Kamala: Veep, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

Kamala: Veep, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

Kamala: Veep, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

The media is tripping all over themselves to paint Kamala Harris as the picture-perfect presidential nominee.

One might find the mainstream media and journalists are all a big joke, but we did think this back in 2020 and, lo and behold, we got stuck with Joe Biden and the cackling Queen of the Venn diagram in office. The mainstream bobbleheads have now generated the narrative that any negative word uttered against Veep, presidential nominee and “honorary sex worker” (we will get to this in a moment), Kamala Harris is rooted in racism, sexism and hate.

Which, will probably make us a hateful, racist, sexist blog, and me, a self-loathing Conservative woman whose husband is “making me” vote for Trump. Again. But, it is important that we go there, and go there boldly, so, here goes.

This is one of the hidden stories the media will not tell you. It is a story that bears repeating. We go back to 2008, when Kamala Harris said she wanted to be an “honorary sex worker” and this quote was brought up on national TV. CNN, to be precise:

Yep. We went there. And now, there is no turning off the exit ramp. A bit of background on this. The person you see on the TV is a sex worker by the name of Starchild. Starchild has been a libertarian activist in San Francisco for quite some time now. In the above clip, Harris cackles off the claim but other individuals who were at this meeting, ironically held by the Harvey (predator) Milk Democratic Club, heard her make the statement.

While running for re-election for San Francisco District Attorney in 2007, Harris tried to gain the endorsement of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club and in a public meeting with them described herself as ‘an honorary sex worker’, they said.”-The Post Millennial

Harris, flip-flopped back and forth on this issue over the years. According to this from the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research (ESPLER) Project, she called herself an “honorary sex worker” to gain the endorsement of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club but in 2008, campaigned against Prop K, a city wide ballot measure to stop the criminalization of prostitution.

Kamala Harris will say anything popular to get an endorsement or get elected. She is good with empty words about protecting women, but her actions have consistently harmed sex workers – mostly poor women, women of color, and trans women.”-” Claire Alwyne of ESPLERP

Why, yes, she would. But, she called herself an “honorary prostitute”. Interesting, if we look at the definition of prostitution:


1. a person who engages in sexual intercourse or other sex acts for money; sex worker.
Synonyms: strumpet, trollop, courtesan, streetwalker, call girl

2. a person who willingly uses their talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money.”dictionary.com

I would add in here the verb of prostituting oneself. For money, or for status, or for other personal gain such as power. And, as we come to this juncture, we look no further than to the woman who had an affair with a (then married), influential politician who was more than twice her age. I would add in that Kamala Harris initially failed her bar exam, but was, by some unknown miracle, placed into powerful positions and, eventually went on to sit in the San Francisco District Attorney’s chair. Why? Well, of course, it was because of her “common sense and life knowledge” (and, because she schtupped Willie Brown).

The New York Times and other “journalists”, would beg to differ.

The sexist insinuations point in part to her brief relationship in the 1990s with Willie Brown, who was 60 and the speaker of the California Assembly when Harris was 29 and rising in the Bay Area legal scene. He appointed Harris to two well-paid state board positions and introduced her to his political connections.

During the 2003 race, which she won, she told SF Weekly that there was nothing improper about benefiting from her ties to Brown, although she described the relationship as an “albatross hanging around my neck.” She said she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” to the board roles, adding that ‘whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work.’”-The New York Times

She sure did.

And, she doesn’t owe Willie Brown anything. Willie was an “albatross hanging off her neck“, everybody!

No, Kamala. That was a pearl necklace, darling. And, define “honorary”. Venn diagram this: sex worker and “honorary” sex worker, Kamala Harris. Tell us where the circles overlap.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • A reader says:

    As opposed to the former First Lady who literally had modeling pictures taken of her as she was, shall we say, canoodling with another model without clothes on, or another posing in lingerie on Trump’s plane, but hey, way to attempt to smear the vice president and make something out of nothing!

    • Turtler says:

      “As opposed to the former First Lady who literally had modeling pictures taken of her as she was, shall we say, canoodling with another model without clothes on, or another posing in lingerie on Trump’s plane, ”

      You people are disgusting and desperate. And for the record I can’t say I was overly fond of that, but a few notes.

      Firstly: The First Lady is not SUPPOSED to be a political position, and certainly not one with power (which is why Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Biden seizing the power they did and demanding prestige for it in contravention of the Constitution SHOULD be jarring).

      Secondly: Simulated “canoodling” to advance a modeling career is another thing than actual sex to advance one’s political career, as nobody denies about Kamala Harris regarding Willy Brown and so on.

      This is a desperate clapback and false equivalence. Nobody elected Melania Trump to political office. You and your ilk are supposed to have elected Kamala to be one heartbeat away from being the executive leader of the world’s only superpower in spite of having a proven track record for incompetence and political corruption.

      ” but hey, way to attempt to smear the vice president and make something out of nothing!”

      Once again proof you dumbfucks don’t know the meaning of words.

      A “Smear” is a lie that FALSELY tarnishes someone’s reputation. Nothing this blog post says has falsely tarnished the Vice President’s reputation. If anything, I object to the conflation with sex workers, because regardless of one’s feelings of them much of their trade is at least more honest in its essence.

      Kamala Harris traded extramartial sex and her body for political power and patronage. That is a provable fact. It’s also vastly different from what is SUPPOSED to happen with sex work or modeling, where at least you know you pay people money and possibly some “perks of the job” in what’s supposed to be a private affair, in exchange for either sex or saucy images.

