Joe Biden Losing Ground Among … Democrats?

Joe Biden Losing Ground Among … Democrats?

Joe Biden Losing Ground Among … Democrats?

The latest New York Times/Siena poll shows that Joe Biden is tanking in approval among the likely electorate. Not only that, but the Real Clear Politics average of recent polling gives Biden an approval rating of 40.5% — and a disapproval rating of 55.9. That’s a 15.4% spread.

One comedy writer posted this at X:

So at this point a lot of Democrats are sounding like David Byrne of the Talking Heads in the 80’s classic Once in a Lifetime.

And you may ask yourself, “Am I right, am I wrong?”
And you may say to yourself, “My God, what have I done?”

Joe Biden Talking Heads

Indeed, Democrats, what have you done? Why did you select this clown as your standard bearer in 2020?

Moreover, my question to the American public — what were you thinking? 

Yeah, Trump was no one’s idea of a Washingtonian president, and he made some huge errors too. Like rolling over to Drs. Deborah Birx and little Anthony Fauci in shutting down the country over Covid. Other doctors, including his advisor Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford University, were adamant that the economy needed to remain open. But Trump didn’t heed their words.

Plus, the national debt under Trump rose to $7.8 trillion. Not a good look for a supposedly “conservative” Republican president.

But under Trump goods were cheaper, the southern border was secure, and international bad actors kept to themselves. They were afraid to anger Trump, one can safely assume.

Yet voters got fooled into thinking they were electing good old Scranton Joe, and that American life would be more normal under Biden. The chaos of the Trump presidency would vanish.

They were hornswoggled.

President Joe Biden, being the pissy old man he is, pushed to reverse Trump’s border policies. He thought he could cozy up to Iran. There’s his idiotic comments about Putin making a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. And I don’t need to tell you about food and gasoline prices.


Joe Biden Losing Among Democrats at the Border

One problem Biden has among the Democrat base is the disaster at the southern border.

Progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Squad want to keep illegal migrants flowing in. However, more Dems are pushing back against Biden’s insistence on keeping the border open. For example, as I wrote last week, AZ Gov. Katie Hobbs was quite unhappy with how Biden ignored the catastrophe at her border with Mexico. So she issued an executive order to bring in the National Guard. Yet she’s a liberal Democrat.

AZ Sens. Krysten Sinema and Mark Kelly are also adding their displeasure. And even PA Sen. John Fetterman has pushed his colleagues to start talking to Republicans about border security — it “isn’t xenophobic to be concerned about the border,” he said.

John Fetterman? Who had that on their Bingo card?

Charles Lipson, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Chicago, warns of the border problems that everyone sees — including sensible Democrats — yet remain poorly addressed by the Biden administration:

The immediate danger posed by the open border is a surge of heroin, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and fake prescription drugs, imported by Mexican cartels. Like bootleggers in the 1920s, they have established distribution networks and begun fighting each other for control of the streets, where they conduct this profitable trade. These networks, like those of the Mafia, will be impossible to dislodge.

Pressing as these effects are, there is a third, less obvious danger lurking. An unsecured border is a powerful attraction for terrorists to sneak in and strike the Great Satan. It is also an invitation for China, Russia, Iran, and other adversaries to infiltrate sleeper cells. 

Finally — well, this post from Bill Melugin says it all.

No wonder Dems are worried at the prospect of Joe Biden running in 2024.


And Israel …

After the October 7 massacre led by Hamas terrorists on Israeli settlements, Joe Biden followed his instincts and spoke out in support of Israel. But that was then. Now he’s facing blowback from young adults — most likely to be Democrat voters — who don’t support Israel. Instead, they’ve heeded their DEI shilling professors or Tik Tok videos or whatever social media antisemitism they ingest. So they’re turning against Biden.

Even worse for Biden and the Democrats, according to that new New York Times/Siena poll, Trump leads Biden among the 18-29 voting bloc. On top of that, Nate Cohn of the New York Times notes that Biden’s fall from grace among these youngest of voters is present in almost all major surveys thus far.

