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Joe Biden has the sads. You see, there’s just a few things he regrets about how and what he did as President. Not many mind you, but a few.
This time of contemplative review comes as Joe is hanging out on a Caribbean beach gazing at the sand between his toes, while gearing up for a trip to the Vatican.
The visit, White House officials said as they issued a readout on Mr. Biden’s call with the pope last week, is officially to discuss world peace. But according to a person familiar with his plans for the trip, Mr. Biden is also going to the Holy See to seek solace and “relief” as he exits the world stage. Pope Francis, that person said, has become an ally and sounding board, trading occasional phone calls with Mr. Biden. Some of those conversations have been casual check-ins of the “Hey, how you doing?” variety.
Solace and relief from WHAT? This is a guy who spent 44% or more of his time as President on vacation! Is this a vacation from his vacations?
It seems that Joe’s regrets are not what you’d expect. Or maybe they are. He’s no longer a fan of Merrick Garland.
In private, Biden has also said he should have picked someone other than Merrick Garland as attorney general, complaining about the Justice Department’s slowness under Garland in prosecuting Trump, and its aggressiveness in prosecuting Biden’s son Hunter, according to people familiar with his comments.
Had the Justice Department moved faster to prosecute Trump for allegedly seeking to overturn the 2020 election and mishandling classified documents, they say, the former president might have faced a politically damaging trial before the election.
I’ll admit, I laughed hard at that. Garland didn’t weaponize the DOJ hard enough against Trump and was too mean to Hunter??!! Wow. That’s certainly an interesting “regret” to have. Especially given that dear old Dad handed Hunter (and thus himself) a 10-year blanket pardon for any and all crimes that may show up! And that it’s a tacit admission that yes, Joe DID want Trump prosecuted and jailed before the election.
What else does Joe regret? That he’s not wealthy, and should’ve put his signature on Covid relief checks. Yes, really.
“For 36 years, I was listed as the poorest man in Congress,” he told the crowd with a laugh, before adding, “What a foolish man.”
Given the current atmosphere, the joke carried the sting of bitter truth. The billionaires are at the White House gates, ushered in by voters who were again siding with a wealthy man whose politics are antithetical to Mr. Biden’s.
During the same speech at Brookings, Mr. Biden said he had been “stupid” not to sign his name to Covid stimulus checks that were distributed to Americans early in his term.
I refer you back to the many instances where the Biden Brand has benefitted from Joe’s years as a politician, especially while Vice President in regards to the matter of wealth and stature. Furthermore, the whole signature on the Covid checks thing just REEKS of outright jealousy.
Here’s another sad of Joe’s. He could’ve been a contender!
President Biden privately regrets dropping out of this year’s presidential election and reportedly insists he could’ve beaten President-elect Trump if he wasn’t pushed out of the race by his own party.
Biden and some of his aides have boasted to confidantes “in recent days” that the president should’ve stayed in the race and could’ve won a second term, the Washington Post reported Saturday citing multiple anonymous sources briefed on the conversations.
No Joe, you didn’t have an off night, you’ve had an off four plus years of dwindling mental capacity. And we all knew it while your wife, son, and everyone around you committed elder abuse! But regrets or not, Joe and everyone around him created the Presidential race debacle that led to Trump’s HUGE win in November.
As Clint Eastwood once said; "He's a legend in his own mind".
— Daniel Bell (@Total6Package) December 28, 2024
Most appropriate use of the quote I have ever seen.
Evidently we were just too stupid to realize that Joe is old-school in the governing style of JFK etc, and his whisper shout rants on the economy and the state of our democracy such as the one in Philadelphia were supposed to ‘lift our spirits.’ That worked out so well at the ballot box didn’t it?
This piece in the @nytimes was, well, shocking. Talk about a refusal to admit the truth. @AGSNYT really damaged his paper with its refusal to call out Biden the way it calls out Trump.
— Andrea E (@AAC0519) December 29, 2024
What else does Joe regret?
Denying that Hunter’s laptop is real? Nope.
Sending the DOJ hard after J6’ers? Not one bit.
Inflation up the highest since Carter? Nahhhh.
Joe Biden is really still arguing he didn't get enough credit for an economy that produced 22 percent higher prices and 8 percent interest rates in just three years time.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 29, 2024
Pardoning criminals and commuting death sentences to life for rapists, murderers, and cop killers? Not hardly.
Joe Biden is an addled, corrupt, and demented failure.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) December 23, 2024
The White House has become a memory care facility as Biden is led around by his corrupt kids and his Marxist staffers.
That's why 37 depraved murderers have clemency.
Obliterating our borders so that millions of illegals (far too many of whom are criminals) go waltz right in while we have thousands of children unaccounted for? In a word….NO
How about Afghanistan and disgracefully checking his watch as thirteen Americans came home in flag-draped coffins?
He has ZERO regrets about that one either.
Joe has just a few regrets, arrogant ones at that. Perhaps the Pope will point out his misdeeds and suggest he make amends? Yeah, that’ll never happen.
Meanwhile, this country has a TON of regrets about Joe and his enablers. And it will take more than four years to fix the gigantic mess he created.
Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click
“Perhaps the Pope will point out his misdeeds and suggest he make amends?” You made me spit out my beer with that one Nina.. All I can think of with those two meeting is “birds of a feather”.. Francis is no more Catholic than Biden is. They both use it as a protective cloak, but don’t adhere to a single tenant of the faith. They are both socialists more concerned about their own legacy than the welfare of those they’ve been elected to represent / take care of.
Joe is the biggest POS to ever inhabit the White House (and given that zero and mooch lived there for 8 yrs, that’s saying something.. He and Francis are both going to have VERY tough / short conversations with St. Peter, probably sooner than later..
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