. The girl shouldn’t have been treated that harshly, I agree. But they all were wrong in the situation at least a little bit. I don’t appreciate white people like myself discriminating black people and saying that all are bad. But I don’t really like black people calling me a “racist ignorant bitch” or a “tea party KKK member”. Excuse me, but that’s fucked up right there. I support neutrally, but you must realize tht it’s the bastard DJ’s fault it all happened.
When I saw the video I honestly didn’t chalk it up as a racial thing. My current thought on police, being that I’ve experienced it several times recently are that they are abusive regardless of race. They just tend to single blacks out a little more which is where the racial profiling comes into play. There are good cops out there and the media hides them and only show nonsense like what I saw in this video. Reading some of these comments above it seems like there is a lot of racist or prejudice people that commented on this. It is what it is, but understand a child is a child and posed no threat to any of the officers. It was only one officer that was out of control. The other two acted professionally and should have reeled their partner in. If these kids were guilty of any disturbance the cops should have been called, but these are kids not thugs and hoodlums. It’s obvious that anyone on here who has commented and said these kids were “thugs” don’t know what one really looks and behaves like. Trust me, it’s a huge difference! If you put your child in the same position as any one of those kids and you can still say yeah they got what they deserved then you are lost. regardless of race these kids are our future and we are failing them as parents/adults.
What you don’t understand is a lot of the ones causing the trouble fled,leaving others to take the fall. The girl that was handled by the police officer,well yes he does seem to be aggravated to the point he used more force then nessisary, but this teenage was also asked to leave several times,along with her friends. And they didn’t. They kept walking back and forth mouthing back to the officer until he had enough and forced her to the ground. At this point a couple of guys rushed in from behind the officer and that’s when his weapon was pulled. He had no idea if they had picked up a weapon or not. The same officer explain to several of the kids that were detained that when your told to set down and you choose to run,that makes them look guilty. He told them he never said they were the ones involved but by acting like they did and not listen to what the police told them they put themselves in that position. All I no is had one of my kids stood there and disrespected adults asking them to leave a place they weren’t invited to then started fighting and destroying property,them mouthing to a police officer that’s trying to restore order,well they should be afraid when they get home.what that video doesn’t show is police trying to control a mob,more police being called in and them run inning around for 30-40mins to get several of them in control. All the media wants to show is the girl being thrown to the ground. Had she shut up and walked away like he asked he to do numerous times this would have never made the news. People need to stop guessing what happen and listen to the people that live there.
Imagine this was a group of white kids that had been invited to a party at a private neighborhood pool. Some of the kids start mouthing off and being disobedient when told to leave. Two grown women then get into a fist fight with one of the white teenage girls. The police are called and when they show up the teens scramble. The few trouble makers are now long gone leaving the rest of the kids that were invited standing around. Would the police show up and start harassing every white kid in sight regardless of people trying to point out who the real trouble makers were?
All these people saying if that was my daughter that cop would…..
Maybe just maybe people should be thinking, if that was my daughter she would have been at home not at some stupid wanna be thug party. And while we are at it lets say if that was my daughter she would have respect for police and adults, so she would have walked her ass on out of the way and left things alone.
this ^^^
or maybe ppl saying if this was my daughter, they’re trying to empathize with her and her family in that instant. not everyone is raised the same and it’s unfair to project a particular life and upbringing onto anyone else’s life. regardless of upbringing, status, and culture, every child deserves to be treated well—ranging from little kindergartners who scramble onto each other into fights because they can’t express their feelings yet to teens who got disruptive and need some time to calm down and self-talk. it sucks that the cop flipped his lid. but even under a circumstance like this, he should have not relied on verbal abuse and acute physical force to ‘gain control.’ there’s an explicit power dynamic here, between adult and adolescent, civil and state, and unfortunately, even racial construct. regardless of the uniform, one could easily call DFPS for a report to investigate.
Where is the respect from the teens in this video. I am a grown woman but if I had EVER talked to another adult the way that these kids did, my parents would have beat my a**. I have seen many different instances of lack of respect. Kids now think they are entitled to whatever they want with no consequences. If the kids had done what they were told to, it would not have escalated to what it did. I’m not saying that the officer was right in what he did but the kids were not right either. No one seems to want to admit that their kids were wrong. The way that I see it, no one has the ability or the desire to discipline their children. Stop being their friends and parent your children. Respect is something that is earned.
