Jack Smith Notifies Trump He’s Grand Jury Target

Jack Smith Notifies Trump He’s Grand Jury Target

Jack Smith Notifies Trump He’s Grand Jury Target

Even before Donald Trump announced that he was running for President for a third time, the Conventional Wisdom was that the Democrats to throw everything they could at Trump, to garner more support for Trump, because they REALLY WANT to put Biden up against Trump and beat him again. Well, Conventional Wisdom (CW) sounds like group think and that always bring out my oppositional defiance. I have always thought that the Democrats want to destroy Trump as a warning to the rest of us who would question the Uniparty and the Deep State. And, maybe they really do want to see Trump behind bars. Exhibit One is Persecutor Jack Smith. Exhibit Two is the Grand Jury notification Trump received last Sunday.

Last November, just six months ago, I began a post on Jack Smith with this:

Jack Smith, appointed Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump by AG Merrick Garland, was hailed by the Legacy Media as a tough, but fair, non-partisan attorney. That was our first clue that he was a partisan hack. All it takes is a quick internet search to find out that Mr. Smith was Chief of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Sector and looked for ways to torment and charge the Tea Party during the Lois Lerner/Barack Obama days. But, wait, there’s more.

Since that all began in 2013, some of y’all may be too young to remember that clusterfark so here is a brief write up. That persecution was child’s play. Evil, but child’s play. Just going after every day citizens who were political opposition. We, and our spineless, useless elected representatives let them get away with it. Now they are using Jack Smith to go after the Big Kahuna. The leading candidate for President of the Republican Party. That isn’t chilling, that is freezing.

Smith was originally supposed to torment Trump over his Presidential Papers, but that can’t stop him from running. Here is the Wall Street Journal take:

WASHINGTON—Federal prosecutors told former President Donald Trump’s legal team that he is a target of their investigation into efforts to undo his loss in the 2020 election, a sign that he is likely to be indicted in the case.
The notification deepens Trump’s legal peril as the 2024 presidential race heats up, with Trump as the front-runner for the Republican nomination. The former president already faces a separate federal prosecution on charges that he mishandled classified documents after leaving the White House, criminal charges in New York and the prospect of an additional indictment by a local prosecutor in Georgia.
In a post on his Truth Social platform Tuesday morning, Trump said special counsel Jack Smith sent his legal team a letter Sunday indicating he could face charges in the probe examining Trump’s actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol. People familiar with the matter confirmed that the Justice Department had sent the letter.
Trump said he had been given “a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment.” He attacked Smith as “deranged” and accused the Biden administration of trying to undermine him as he makes another bid for the White House.

Can you say Third World Country? Sure you can. Just in case you haven’t seen it:

MSNBC is positively giddy:

I probably qualify as a MAGA faithful type (I will vote for whoever the party nominates), and yes, this persecution resonates with me.

This is what those severely afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome have been thirsting for:

Thirsting since January, 2021:

Democrats who introduced an article of impeachment on Monday against Trump cited the 14th Amendment in the text as an argument for impeaching him.
That language could also be employed against members of Congress who supported Trump’s effort, according to Rep. Cori Bush, a freshman Democrat from Missouri.
“Tomorrow, I’m introducing my resolution to expel the members of Congress who tried to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist coup attempt that has left people dead. They have violated the 14th Amendment,” Bush said Sunday on Twitter. “We can’t have unity without accountability.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked members of Congress for their input on whether to pursue such an effort.

Let me be clear, there is no charge of sedition or insurrection yet, but that is the end goal.

I am not clairvoyant and I didn’t see any of THIS coming, but I think Trump will be charged with sedition. I believe that Democrats and Jack Smith will try to keep Trump off the ballot (election interference). I also believe that Trump will be jailed pending trial as an Enemy of the State. Save this post.

Really, save this post.

Featured Image: Both Images Public Domain

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    They will never forgive him for defeating Hillary and they will do everything in their power to keep him away. I missed living in a Constitutional Republic.

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