Joe Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter Almost Five Years Later

Joe Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter Almost Five Years Later

Joe Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter Almost Five Years Later

Navy Joan Roberts got an early birthday gift from her paternal grandfather, Joe Biden, late yesterday. Not the Biden name, and definitely not a invitation to meet her grandparents.

Nope. Joe Biden decided to acknowledge that his granddaughter actually exists, exactly one month before her FIFTH birthday. It took Joe Biden – the family man who is being hounded because he loves his son so much, per the women on “The View” – nearly FIVE YEARS to acknowledge that his son Hunter, the alleged “smartest guy” Joe knows, has a fifth child living in Arkansas.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” President Biden said in a statement provided exclusively to PEOPLE.”

Navy, one of the president’s seven grandchildren, has recently been the subject of headlines as Republicans have criticized the president for previously touting his “six grandchildren.”

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” President Biden’s statement continues. “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

This is not a political issue, but Joe Biden made it one when he and Jill deliberately refused to acknowledge Navy’s existence for years, while welcoming Hunter’s youngest child Beau (now three years old) into their lives. The media was complicit in this “we have six grandchildren” lie, even publishing a “guide” to the Biden grandchildren as late as November 2022 that left Navy Joan out. But thanks to Hunter Biden’s legal shenanigans, including putting his child support case back into the courts as he attempted to reduce his payment obligations, the fiction that the Bidens “only” had six grandchildren was forced into the spotlight and became too obvious for elements of the media to ignore.

And remember, it wasn’t just Joe.

It was also Jill.

Grandparents of the year, they were not. So, why the sudden about-face? You know, on a Friday night right before Joe and Jill skip town to go on vacation for ten days? It’s not because they “only want what is best” for Navy. It’s because they want what is best for THEM.

At this point, it is an undeniable fact that Hunter Biden is a sleazebag pig who is is a lot of legal messes. It was also obvious that Hunter had pulled out all the legal stops to keep his daughter from his money and the Biden name. None of this reflected well on the “family man” image that Joe has carefully tried to cultivate over the decades in Washington DC. When the New York Times allows Maureen Dowd to scold Joe Biden for NOT acknowledging his seventh grandchild, the end was near for the media’s willingness to ignore her (no matter what “The View” said). In not recognizing one little girl as a part of their family, Joe and Jill looked petty and indecent. Imagine what the Democrats’ internal polling must have been saying for this carefully prepared statement, not on camera, to be handed out to People Magazine to be released at 5 pm on a Friday evening before the president takes off for vacation. Apparently, Team Biden is hoping the bare minimum amount of effort will be enough to get the media off their backs, and satisfy Democrats.

The problem is, the “bare minimum” was acknowledging Navy Joan Roberts YEARS ago.

Hunter took a paternity test in 2019 and has known with scientific certainty that this little girl was his for coming up on four years now. And at ANY point in those almost four years, Joe Biden and Jill Biden could have simply said, “yes, she is Hunter’s daughter and our granddaughter.” What stopped them from doing the decent thing and just acknowledging that this child existed? Shame? Hunter filmed himself snorting crack with hookers, and yet he’s still welcome with open arms in the family!

In my honest opinion? Hunter didn’t want his father to acknowledge his love child (whom he has never met), and Hunter and Joe have a co-dependent relationship in both finances and family. Remember that Hunter dated his brother’s widow, and pressured Joe into issuing a statement about it?

Hunter Biden has said that he convinced his father Joe Biden to issue a public statement supporting his affair with his deceased brother Beau’s widow Hallie, arguing the relationship would ‘seem wrong’ if his father didn’t bless it.”

”Dad,’ I told him, ‘if people find out, but they think you’re not approving of this, it makes it seem wrong,’ Hunter Biden wrote in his memoir, Beautiful Things, set to be released on April 6, according to an advance copy obtained by Fox News.”

In early 2017, just months after his father left office as vice president, the pressure was on Hunter when a reporter called to ask him about his affair with Hallie, which began while he was still married to his first wife.”

Hunter argued to his father that it would be devastating to his children if Biden didn’t bless the unusual relationship, telling him: ”The kids have to know there’s nothing wrong with this,
and the one person who can tell them that is you.”

Biden was reluctant but eventually issued a statement saying: ‘We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them.”

According to Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, their daughters did NOT take the news of their father’s affair with their aunt well, and were forced to break the news to their mother. The entire Biden “happy family” portrait has been a façade for political purposes for a while now – first, to hide Hunter’s addictions, and then to hide the consequences. And yet Joe and Jill have maintained the fiction in order to maintain their own image – and possibly to keep the money flowing into “the family business.” After all, we know that Hunter loathes Jill, and has been working as a the family “bag man” for years now, making sure that cash keeps coming in. Imagine if Hunter ever turned on Joe. And now ask yourself why Joe and Jill have never acknowledged that Navy Joan Roberts exists. My money is on Hunter told them not to, and so that’s what they did. But Hunter is now on the hot seat, and the happy family façade has been shredded. A decision was likely made that it was easier to throw a bone to the media and simply state that Navy exists, and then let the complicit media declare the issue resolved and move on.

So, after the news this week, will Navy be getting Commander the German Shepherd’s Christmas stocking this year (since he is now on the naughty list), or will “Grandma” Jill order a seventh stocking for their fireplace pictures?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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