In response, the Biden administration has urged Israel to exercise more care about civilian deaths in Gaza. They’re also working with regional leaders to bring humanitarian aid to the area (which is probably promptly snatched up by Hamas terrorists). But these measures have done little to quell the voters of Generation Z to put down the kaffiyehs and support Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, liberal Jewish voters who have always voted Democrat are also taking notice of Joe Biden waffling on Israel.


Joe Biden is Unlikable. Period.

There’s one thing that neither Joe Biden nor his supporters can change: his age and growing infirmities. Moreover, Biden himself doesn’t acknowledge his age, and even denies its effects, something about which his aides have concerns. And, polls show that over 70% of voters are worried about his age.

Consider, for example, his latest gaffe: using salty language at Sandra Day O’Connor’s funeral on Tuesday.

As one former aide told Axios:

His age is clearly something voters are worried about, fairly or not, and yelling, ‘Nuh-uh’ isn’t cutting it.

And while Biden’s media lapdogs want you to look away from the age issue, their media cousins in Australia are pointing it all out.

But it’s not just his age. As Charles C.W. Cooke, senior editor at National Review declared:

Joe Biden is an Asshole

He added:

He’s an asshole. Can we not all see it? For those who cannot conceive of truth without triangulation, I will freely stipulate that Donald Trump is an asshole, too — and that, in some ways, he’s an even worse one …

Biden is twice as irritating as he believes himself to be, and half as intelligent into the bargain. From the moment he arrived on the scene — nearly 50 years ago, Lord help us — he has represented all that is wrong with our politics. A century hence, his name will be set into aspic and memorialized under “Hack.”

On Monday, Cooke continued his evisceration of Biden in another NR column. He wrote that he had received flak for his salty language in the July article, but asserted I regret nothing.

Cooke continued by explaining Biden’s dropping poll numbers:

Joe Biden is not a good leader. His approval rating is not unacceptably low. And the public has no obligation to develop a different view of him than the one it has at present.


… he adopted a sour, petty, bitchy, partisan affect that the American electorate simply does not like. “Dark Brandon” is popular among left-leaning political obsessives who spend much too much time on the Internet. The rest of us think he’s a loser. Yes, Joe Biden is very old. No, there’s nothing he can do about that. But his behavior has rendered his age far more of a liability than it would have been otherwise. People like kindly old men. They don’t like grumpy, impatient, entitled old men — especially when they believe that they are incompetent and corrupt.

No wonder Democrats are running scared. So who in that party will grow a pair and tell Joe Biden to his face about his failure as president?


Featured image: original artwork by Brand X Studio./”Erin go bray LCCN2004670130” by is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Citizen Tom says:

    Asshole does not begin to describe Joe Biden. Biden belongs in a prison cell. Joe Biden’s is both crooked and criminally incompetent. Biden’s has accepted bribes, and he has been caught. His policies don’t work because robbing the country like there is no tomorrow guarantees poverty for the vast majority. So, the vast majority don’t want to vote for him. His forreign policy looks like something the Chinese Communist Party wanted from him.

    Sadly, Biden or whatever clown Democrats throw up to replace Biden, could still win. With enough money and enough support from the mass media and Big Tech, Democrats may succeed in trashing the Republican candidate (Trump, most likely) and hiding the innumerable blemishes (understatement) of the Democrat.

    The unfortunate fact is that Biden is a symptom of a much bigger problem. Many people in this country lack a moral compass. Previous generations rejected Biden out of hand, but this one was tricked into voting for him. That should tell us something.

  • John says:

    The sad part is that many people will STILL vote for old, senile Joe come next November. It doesn’t matter which Republican runs against him. All those voters see is the (D) behind his name and that’s where their vote will go. They don’t view what his policies and his corruption have done to the country. Another four years of Joe will irreversibly destroy the United States of America.

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