Kamala’s New Gig: Gun Violence Prevention Guru

Kamala’s New Gig: Gun Violence Prevention Guru

Kamala’s New Gig: Gun Violence Prevention Guru

Well, Kamala Harris has been handed yet another new Vice Presidential gig. This time she’s the new Gun Violence Prevention Guru!

President Joe Biden has asked Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention, which will seek to find ways around congressional inaction to stem rising violence.

Harris, a former prosecutor and state attorney general, has years of experience on the issue and was the natural fit to lead the effort, White House officials said. Adding the new office to her portfolio means Harris is tasked with some of the highest-profile domestic issues — including voting rights and abortion, as well as the increase in migration to the U.S. But they’re also among the most fraught, difficult to solve and hard for Democrats to make headway on in Congress.

Yes, the Associated Press reported that with a straight face. Not only that, but they said a quiet party VERY loudly. You see, if Congress refuses to act according to the Biden Administration and the demands of the anti-gun lobby, he’ll issue executive orders right and left. 

Kamala Harris is supposedly THE BEST person for the job of preventing gun violence. Gavin Newsom even said so! All because she has such a stellar track record because of her years of experience. Uh huh. Her actual record regarding gun violence says otherwise. 

As California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017, she refused to endorse a 2015 bill calling for a special prosecutor to investigate deadly police shootings, the Sacramento Bee reported.

She also rejected calls from civil rights groups to investigate deadly police shootings in Los Angeles and San Francisco, following the 2014 police-involved killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

In 2015, Harris required body cameras for California Department of Justice agents but didn’t support legislation mandating them for all police officers.

The senator’s history as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011 also has been scrutinized.

Shortly after taking the job, she sparked a decade-long feud with police unions for declining to pursue the death penalty for a gang member who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza.

Somehow that record doesn’t fit with the “expertise” of someone who has worked to prevent gun violence. Because, you see, those who want to prevent gun violence are, in many cases, those who want to defund the police. Yet here comes Joe Biden handing her another job at which she can fail in every direction. 

“Every person and every child deserves the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and live up to their God-given potential. Every family, in every community, should have the freedom to live and to thrive. We know true freedom is not possible if people are not safe. This epidemic of gun violence requires urgent leadership to end the fear and trauma that Americans experience every day. The new Office of Gun Violence Prevention will play a critical role in implementing President Biden’s and my efforts to reduce violence to the fullest extent under the law, while also engaging and encouraging Congressional leaders, state and local leaders, and advocates to come together to build upon the meaningful progress that we have made to save lives. Our promise to the American people is this: we will not stop working to end the epidemic of gun violence in every community, because we do not have a moment, nor a life to spare.”

According to all the anti-gun activists, this move will finally get them what they want. Guns out of everyone’s hands, except criminals. 

“This is a great day for youth activism and a big step forward for gun safety,” said Natalie Fall, Executive Director of March For Our Lives. “We’ve called for this office for so many years because we know it will be a critical tool in our toolbox to end gun violence. The federal government has significant resources, in talent and treasure, to tackle the root causes of gun violence.

I can tell you what some of the root causes of gun violence are. It is the lack of family structure. It is the coddling of criminals, to the point that they walk scot free with zero consequences, and it is is the vilification of law-abiding citizens who are doing nothing more than follow their Second Amendment rights and are protecting themselves. 

Considering that we have NO BORDER right now – Thanks to Joe & Kamala, they aren’t wrong. It’s not that we stay indoors, it’s that when we venture out, we should have our heads on a swivel! 

And, how many rappers and/or their followers have been killed by guns over the years? Perhaps GSN-Quavo needs to look inside his own house as it were to identify the root causes of gun violence within the rap culture! 

Hey, Kamala. The only people normalizing violence that includes the use of guns illegally obtained are the Democrats!

This is Kamala’s Dukakis moment. Will she prevail, or will she tank yet again?

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • ontoiran says:

    not worried if kamaltoe is running it. remember she’s also the border czar

  • John C. says:

    One of the things they clamor for is universal background checks. 16 states, including NY, IL, and CA, and DC, already require background checks on all gun sales, including private sales. Can anyone document how much that has reduced their gun crime? And consider that the Sandy Hook killer killed his mother to take her guns…

  • Cameron says:

    ” which will seek to find ways around congressional inaction to stem rising violence.”

    Translation: The Democrats want to get around that pesky Constitution that keeps getting in the way of their utopia.

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