      Harris traded sex for Illich perks and the prevision of elected office in Our Democracy (or rather Democratic Constitutional Republic). That says a lot of her character and how she regards the public trust. It also should raise questions about what she’d be willing to trade in exchange for more power or wealth. The fact that you are trying to claim this is “making something out of nothing” speaks to your arrogance, stupidity, immaturity, and lack of any sort of responsibility or civil pride.

      And on some level you know this, which is why you had to desperately try to clap back with a false equivalence.

  • Kevin says:

    I spent the last 15 years of my professional career working with young women involved in sex trafficking. I stayed away from the word “prostitute” but I would gladly call myself an “Honorary Gigolo.” I have never met more resilient, creative, engaging young women. Just like the first poster said, let’s compare photos of two women … Melanoma and Kamala. I guarantee you that Kamala is not the one showing off her vagina, breast and licking a stick like she sucking on some guys cock.

    You are on sick motherfucker but that pretty much sums up people that support a rapist, criminal, fraud, and all around L O S E R.

    • Darleen Click says:

      So you met some survivors of “sex work” so that makes the horrible exploitation of them fine enough you want to be a honorary Pimp? Or was that just a John?

      Is there something about your rap sheet we should know? Is this one of the reasons that you hate normal women?


    • Turtler says:

      “I spent the last 15 years of my professional career working with young women involved in sex trafficking.”

      Why am I not surprised?

      Actually I am surprised that you have anything that can be called a “professional career’ short of taking money from the FSB to squat on this site. Funny thing is, I actually also worked with victims of sex trafficking. Not in my professional career but as a volunteer. Also have studied it more widely, and it’s one reason I frankly dislike comparing Kamala’s dishonor to what they do.

      “I stayed away from the word “prostitute” but I would gladly call myself an “Honorary Gigolo.””

      Very cute Discount Roehm. Why am I not surprised?

      “I have never met more resilient, creative, engaging young women.”

      Which tells me you haven’t met many women. I don’t doubt many of those you describe are like that, but if that really is your upper bounds for that it indicates an issue. For the record, I work with a Cybersecurity Expert and have consulted with a USAF General. I’ve also helped try to help some of the sex workers move on, and failed with others. But in short, you’re ironically confessing to how shallow your range of experience is.

      “Just like the first poster said, let’s compare photos of two women … Melanoma and Kamala. I guarantee you that Kamala is not the one showing off her vagina, breast and licking a stick like she sucking on some guys cock.”

      None of which changes my points, that Kamala Harris betrayed the public trust and her marriage to have sex for power. Which is even more sleezy than most prostitutes are.

      “You are on sick motherfucker”

      That’s ONE sick motherfucker, you sick motherfucking fascist “honorary gigolo.”

      ” but that pretty much sums up people that support a rapist, criminal, fraud, and all around L O S E R.”

      Stop projecting, you piece of shit.

      Firstly: “Rapist.” Never happened. Carroll lied blatantly and impossibly, which is why no jury or judge has taken her story seriously. The finding against Trump was that he dared to call the blatant, bullshit liar a liar and was convicted of “defamation” in violation of more than 300 years of American jurisprudence because the Prog, Autocratic Gentry decided that Truth is no longer a Valid Defense. (Remind me, aren’t you clowns supposed to be Progressive, yet you imitate the worst excesses of Hanoverian era Hypocrisy).

      Secondly: “Criminal.” Cite the Charges. The actual charges. Go on, do it.

      Thirdly: “Fraud.” And yet Trump behaved farm ore ethically or legally than essentially the entire New York “Justice” system, behaving WELL within the norms of the Real Estate Community, to the point where Bragg and his bullshitters had to turn the law into swiss cheese to resurrect an expired misdemeanor charge into a felony on the basis of a ghost crime Trump supposedly committed but which was never specified in court.

      Fourthly: “All around L O S E R.”

      This is hilarious to me considering how you spam about your gay sex fantasies and blatant totalitarianism here on a site you claim is “toxic” and “radioactive” but which you have an unhealthy dependency on being.

      Donald Trump has plenty of flaws, but he has accomplished far more with his life than You ever have and probably ever Will, “Honorary Gigolo” Reject Roehm Wannabe.

      If you want to be taken seriously, follow your spiritual leader and try to do what your fellow Fascist Roehm and your fellow Progtard Crews couldn’t.

      PS: You bother hearing how Gab of all people turned up evidence that Crews was a fellow leftist Biden shill? Maybe that might be more relevant than blathering about a 1,000 user fluctuation on Grindr (which you failed to even title correctly).

    • Cameron says:

      [i]I spent the last 15 years of my professional career working with young women involved in sex trafficking[/i]

      Given your hatred of women as evidenced by your behavior on this site, I’m going to call that a lie.

      [i]I would gladly call myself an “Honorary Gigolo.”[/i]

      I suppose there are men that would be desperate enough to pay you five bucks for services.

      [i]You are on sick motherfucker but that pretty much sums up people that support a rapist, criminal, fraud, and all around L O S E R.[/i]

      You support rapists, murderers and pedophiles. Why do you think your thoughts matter?

  • Gene Bryant says:

    Heels up Harris gave up her amateur status with Willie Brown and has been failing up ever since.

  • GWB says:

    there was nothing improper about benefiting from her ties to Brown
    Note that she didn’t say the rumors were untrue. She did NOT say she didn’t benefit. She acknowledges she benefited and just says there wasn’t anything wrong with that. Wow.

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