Thank you, Juanita. Spot on.
Wow.. white people can’t do anything without being racist. Que carajo… todo el mundo son pendejos. I want to see a white entertainment television.. and a white history month. Just to shut people up. Hahaha
Um, excuse you? Not all of us are racist! If anything, black people like calling us “them ugly ass white kids” and I don’t even do anything. They tend to get away with fucking everything. They think troubled kids lives matter, right? But why don’t the ones who get murdered in Baltimore matter? Because they were innocent, right? But everyone stands up for the ones who DON’T DESERVE IT!!! Those kids, black or white, would’ve still stirred up utter hell here in McKinney. So it’s stupid to say we’re all alike. Because not all of us are assholes you know.
Look people its like this I do not live in McKinney and was not there so I do not know anymore about what happened then anybody else that wasn’t there does. Was the officer a little to aggressive maybe so, but all any of us know is what we have been shown in the videos that have surfaced. But what I do know is that the only reason why it has been turned into a race thing is because the media has turned it into that. I have noticed that the media hasn’t interviewed but maybe a couple of people who actually live in the community and one of those being the girl who was promoting the party. To everybody saying that if that was my daughter I would be doing whatever to that cop, well first off the girl was told several times to leave but she chose to stay and run her mouth and then when the officer had enough of it he told her to get down on the ground and she resisted. So here is an idea instead of everybody pulling the race card or bashing the police how you teach your kids to comply with the police when asked by them to do something instead of teaching them to disrespect them and try to act like a badass towards them. For everybody that keeps saying these are just teenagers like it is a bunch of little kids, well your a teenager until you reach the age of 20 so stop acting like they these were little kids. Teenagers especially 14 and 15 year olds kill people every day so stop acting like just because they are teenagers the are innocent angels. This has really just become such a huge problem because now everybody has a phone with a video camera. 15 even 10 years ago this wasn’t a problem because you didn’t have everybody with a phone recording so people complied with law enforcement instead of trying to act tough and get recorded and become an internet star and try to ruin peoples life’s.
^^^^ spot on!
Who is “they”? It clearly states in the article that some of the kids were invited to the party. How did the cop know which ones were invited and which ones “trespassed”? I agree that the kids who trespassed should have been asked to leave, if that is truly the case, and if they didn’t then they should have been handled correctly. And if it had been my child, I would have been there to beat her @$$. Now that the video has surfaced of a woman alledgedly known as Tracey Carver-Albritton is out (the “white” woman, who was seen on video, before the police were called, hitting a 14-year old black “thug” in the head), is she a “thug” as well? I assure you this; if this was my 15-year old daughter laying on the ground being kneed by an officer, I’d be protecting her as well and you could call me a thug all you wanted cause if you treat me or my kids like we are thugs, I’m damn well gonna act like one. The white kids were obviously overlooked by the officer, as you can see in the video that was being taken, by a white child, who at no time was told to sit down or get on the ground, while the “black” kids, some of whom were being polite and trying to explain to the officer that they were invited, however, they were leaving, evidenced again by the video, were forced to “sit their @$$es on the ground and don’t move”. If my child was thrown to the ground, I believe she would be telling people to call her momma too. Again, I agree that the whole situation was blown out of proportion, but I believe it was by the officer, not the kids. This could have been handled an entirely different way.
Truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I’m sure there’s enough blame on both sides. Most KIDS will screw up at some point, no matter their color. Some cops use excessive force and profile, no matter their color. Unfortunate for all!
All people need to respect and obey the law. But sometimes they don’t. Growing up, other beautiful white children and I went to plenty of pools we weren’t allowed to be in. Often drunk. Cops were never called, because to pool members/residents, beautiful white children having fun is perfect. It reminds them of their own unbridled youth.
