ISIS Publishes Female Manifesto: President Focuses on Crusades

ISIS Publishes Female Manifesto: President Focuses on Crusades

President Obama, at yesterday’s National Prayer breakfast, spoke eloquently and insultingly about his issues with Christianity and the Crusades; yet STILL couldn’t bring himself to call ISIS or Islam exactly what they are. A religion of hate, terror, and death.

As our readers know, we’ve written about the atrocities ISIS has and still is conducting against the Yazidis. We’ve written eloquently about James Foley, Steven Joel Sotloff, and Muath al-Kasasbeh. We’ve written about ISIS extreme hate and how well funded they are. Here at Victory Girls we recognize how evil and dangerous ISIS is.

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Just yesterday, on the heels of the barbaric murder of Muath al-Kasasbeh, ISIS’s new manifesto became public. This one is aimed at women and children. Believe it or not, the well-funded ISIS group has a communications department. Let me repeat that, ISIS has enough money to fund a communications/marketing department. And, they published a manifesto. F. Peter Brown of Western Journalism informs us:

Entitled “Women of the Islamic State,” it is thought to have been written by the communications department of the al-Khanssaa Brigade, an all-female ISIS force. The Quilliam Foundation has published a translation in English.

The manifesto, aimed at women living in the Gulf states–especially Saudi Arabia–asserts that “the era of Western dominance and its influence on our lifestyle and way of living has passed.”

Of course, there is humor in the beginning. Well, its more of the head-scratching ‘what in the H*** are you talking about?’ type.  John Hall of the DailyMail elaborates on some of ISIS’s unintended humor:

The manifesto begins with a lengthy rejection of Western values, including financial systems and scientific research. The author attacks studying ‘the brain cells of crows, grains of sand and fish arteries’ as a distraction from the fundamental purpose of humanity, to worship God.

In one of many moments of hypocrisy in the document however, the Al-Khansa Brigade writer states that certain scientific research ‘that help facilitate the lives of Muslims and their affairs are permissible’, outlining such necessities as including medicine, agriculture and architecture.

Yes, all of that is a serious head-scratcher complete with a Face-Palm. Brain cells of crows??!!  But then the manifesto takes a dive into the crazy. Literally.

In the recruitment manifesto, Arab women are encouraged to come to Syria and Iraq where they can live the “sedentary” lifestyle led by responsibilities in the home, which is their “divinely appointed right” in line with Shariah “and the methodology of life that was ordained by God”.
Education should begin at the age of seven and continue no later than the age 15, according to the manifesto. Curriculum should focus largely on Islamic religious studies, Koranic Arabic and learning basic cooking, knitting and other skills, in order to prepare women for their role at the centre of the household.

Wow. Lets look at that for a moment. Women under ISIS are required to live sedentary lives. Somehow I don’t think that means sitting around noshing on bon bons and watching the latest cooking or home improvement shows. Curriculum will prepare women for their role in the house? So what should these young girls expect from their ISIS “teachings?”


For starters, they need to stay hidden and veiled from head to toe. Secondly, they need to be at service (read Beck and Call) of their masters. Masters?! Really? It gets worse. This ISIS group and their communications department isn’t kidding.  In fact, they have many requirements. Jimmy Nsubuga from Metro News writes:

Being a woman in Isis doesn’t sound like a barrel of laughs.
According to an all-female section of Islamic State, girls may marry at nine but boutiques and beauty salons are the work of the devil.
The ‘purest’ will wait until they are 16 or 17 to get hitched though and all women should consider motherhood the purpose of their life, according to the group’s manifesto.

Mr. President, THIS is who we are dealing with. ISIS advocates marrying young girls off at 9 years old. You have two daughters, can you even fathom marrying either one of them off to a terrorist at 9 years old??!! I sure as hell can’t. And I refuse to. Mr. President, you can’t call ISIS what they are. But I can.  And I will. They are terrorists. They are evil. They are destroying lives and decimating those whose beliefs are different from theirs.

Now that I think about it, they are a type of Borg. They demand we assimilate. They demand young frightened 9 year old girls be forced into marriage. They demand women’s education stops at 16 or earlier. They demand that we bow to them or we will die. nMr. President, this American won’t assimilate.  This American will call ISIS what they are.  ISIS is evil.  ISIS is Islam.  ISIS must be stopped.  This American wants them stopped.

Mr. President, how many young girls, how many hostages, how many innocent Americans and allies must die before you step up and man up?  Never mind, I forgot who I’m talking to.  You’re the President who’d rather golf, take selfies with green-lipped YouTube “stars,” or lecture about the Crusades instead of dealing with the realities of ISIS.

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