Kamala Goes On Fox News And Delivers A Trainwreck Interview

Kamala Goes On Fox News And Delivers A Trainwreck Interview

Kamala Goes On Fox News And Delivers A Trainwreck Interview

We are less than three weeks away from Election Day, and Kamala Harris should be doing everything she can to seal the deal and sell herself to the American public.

That was likely the rationale by her campaign to finally agree to an interview on Fox News, conducted by Bret Baier. Kamala had to go into “unfriendly” territory and answer questions that would not be softballs, but fastballs, sliders, and the occasional curveball. But, as we have seen with our own eyes, and heard about for YEARS at this point, Kamala Harris simply refuses to do her damn homework. She is either lazy, or stupid, or both. And those are NOT traits that we need in the next president of the United States, not after four years of the perpetually vacationing and mostly dead Joe Biden.

This interview on Fox News was supposed to be pre-recorded at 5 pm Eastern time, and then aired at 6 pm Eastern, uncut. As Bret Baier revealed after the interview, that was not how it went down.

And Baier also told the audience that no less than FOUR staffers were attempting to cut him off at the end. How many of them will ever be able to work on a Democrat’s campaign staff again if she loses?

So, let’s see the interview itself. It runs just slightly under 27 minutes.

Right off the bat, you can see that there is definite tension and nerves in Kamala’s body language. Not only are her legs crossed, but her arms are crossed as well, in a pretty defensive stance, and her shoulders seem hunched at the very beginning. I went back and looked at her body language when she sat for her first one-on-one “friendly” interview with Stephanie Ruhle from MSNBC, which showed her in the same leg-crossed position, but she had her hands clasped in her lap and her shoulders look straighter. It’s clear that Kamala does not interview well, but she at least knew what to expect from Ruhle, who held up her end of the bargain and gave her plenty of softballs. Kamala Harris did not know what to expect from Bret Baier, and there were more than a few times that you can tell she was caught totally unprepared for the redirected question.

The interview begins with immigration, and it is obvious that Kamala Harris has no idea how to respond when confronted with the harsh realities of what the Biden-Harris administration’s policies have wrought. Baier plays a clip from the testimony of Jocelyn Nungaray‘s mother, who directly blamed the Biden-Harris administration for letting her daughter’s killers into the country, and she’s got nothing but lip service to pay – and the desire to blame Donald Trump again for stopping the passage of a bad bill that would not have prevented any of these murderers from getting into the country. During this part of the interview – which was well over ten minutes long – you can see and hear Kamala getting more and more agitated. Her voice cracked a few times and she used a vocal fry. She also dodged her own record, claiming “that was five years ago” so OF COURSE she isn’t going to do any of that – she only says crazy shit when she’s trying to win votes! But when Baier brought up that Tim Walz had signed many of her own ideas – giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses, free tutition, free healthcare – into law in Minnesota, she absolutely locks up. That was the first time in the interview where she did not see the curveball coming, and she freezes as it blows right by her.

The next major question after immigration was regarding Kamala’s support for transgender surgery for prisoners. She clearly didn’t think that question was coming, but tries to dodge it by pointing out that it was law under Donald Trump as well. When Bret Baier says that no actual surgeries occurred during the Trump administration, Kamala swings and fouls this fastball off her own foot.

THAT is going to leave a mark, because it will be used against HER, not Donald Trump. She may or may not have realized what happened at that point, because she promptly moved into a rehearsed word salad of all of her favorite soundbites and slogans, which Baier tried to move through to get to the economy, where he asked her about her campaign slogans of “turn the page” and “chart a new way forward.” And then he played the clip from “The View” where Kamala says that “nothing comes to mind” that she would have done differently. She then claims that her presidency “will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency” – which is pretty much the opposite of what she said before.

What, then, asked Baier, are you turning the page from?

TRUMP, of course!

Which leads to the question of why Trump is leading in many of the swing state polls. Kamala’s answer? Running for president “is not supposed to be easy.” What? But then the mask begins to crack, and we see her anger and contempt starting to leak through. She is PISSED that she has to keep pointing out that Trump is so terrible.

