Kamala Harris, Madam President

Kamala Harris, Madam President

Kamala Harris, Madam President

Are we going to hear Kamala Harris, Madam President, being called out by reporters soon? Surely, the people close to the President are now giving her a side glance.

Special Counsel Robert Hur called Joe Biden a sympathetic elderly man with a poor memory. The report also said some illegal stuff was happening in Joe Biden’s messy garage.

Deanna gave us a fantastic write-up last night as it was breaking, and shortly after, Joe came out to defend himself in a pitiful display in front of a small group of reporters. He was ill. And it was late for Joe.

There is a lot of talk about the 25th Amendment this morning all over the news outlets and social media.

So, we have to ask if Kamala is on standby?

From the Daily Mail:

Vice President Kamala Harris insisted Wednesday that she was ready to ‘take over’ from President Joe Biden if the 80-year-old fell ill and couldn’t carry on running the country.

The VP laid out the worst-case scenario, but insisted Biden is fine and can continue serving through a second term until he is 86.

And Republican strategist Scott Jennings says all eyes are on Vice President Harris, from The Hill:

Republican strategist Scott Jennings said Vice President Harris is now “squarely” a campaign issue, in the wake of a special counsel report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents released Thursday.

“I would say, and I don’t know how many people on this panel believe it, there aren’t too many Americans who are going to look at this and say, ‘This guy is up to serving for five more years as president of the United States,’” Jennings said on CNN’s NewsNight in a clip highlighted by Mediaite.


If the 25th Amendment is applied and Joe is removed, Kamala Harris will be promoted to the Oval Office. WOW. Can you imagine? Many people laugh out loud about that thought, but let’s look at it for a minute.

It’s the path of least resistance for the Democrats, who want him out.

It would give the Democrats their first woman President, albeit with an asterisk by her name, but who cares, right? They are all about identity politics, after all.

I mean, why not Kamala? Right now, looking at Joe, my coffee-stained Yeti would do a better job than Joe. So yeah, I can see the Democrats hoisting up the black woman Vice President to stand up to Trump. Because, after all, you are a racist if you say anything negative about Kamala. Identify politics at its zenith.

This scenario is probably more realistic than taking Joe and Kamala out simultaneously only to put in Gav Newsom or Michelle Obama. Now, can Kamaa be paid off? Potentially, there’s that.

Honestly, it all seems like a colossal crapshoot right now. I think the Dems are running scared and desperately seeking a Hail Mary in Kamala.

One thing is for sure, Kamala is the Vice President, and it is possible she could very well become the next President of the United States. God help us. God help us no matter what Democrat walks on stage.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Lloyd says:

    Biden should go, but if he does, the Cackler should go along with him. She has been a disaster as VP…She’d be even worse if elevated to president.

    • Carol Marks says:

      We will have forgotten all this on Monday when we will all be talking about the Super Bowl commercials and Taylor Swift. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!

    • Dietrich says:

      There is no constitutional mechanism for removing both the President and the Vice President at the same time.

  • Cameron says:

    Her giving the State of the Union speech would be fodder for comedians.

  • Mad Celt says:

    We can survive 11+ months of Harris. Remove Biden now!

  • Scott says:

    Yeah, the demonrats have a deep bench beyond Kamala Kneepads… they’ve got Big Mike, Gretch the Wretch, Gov Hairgel, and Gov Polesmoker from the formerly great state of Colorado…

    If we can’t defeat that list of America hating miscreants, we are well and truly doomed..

    • John Shepherd says:

      This is not good news since Trump is going to be the nominee. Governor Hairgel and Governor Gretchen the Witch will handily beat Trump. You can tell me that Trump at 78 is in much better mental health than Biden at 78 and I will believe you but the majority of the electorate won’t go for another 78 year old after the failings of the previous one. No cheating will be necessary.

      If this sinks in with a majority of Republican primary voters we may be stuck with Haley since she is the only one left unless DeSamtis jumps back in.

  • John Shepherd says:

    The 25th Amendment does not remove the President. It declares him incapable of performing his duties. The Vice President becomes acting President. No Senate tie breaker.

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