Just Stop Oil Desecrates Stonehenge

Just Stop Oil Desecrates Stonehenge

Just Stop Oil Desecrates Stonehenge

Stonehenge was desecrated by Just Stop Oil jerks today. And they are damned proud of their vandalism.

Part of Stonehenge has been covered in orange powder paint by protesters.

Two Just Stop Oil campaigners sprayed the powder paint on the historic site near Salisbury, Wiltshire, at around 12:00 BST on Wednesday.

The move comes the day before celebrations begin for the Summer Solstice at the 5,000-year-old landmark.

Wiltshire Police confirmed two people had been arrested on suspicion of damaging the ancient monument.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the incident as a “disgraceful act of vandalism”.

Oh it’s beyond disgraceful. It’s infuriating that these Just Stop Oil assholes have been allowed to damage and attempt to destroy priceless paintings, statues, and now world historic landmarks in their asinine and insane quest to stop oil production. They unequivocally should not only be condemned but should face mandatory prison sentences. 

Can you imagine? Absolute kudos to the lady who was trying to stop them from their destructive act. Having been to Stonehenge, with the amount of people who visit at that time of day, I’m disappointed that very few others stepped up to tackle their asses to the ground. 

And yes, these jackasses are proud of their destructive vandalism

A Just Stop Oil spokesperson said: ‘The UK’s government in waiting has committed to enacting Just Stop Oil’s original demand of ‘no new oil and gas’. However, we all know this is not enough. Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions.

‘We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything. That’s why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally-binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.

‘Failure to commit to defending our communities will mean Just Stop Oil supporters, along with citizens from Austria, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland, will join in resistance this summer, if their own governments do not take meaningful action.

‘Stone circles can be found in every part of Europe showing how we’ve always co-operated across vast distances – we’re building on that legacy.’

No, what you are building is a legacy of buffoonery coupled with destruction. You are clowns who’ve been allowed to get away with your idiotic virtue signaling, and it NEEDS TO STOP. 

As one person, in response to Terry says, ‘hey, it’s just cornflower. No biggie. The publicity is the key!’ 

No little girl, let me inform you that the cornflower paint IS a big freaking deal. And if you can’t tell that the publicity surrounding this vandalism is overwhelmingly negative, then your bubble of denial must be epically strong. 

You see, the cornflower paint is a problem to these stones. A big problem. 

“They are sensitive and they are completely covered in prehistoric markings which remain to be fully studied and any surface damage to the stones is hugely concerning.

“A rich garden of life has grow on the megaliths, an exceptional lichen garden has grown. So it’s potentially quite concerning.”

I’d say so! Stonehenge is an enigma wrapped in a puzzle that has fascinated people for hundreds of years. Having had the opportunity to visit Stonehenge years ago and more recently, and see these stones that are so mysteriously wonderful is a very special experience. Especially given that we still really don’t know who, when, or why Stonehenge was created.

So for these Just Stop Oil jackasses to desecrate Stonehenge and then brag about it is absolutely infuriating. 


And it had better be a very LONG prison sentence for all of them. If I’d had my druthers, I would’ve made them do a WALK OF SHAME  back to the visitor center, barefoot the entire way. 


This desecration happened the day before the Summer Solstice. You can darned well bet that those in attendance for the event will not be pleased to see such a historic site plastered with orange paint. 

I have a suggestion for the Just Stop Oil jackasses. Ditch your clothes, shoes, vehicles, backpacks, cell phones, and computers. Go sit your naked asses in a cave and see how you survive without oil, oil by-products, or coal to heat or cook your food. 

The Just Stop Oil jackasses truly believe that we will applaud their vandalism. No, no we don’t. We condemn it whole-heartedly. Desecrating world-renown historical sites or our Constitution isn’t and never will be the way to gin up support, no matter what your cause is. 

Feature Photo Credit: Author’s personal photo of Stonehenge

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  • For these criminals, the punishments prescribed by the original builders should be applied.

    But televised on all channels.

  • Justin Stoppin says:

    Hang them…..upside down….for 6 months…

  • agimarc says:

    Appears they just volunteered to clean off the rocks with toothbrushes until all the paint is gone. Take a couple weeks? Great. Take a couple decades? Even better. Never a good idea to believe your own propaganda. Cheers –

    • Hate_me says:

      I highly doubt they know how to use a toothbrush, and that would do even more harm to the site.

      Just put them down and be done with it.

    • Wfjag says:

      Put them in the general population with the working class blokes. Then they’ll learn that there’s many uses for a toothbrush, even if they are now wearing dentures.

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