Kamala Harris: The 2024 Abortion Tour

Kamala Harris: The 2024 Abortion Tour

Kamala Harris: The 2024 Abortion Tour

While most of us bare reflecting on precious life this Christmas week, Kamala Harris cannot help but to be ghoulish.

I mean, we can’t expect her husband to understand the true meaning of Hannukah, can we truly expect Kamala to understand the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of a child?!

What is Kamala doing as she sashays into 2024? Well, she’s not going to the border, that’s for damn sure. She’s (flipping the hair) going to fight for women’s rights to kill their offspring-oops-(AHEM)-I mean, theirreproductive freedom.

Where do we exist in the history in this moment in time? If you’re a baby, you’re in utero. If you’re a female child in utero (because babies are born either male or female-not as they/thems)-then, you have no choice if the woman (because we are the only ones who carry babies until birth) who created you chooses to end your life.

Contextualize that, Ms. Harris. Moving on.

I will continue to fight for our fundamental freedoms while bringing together those throughout America who agree that every woman should have the right to make decisions about her own body — not the government.”-Kamala Harris

Unless a woman is forced by an employer to get a vaccine or lose her job. That’s different. Then, the choice to get a jab or not to get a jab is NOT yours should you need to put food on the table for your family, ladies. I’ve got two words for Kamala Harris and the entire Biden administration. Nope. They are not Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday. And, excuse me? Didn’t SCOTUS give that decision back to Americans? Especially the unborn?

From the official White House statement:

During the Vice President’s reproductive freedoms tour, she will host events that highlight the harm caused by these abortion bans while sharing stories of those who have been impacted. Vice President Harris will also hold extremists accountable for proposing a national abortion ban, call on Congress to restore the protections of Roe, and outline steps the Administration is taking to protect access to health care. Additionally, she will urge attendees to use their voices and stay engaged in the fight for fundamental freedoms.”-whitehouse.gov

Kamala will kick off here “Reproductive Freedoms Tour” on Jan. 22 in Wisconsin in the hopes to sway the swing state into voting again for this disaster of an administration. Potato Joe will be in tow with Dr. Ratched-Jill. Yes, kill our future generations! Be empowered, or something.

Yep. They’re starting in Wisconsin. As far away from the southern border as one could get, don’t ya know?

From Border Czar to Abortion Czar. We could hope that she will do as much for the fight to get every woman an abortion no matter what the circumstance as she did to protect the southern border. This would actually be a huge success for the pro-life crowd. After all, she did absolutely nothing at the border. Perhaps there is a silver-lining to this, after all.

Forget the border, for now, say our media darlings. Promoting abortion rights, according to our adoring the minions, is Kamala’s strong suit. “Women’s health care”, as they like to call it. In all honesty, let’s call this what it is. The permission, for some, to be wildly irresponsible. Instead of promoting birth control, protection and second-guessing promiscuity, the Democrats’ platform continues to appeal to our young Americans to live in the land of YOLO, to not assess consequences of one’s actions and/or the impact these actions may have on themselves or someone else. Some ONE else, in this case, being another innocent HUMAN BEING.

I’d say we should expect more from a woman in such a highly-regarded position in our government but in truth, Kamala was, is, and always will be, a pig.

On this roadshow, we will hear the stories of women, carefully vetted to be on-stage with Kamala Harris. Women who will talk about “not being ready yet” and “bodily autonomy”. Women who will talk about how they wanted to “break generational cycles” or how “they didn’t want to raise the child of a dirtbag” (as if it was the child’s fault). They will refer to the one child they aborted as “the fetus”. If they chose to later have a child, that child has a name. Lucky for the kiddo, I guess.

Venn diagram THAT, b#tch.

I do believe when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. We stand for the freedom of every American, including the freedom of every person everywhere to make decisions – about their own body, their own health care and their own doctor.”-Kamala Harris, Saturday, June 24, 2023

Except for the unborn. No choice given for them.

Veep, Kamala Harris will ride on her electric, short, school bus to a college campus near you to talk about killing babies in 2024. Meanwhile, our borders will continue to be overrun and fentanyl will flow on through. Want to break “generational cycles” of “oppression”, ladies? Stop listening to pop culture stupidity. Stop sleeping with losers. Stop over-sexualizing everything, become more cerebral and intentional and understand the consequences of your relationships. And if you must sleep with someone because, YOLO, THINK about the possible outcomes.

We doubt there will be any of this talk from Kamala Harris’ Cackling Roadshow in 2024. Where do we exist in this moment in time? In a very dark time indeed, I’d say.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • American Human says:

    “Cackling Roadshow” – great phrase.

    As to the other subject, killing babies. Thank you for your solid and down to earth words on the precious little innocent babies who are being destroyed. Again, thank you.

    The reduction in abortions has already happened because of the SCOTUS decision but will only continue one conversion at a time. Thanks for helping with that!!

  • Scott says:

    ” their own health care and their own doctor”… Seems obama said something similar a few years back.. I’m guessing she’s being about as truthful as he was..

  • A reader says:

    Two points: Jesus was technically a mamzer in the eyes of his community and extended family. A mamzer is: “a person who is born as the result of certain forbidden relationships or incest (as it is defined by the Bible), or the descendant of such a person.” This is because Joseph acknowledged that he wasn’t Jesus’ father.(I’m not arguing against his divinity, m saying this is how he was seen by his community.) So yeah, all those illegitimate babies you all care so much about and are willing to care for and support? *snort* Jesus was one of those.

    Secondly, what exactly were your thoughts on the Hobby Lobby case? You know, the one where certain forms of contraception were labeled abortifacients? To be fair, some conservatives consider ANY birth control an abortifacient. So how do you answer to your sudden support there? There’s a variety of birth control because every woman is different and what works for one may not for another. It’s so cute that now you’re all concerned about contraception. Maybe you’ve finally realized that all these awful abortion laws that get in the way of proper treatment for miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies apply to conservative women too? Or do the women still not count in those situations? It’s just so hard to keep up with all the backtracking and gaslighting…

    • Lisa Carr says:

      Dear Reader,

      Most of us understand the issues of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy as different situations than that of an “oops, I did it again”…time to go out and get another abortion and “celebrate” another “bo-bo”. The question is, who will join Kamala Harris in cheering on this movement? Sure, there will be women and members of the medical community who will argue for “safe and legal medical care” for those at risk. We may hear a story here and there how this procedure saved someone’s life. But, mostly, there will be the self-centered, vapid celebrities and the (usually white, single women in liberal cities) who have abortions like they change their freaking underwear because they can’t imagine another form of birth control . THESE will be the ones rallying behind Harris.

      Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the guys who think they are girls who also want a right to have an abortion. They’ll show up to the party, too. Man, this clown car is piling up quickly.

      • Lloyd says:

        Wouldn’t it be nice if the Cackler went on a speaking tour (I know…she can’t speak!) promoting various approaches to birth control/contraception.

  • Richard says:

    I am opposed to abortion, but can look at and listen to Kamala Harris and see no better argument in favor of abortion.

  • Richard Medaries says:

    I am opposed to abortion, but can look at and listen to Kamala Harris and see no better argument in favor of abortion.

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