So a football player is arrested for disciplining his child but a woman attacks a child that’s not hers and doesn’t get arrested. My question is what gives people the right to play police if you see something going wrong call the police and go home. No comment has to be made nobody has to be followed. That’s the problem these so righteousness of a group of people the same ones that shot in a car of unarmed kids, walked across the street when the police said stay where you are and shot someone. See if these people were immediately arrested and forced to bond out then people wouldn’t say it was racist but often the police in these situations are the judge and prosecutor and they chose not to prosecute by not arresting and treating it as a crime. If my child had a bruise on her and I did it it would be jail and bail. Not here not in this case and not in a lot of others. We as African Americans just expect the law to be the law and work both ways, as everyone should. The officer should be charged with excessive force didn’t take that. When the European guy is screaming cause he is high on drugs they don’t Rush him and throw him down. If you don’t believe me watch cops. They are chasing 2 killers now and when they find them the police will surrond the house and try to talk them out not drop a fire bomb in it and start shooting. Diffrent rules or privileges because of skin color.
I have read every single comment on this blog, and it’s so sad to see the hate and one-dimensional thought process.
Any logical person can look at this and see there is a clear bias on the part of the”turbo cop” and disrespect on the part of the teenagers.
I work with teenagers, and I know the last thing to ever do is curse them out and yell at them. There’s only one way that’s going to go. They will respond, but not respectfully.
I hold myself, as an adult, to a higher standard. Yes, I think I am wiser, smarter, and far more logical than a teen. I am sure most adults feel that way. Unfortunately, the cop in question did not. It’s clear.
They were not murder suspects, they did not have weapons (no “hypotheticals” please), they were not physically fighting the cops. The were behaving like irrational teens.
All this talk about “blacks need to do this” “why do blacks think they can do that” and “white people do such and such” does nothing but spread the bitterness.
Wise up, think fully, and don’t let your emotions cloud the reality. You may find yourself on a blog spreading hate and perpetuating the very image you think you are preventing.
That is all.
Look back at your comment and ask yourself: Am I a part of the problem? Am I part of the reason people of the opposite race think these things about the majority?
What part of obeying authority don’t any of you understand? I have been told to sit my a** down by both white, black and Hispanic cops! And I was just talking to them. If and officer tells you to do something within the limits of the law you darn well do it. I have been marked all kinds of labels because of having tattoo, mixed children, even down to the sound of my accent. Do I sit here and pull the woe as me card, no! If I was in the wrong and didn’t obey the officer’s command my butt would be in handcuffs in the back of his car too! And I am a white working class female business woman! But it has happened to me before, because I broke the law and didn’t obey the officer’s demand! So cut the bs with the race card and the poor children stuff. If their parents had raised them to respect authority this wouldn’t have ever happened!!!
Well said, Rebecca.
i am so sick of all this racist immaturity! Grow up! If that was my daughter talking back to a cop, that would be a drop in the hat of what I would do to her! The color of our skin should not make a difference! The cops were called and they had to their job. These kids were making it hard to do so. A BLACK man in the neighborhood said that thugs were jumping the fence messing those kids fun that were doing right! For every person that has made it a race issue, you should be ashamed. Hate to tell you this but you will be in heaven with all colors. If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ then you will be in hell with all colors! Let these men and women do their jobs and just shut up! That’s the problem. Everyone wants to run their mouths! God tells us the tongue is wicked and those kids that wouldn’t be quite is a prime example of why God tells us to hold our tongues!
I do agree however that the cops language was not necessary. He could have chose better words, but his actions were right!
Was the black man there at the time? I doubt it. Just because a black man posted a contrary statement does not make the statements facts. Were any of the kids in this video the same ones accused of any crime that took place? Or do we just round up every black person in sight whenever 1 of them breaks the law??
This article is rather irresponsible. The funny thing is, everyone I know is going on the video alone and we really don’t care about the rest of the story. We are going on his actions alone and they were out of control. Unless the girl he is attacking was being investigated for an actual crime, there’s nothing else to know. The media and whoever can talk about the fact that the cops were called in the first place, that’s a whole other story that is far from newsworthy as parties get broken up every day and people get arrested and pissed off and all that. The real problem is what we see in this video, which is completely disgusting, no spin needed!
There is NO valid excuse for this officers highly unprofessional actions. He needs to go.
Where do you justify pulling a gun out on unarmed teenagers? This blog is irresponsible. You are trying to justify his reckless unprofessional behavior by saying the kids were troublemakers. Regardless of if they were trespassing, that doesn’t mean that an officer can behave how he wants without any accountability. Officers are given power with their position. And with that power comes responsibility. They are trained to deal with these situations by following a protocol. Take note of his partners for comparison. How he behaved was excessive. He escalated the situation and behaved in a manner that put him, his partners, and those kids at risk.