Linda Sarsour Brings Anti-Semitism To Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

Linda Sarsour Brings Anti-Semitism To Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

Linda Sarsour Brings Anti-Semitism To Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

Activist Linda Sarsour has in brought her extra-special brand of anti-Semitism to campaign against Daniel Cameron, a Republican, for Governor of the beautiful Commonwealth of Kentucky. Victory Girls has not written about Sarsour in a hot minute so you may need a refresher course on why this female is so particularly heinous and why they don’t need her presence in the home of fast women and beautiful horses. We’ll start with her history and why her bigotry is not welcome in the Bluegrass State.

Stop has written the most perfect description of this vile woman:

Linda Sarsour is a Brooklyn born and based, controversial Palestinian-American activist who is highly adept at promoting herself. She seems to always be at center stage, availing herself of photo-ops, and procuring prestigious platforms from which to preach anti-American and antisemitic views.
How does she do this? She attaches herself to trendy, progressive causes, like “Occupy Wall Street,” “Women’s March on Washington,” or “Black Lives Matter,” proclaiming herself a “person of color” – although she is white; a “feminist”, although she is an apologist for sexism in Islamic countries who defends Female Genital Mutilation while attacking Survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali and saying: I Would Take Her ‘Vagina Away’, and a crusader for whatever cause du jour is in vogue.
Far from the tolerant, inclusive bridge-builder she pretends to be, Sarsour has been known to use her public platforms to spew antisemitism, and promote hatred towards the State of Israel. One thousand Rabbis recent accused Linda Sarsour of ‘Peddling in Antisemitic Falsehood’ and iconic singer Courtney Love called her an ‘Anti-Semitic Terrorist’

The Democrat Party asserts that they do not claim her, but as our Deanna wrote in “Linda Sarsour Claims Democrat Party Is “Ours””, Linda claims the Democrat Party. Miss Sarsour has unbeatable Gold Medal record in the Intersectional Olympics. Give her an issue and she can find a niche to insert herself and spread her ugly. For instance, this Brooklyn, New York born woman is Black:

Linda Sarsour has been spreading her anti-Semitic, anti-Israel venom for well over a decade. This is the type of kindness she brings to any situation:

Well, if we were of such a bent, we might accuse Miss Sarsour of being a Transphobe, but she has probably intersectioned her way into that type of thinking now, too. For the time being, she has placed her sights on Daniel Cameron. Mr. Cameron is the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is a Republican and running for Governor of Kentucky against Andy Beshear the current Democrat Governor. This is Daniel Cameron:

The Free Beacon has the story of how the anti-Semite is attacking him:

A leading Kentucky Jewish group has “extreme concerns” about liberal activists Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory’s plans to influence the state’s upcoming gubernatorial race, citing the controversial pair’s “extreme anti-Semitic legacy.”

After Sarsour and Mallory on Monday launched a campaign to stop Republican Daniel Cameron from becoming Kentucky’s first black governor, the Kentucky Jewish Council blasted the activists over their “lengthy records of anti-Semitism.” Sarsour and Mallory were ousted from the anti-Trump group they helped lead, the Women’s March, over anti-Semitic comments, and both have ties to anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has denounced Jews as “termites” and praised Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.”
“Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory have repeatedly demonstrated their bias against the Jewish community through public statements, social media posts, and associations with individuals who propagate anti-Semitic views,” the group, which is the “leading statewide voice and advocate for the Kentucky Jewish community,” said in a statement. “Platforming influential figures like Sarsour and Mallory, with lengthy records of anti-Semitism, not only creates division but can potentially incite further hatred, discrimination, and violence against our community.”
The fiery statement puts pressure on Kentucky Democratic governor Andy Beshear to similarly condemn Sarsour and Mallory as he navigates a difficult reelection bid. In addition to Sarsour and Mallory’s “lengthy records of anti-Semitism,” the pair’s social justice organization, Until Freedom, is led by far-left activists who have advocated for a “world without prisons.”

Miss Sarsour has a particular way of trying to sour any relationship between Blacks and Jews, and trying to keep her hands clean. In fact, the whole Democrat party gives her anti-Semitism a wink and a nod. Which is why you rarely hear a word of condemnation from any Democrat about the foul words Linda Sarsour spreads. Pray for Daniel Cameron.

Featured Image: Festival of Faiths/ Commons

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1 Comment
  • Taylor says:

    Linda Sarsour is a sharia supporting reactionary as well as a Louis Farrakhan fan but since she attaches herself to every left-wing cause du jour the Left gives her a pass. She also was the commencement speaker at the City University of New York School of Publich Health’s graduation in 2017.

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