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Many years ago, in a United States that was far more prosperous and optimistic than this one, Senator Barack Hussein Obama put out a radio advert that posited that Hillary Clinton would say anything to get elected. Just listen:
In a leaked audio from a fundraiser, Hillary Clinton partially repeats her “basket of disreputables”, paints herself as a lonely centrist and talks badly about Progressives.
Nationalistic, xenophobic discriminatory strain. That’s how she sees any Republican. And/or pathetic loser.
Poor Hillary Clinton. She sees herself as occupying the whole center left to center right spectrum of politics and yet she is lonely. Standing there occupying the middle all by herself. Of course, as The Intercept points out in their “Hacked Audio”:
Clinton has been inconsistent in the past about espousing political labels. She has at times touted herself as stalwart liberal. For instance, she said last July: “I take a backseat to no one when you look at my record in standing up and fighting for progressive values.” But a few months later, she told a group in Ohio: “You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty.”
Yup, Mrs. Clinton will say anything to get elected, for sure.
This audio is from the primaries when she was fighting Bernie Sanders for the “Millennial Vote” Senator Sanders was promising free…everything. So, Hillary brings up “Scandinavia, whatever that means”. What is that? Does anyone else find that odd. Is it no longer Norway, Sweden and Finland? Did Scandinavia move? I’m confused.
The next portion of the audio concerns Hillary talking smack about those precious “Millennial Votes”:
Those poor Millennial Baristas. Living in their parents’ basements. Revolutionaries without a clue. What’s important is to let those kids live in their “false promise” while Hillary gets more solar panels.
Thirty years plus, Hillary has been caring about people…and yet, now the Millennials are living in their parents’ basement, pouring coffee for a living, saddled with college debt and subsidized healthcare. Well done, Hillary. We need more of that.
By the way, just so you know, these remarks were made at a fundraiser, according to The Intercept:
The newly disclosed comments came in audio, apparently from hacked emails, that was revealed this week by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative blog run by a Republican communications strategist. Clinton was speaking at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by Beatrice Welters, the former U.S. ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, and her husband Anthony Welters, the executive chairman of an investment consulting firm founded by former Clinton aide Cheryl Mills.
Yup. Investment Counseling. Cheryl Mills. Hillary Clinton’s private counsel.
It’s all about the power, baby. Hillary Clinton will do or say absolutely anything to get that Presidential power. It’s not about women. It’s not about the “glass ceiling”. Nah, girl. It’s all about the power.
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