Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris schmoozed the American Federation of Teachers Union. Truth be told, the delivery of her speech wasn’t heinous. She is unable to modulate the pitch of her voice, so it was still nails on blackboard. Kamala did not cackle. The meat and potatoes of her speech was the typical “Republicans are the root of all evil and Democrats will make your life perfect”. Kamala’s speech wasn’t wonderful, but if one was inclined to be impressed, one might be over the moon.

Kamala got some help from the AFT President Randi Weingarten the day before her speech. Weingarten asked the teachers not to protest Harris:

First, Harris is not African. She is Jamaican and Indian. Second, Weingarten is such an elementary school teacher-type. Ugh.

If you watch this, I would appreciate your help sussing out the music. Beyonce gave Kamala permission to use Fweedom Freedom, but this isn’t it. This walk on music sounded like a mashup of the Imperial March from Star Wars and marching music from the French Revolution. The walk on music starts at about five minutes:

If she didn’t have such craptacular ideas, she could go far if she modulated her voice. No cackling, but nails on a chalkboard. It’s not JUST what she says, but how she says it. Although, what she says is awful. From the Dallas Morning News:

Harris said America must choose “between two very different visions — one focused on the future and the other focused on the past. And we are fighting for the future.”

She cast her vision as one in which Americans get ahead rather than get by, children don’t grow up in poverty, seniors can retire with dignity and every worker can join a union. That future, she continued, also includes affordable health care, child care with paid leave and continued reductions in student loan debt for millions of Americans.

“There are those who are really trying to take us backward,” she warned, invoking the Project 2025 policy agenda to loud boos. “Can you believe they put that thing in writing? Nine hundred pages in writing!”

She said former President Donald Trump wants to give tax breaks to big corporations and end the Affordable Care Act, returning America to a time when insurance companies could deny coverage to patients with preexisting conditions such as asthma, breast cancer and diabetes.

Project 2025 is the Russian Collusion of the 2024 Presidential race.

Kamala wants the LGBTQ2+IA Lobby to know that she is down with them. The Right doesn’t care who you love, as long as our kids can read, write and math:

Democrats support Unions. Republicans thrive on chaos, fear and hate.

Kamala can schmooze all she wants, but I don’t think she is going to end up being the Democrat candidate.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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  • KnitMomma says:

    The music is “Four Ruffles and Flourishes (And Hail Columbia)”.

    • Toni Williams says:

      Thank you. I know now it’s the Veep song, but still sounds like a French Revolution March.

  • Cameron says:

    She said former President Donald Trump wants to give tax breaks to big corporations

    Heaven forbid we try to encourage corporations to stay in the US.

    and end the Affordable Care Act

    It would be nice but no entitlement program from the government is ever repealed.

    returning America to a time when insurance companies could deny coverage to patients with preexisting conditions such as asthma, breast cancer and diabetes.

    My brother has been dealing with diabetes since he was six. It’s one of the more expensive pre-existing conditions you can be saddled with. And yet, he’s able to get health insurance without issue.

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