But she is not prepared for the next curveball. Baier points out all the names she’s been calling Trump, and then asked when she first noticed that Joe Biden was “diminished”? This question stumped her so badly that there is three seconds of dead air before she can even utter a word. The wheels in her brain have literally locked up.

The full post reads:

.@BretBaier asks Harris: You told many interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game, that ran around circles on his staff. When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished?

*brief pause*

Harris: Joe Biden, I have watched, from the Oval Office to the Situation Room, and he has the judgement and the experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people.

Baier: So no concerns raised?

Harris: Bret, Joe Biden is not on the ballot and Donald Trump is.

That is not an answer, and she knows that she was just caught staring at the ball as it went by her in the batter’s box. After that moment, she knew the interview was a lost cause, and yet she still had to hold it together and keep going. Baier questioned her about the administration’s leniency on Iran, and she blamed Donald Trump for leaving the Iran Deal (while claiming that Israel has a right to defend itself). When Baier pointed out the cash the administration has allowed into Iran, she tried pulling out the “suckers and losers” line that Joe Biden loved to use.

It was at this point where Kamala Harris was really just done. Bret Baier apologizes for talking over her, and she has this to say – which is pretty much her anger talking that Baier isn’t going easy on her:

“I wish – I would like that we would have a – a conversation, that is grounded in f-full assessment of the facts, which includes – I think this interview is supposed to be about the choices that your viewers should be presented about, this election and the contrast is important. And on the subject of Iran, I am offering – what should be an i-important contrast that is presented for folks to make a decision that they feel -“

It was at this point that Baier was being told to wrap up the interview, so Kamala then tells everyone to go to her website and read her 80 pages of policy. Oh, joy. Homework. You know, the thing Kamala Harris DIDN’T do to prepare for this interview.

The trainwreck was complete. While Kamala’s staff claimed that she was stunning and brave for even going on Fox News (which they called an “ambush” – uh, did you guys not set this interview up???), and Joe Scarbourough and Mika Brzezinski claimed that Bret Baier was “rude,” it’s clear what happened, and how most are responding to the interview.

Now, is Kamala’s campaign “over,” as some are speculating? We still have plenty of time in political minutes for something else to happen, so no, it’s really not over until the polls close on Election Day. Will this be the last “unfriendly” interview Kamala Harris does? If she does Joe Rogan‘s show now, after that performance, it would be political malpractice by her staff. I think this may be the only unfiltered look we get at Kamala Harris – and it was the slow-moving disaster that you couldn’t stop watching.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • SD says:

    FULL INTERVIEW: VP Kamala Harris interview with Bret Baier on Fox News – Video


  • Well, this was an ambush. They expected Baier to give her “legitimacy” by having her appear on the “Enemy of Democracy” Fox News.

    I have to say, I am suspecting that the powers that be in the Uniparty have decided that their best bet this cycle is a mercy killing.

  • Scott says:

    “She is either lazy, or stupid, or both.” I’m DEFINITELY going with BOTH. she has proven this time and time again. The fact that dim voters are ok with her being their candidate shows how much they HATE this Republic of ours (It’s NOT a democracy Kamala.. seems a VP who wants to be President should know that)..

  • It’s been plain for a while now that Harris is unwilling to answer questions about her regime’s record in office. All Baier had to do to flummox her was ask her about that regime’s policies. Harris was devastated from start to finish.

  • Que says:

    Everyone is talking about Kamala’s collapse in that interview, but I’d like to give a shout out to Bret Baier for a masterful question and answer session. I know that many of the ardent Trumpers don’t like him since he’s not a hardcore rider of their train, but IMO he is the most professional journalist at Fox News.

    Well done, Bret Baier.

    • Scott says:

      Agreed, he did do a good job, or as good as could be done, he asked solid questions, and did his best to get actual answers, calling her out when she offered nothing but a word salad.

      Here’s hoping that the “you got to take responsibility” line is already being turned into a republican campaign ad…

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