MAGAs in the Mist: Ex-CNN Reporter is Verklempt

MAGAs in the Mist: Ex-CNN Reporter is Verklempt

MAGAs in the Mist: Ex-CNN Reporter is Verklempt

How insulated from heterodox views are the members of the LeftistGoodThink people of BigMedia? Let’s consider Ex-CNN reporter Michelle Kosinski who almost dropped her plate of crab palmiers and caviar toast points when she discovered she was sharing the room with “closeted” conservatives.

Ex-CNN reporter Michelle Kosinski wrote in a Sunday social media post that she was surprised by how “normal” a group of “closeted” Trump supporters seemed at a dinner she attended, which she said continues to “haunt” her.

“All were well-educated and successful in careers. They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour. But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures,”

OMG!! True.MAGA.Natures!

Was she fooled because they hadn’t been wiping their noses on their sleeves? That they knew the difference between the salad and entree forks? Was their Otherness revealed when one of them didn’t ask politely “which way to the restroom” but loudly said, “I gotta leak, where’s the head?”

Oh, please Michelle, what awful, social transgressions were committed that so assaulted your shell-pink delicacy so much that this dinner party weeks ago haunts you to this very day?

One of the couples each attended top ivy league colleges. But now that it was university time for their own kids, they were adamantly NOT letting them apply to any ivies. And were weird about explaining why.
Though the kids were double legacies.

For someone who claims to have been a reporter (yes yes, we realize that Leftwing cheerleader CNN barely counts as a ‘news’ organization) Michelle seems especially incurious to what has been happening at “the Ivies”. Harvard’s dedication to race-based admissions may be off-putting, especially if said couple of MAGAs are pale or Asian. Or maybe the couple have decided to no longer hide their Jewishness and not want their offspring being assaulted or barred from class by keffiyeh-wearing brownshirts at places like Columbia and Yale.

Yes, Michelle, it is a complete mystery that parents are discovering that the Ivies — and other snooty campuses who aren’t academic citadels as much as just places of increasingly questionable credentialism in exchange for $85,000 per year — just ain’t worth the hassle.

This poor darling rails on how these alarming people refused to deal in facts about our wonderful economy :::snort::: or the scourge of global warming, climate change, climate crisis.

We haven’t seen such a case of massive projection since the last time we saw a movie in IMAX.

This is not new, of course. Like fungus after a hard rain, upper-class Leftists will popup when the hoi polloi get uppity to don the Safari hat, aviator sunglasses and venture forth into the great unknown wilderness where MAGAs lurk. Like upper-state New York.

Princess Michelle doesn’t disappoint in her haunting expose of her dinner party with what she assumed were normal people. You know, wearing Donna Karan, carrying Kate Spade, name-dropping Hollywood celebs from the last time they went to The Coast …

Michelle is 2024’s Pauline Kael and is proud of it. There really are two Americas, and the Left wants the rest of us to shut up and submit.

Like hell.

featured image by Darleen Click generated by Adobe Firefly

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  • The critical fact about Kosinski’s rant is that her attitude is now typical, even de rigueur, on the Left. We who dissent from their dogmas are regarded as subhuman, impossible to accommodate within “their” society. That, of course, opens the door to coercive “re-education.” The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.

  • GWB says:

    Because all the right people are doctrinaire Progressives. This is like admitting you’re a Lutheran at Plymouth Rock*. “No! Not a heretic!” I will bet those supposed “MAGA people” are a lot closer to their progressive friends’ beliefs than Kosinski recognizes. But they dissed some of the top prophets by talking about not sending their kids to the “top” progressive madrassas. So, into the outer darkness they must go!

    Wealth that allows more people to live comfortable lives is one of the greatest things in Western Civilization.
    Wealth that allows more people to have luxury beliefs because they’ll never feel the impact of the foolishness involved is one of the worst things in Western Civilization.

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