Jake Sullivan Has No Answers Or Accountability

Jake Sullivan Has No Answers Or Accountability

Jake Sullivan Has No Answers Or Accountability

Biden National Security advisor Jake Sullivan was sent out as the administration’s sacrificial lamb to try and explain the Pentagon’s problems to CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Now, let’s remember that Jake Sullivan is a complete tool who was instrumental in the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, and should have been fired over it, but insisted that the Afghanistan withdrawl was JUST SPIFFY.

So it should be fairly obvious that Jake Sullivan is completely divorced from reality and has his head firmly up Biden’s Depends-covered ass. Which makes him the PERFECT toady to send out in order to run defense over the Pentagon’s latest screw-ups.

First, that missing $3 billion – BILLION – that the Pentagon claims was an “accounting error” regarding the weapons that the United States has sent to Ukraine. It’s a fair question to ask if this was intentional or not, in order to screw with the books and justify sending even more to Ukraine. But when Tapper asked Sullivan about it, Sullivan treated it like it was no big deal.

“There was this very bizarre admission from the Pentagon this week of an accounting error that suggested that the U.S. has at least $3 billion that it didn’t know it had that it can use for Ukraine aid,” CNN anchor Jake Tapper said.”

“That’s a hell of an accounting error. And it provides a lot of fodder to critics of U.S. aid to Ukraine, and critics who say there’s not enough oversight going on. Are you concerned about this accounting error?” Tapper asked Sullivan.”

“That is not money that went out the door and disappeared,” Sullivan told Tapper.”

“That is not a waste of that $3 billion. It is simply a tally of how much military equipment we have given them. And the way that the Pentagon was counting it was what’s the replacement cost for the equipment we provide rather than just the actual cost of that equipment. Once you make that adjustment, it turns out we have an additional $3 billion that we can spend to provide even more weapons to Ukraine,” he said.”

“At the end of the day, not one penny of U.S. Dollars will have gone missing, or have been misallocated,” Sullivan concluded.”

Wow, everything is coming up billions! Why do we even have a debt ceiling crisis with THIS kind of money management! Quick, someone check under Joe Biden’s mattress and see if we can find another billion or two!

But what was even worse was Sullivan’s answer regarding the drone strike that the Pentagon first claimed killed an al-Qaeda leader, but now they have “backed off” that claim and have no idea exactly who they targeted with that drone. But hey, let’s just wait until the Pentagon finishes that investigation – which will totally exonerate themselves if they screwed up!

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Sullivan about the reportedly botched missile strike, which the Pentagon initially claimed was a successful assassination of a “senior Al Qaeda leader,” but later backtracked and launched an investigation. Sullivan said he could not comment on the matter until the Pentagon’s “full and thorough investigation” was complete – and instead touted President Biden’s record on military accountability.”

“It was President Biden who stood up with Secretary Austin’s guidelines for this administration to ensure there would be accountability and oversight of any potential civilian casualties from counterterrorism strikes,” Sullivan said. “So far we do not have evidence to validate the claims being made in Syria. But I am going to withhold any judgment on what actually happened here until the Pentagon’s investigation is complete.”

The man killed in the May strike in Syria was Lotfi Hassan Misto, 56, a father of 10 who was tending sheep at the moment of his death, according to The Washington Post. The report, based on interviews with Misto’s brother, son and six others who knew him, said he was a poor, former bricklayer who never had ties to terrorism.”

Accountability, my ass. There has NEVER been ANY accountability for the drone strike that killed a family in Kabul as the United States was withdrawing from Afghanistan. No one was fired, no one was disciplined, and supposedly these “new” guidelines after the Kabul strike were supposed to prevent this from ever happening again. But hey, let’s just wait to see what the Pentagon has to say for itself! The top brass has always been willing to take full responsibility for the deaths of innocent civilians! The buck totally stops with Joe Biden!

Jake Sullivan is perfectly happy to dodge giving actual answers or promising any accountability for these “mistakes.” After all, that’s what he’s paid to do. And if we think that’s gross and repulsive, then I guess that’s our problem. Asking for an administration to be accountable for billions of dollars and civilian lives? Pfffffft, so passé.

Featured image: National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, cropped, government work in the public domain

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    This is what happens when military “leadership” is composed of political hacks instead of military men.

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