Imagine This – Kamala Harris Leading Our Military

Imagine This – Kamala Harris Leading Our Military

Imagine This – Kamala Harris Leading Our Military

The party of liberals and far-left Democrats keep on trying to puff up Kamala Harris as some sort of extraordinary world leader. Juan Williams is the latest in this media blitz to make Harris look presidential.

Juan opened the Kool-Aid packet and downed it straight without the water. Something definitely has happened to Juan. The political analyst used to be tolerable when doing a guest spot on conservative media. Since Biden took office, Juan’s views and talking points have become more extreme.


Juan’s delusions shine through in his latest piece, “Kamala Harris Is Ready To Lead Our Military.”


In next week’s presidential debate, voters will see a sharp contrast in the candidates competing to be the next commander in chief. On one side will be a heavyset 78-year-old man who ducked military service during the Vietnam War and has a history of disparaging prisoners of war. He even puts down soldiers who died in war.

Standing on the other side will be a woman.

She is much younger at 59-years-old, physically fit and also with no military service. But she is also being embraced by several hawkish leaders with military experience.

You mean Leon Panetta, who stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention last month and praised Kamala Harris? Does it surprise you that someone like Leon Panetta would take his orders from Barrack Obama or Bill Clinton? Unsurprisingly, he would continue his support of the new socialist party of Democrats.

Yeah, okay. Leon Panetta supports Kamala Harris and says she understands what our military is for.

Does she?

I’ll take Tulsi Gabbard’s take over some deep-state agent embedded in DC politics for decades. I am sure the Abbey Gate Gold Star families would have something to say about what kind of leader Kamala Harris would be for the United States military.

Yesterday, I went to the theater to watch the movie Reagan. While they showed the scenes of Reagan and Gorbachev in talks and negotiations, I kept trying to visualize Kamala Harris sitting down with current world leaders. My heart sank.

Kamala’s Decisions

As the President of the United States, you must make hard decisions, especially regarding our military.

One of Kamala’s most important decisions as the Democratic candidate was to select her running mate, Tim Walz.

If she wants this derelict liar and coward as her running mate, how can I trust her to make other important decisions? Especially with regards to our military?

In Juan’s piece at The Hill, he mentions Adama Kinzinger, who was touted as a Republican and spoke at Kamala’s Democratic National Convention. Oh my! Yeah, the Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with this one—Adam.

In addition, a Republican veteran was given a speaking slot. “As a Republican speaking before you, I’m putting our country first,” said former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who served in the Army. “Because the fact is, I do belong here. I know Kamala Harris shares my allegiance to the rule of law, the Constitution, and democracy, and she is dedicated to upholding all three in service to our country. Whatever policies we disagree on pale in comparison with those fundamental matters of principle, of decency, and of fidelity to this nation.” – The Hill

Kamala shares Adam’s allegiance to the rule of law. You mean like this, Adam?

I feel like a broken record with these people, continually having to correct their stupidity.

No matter what these young campaign managers and staffers try to concoct for the people, it can easily be proven wrong.

And for these seasoned media types like Juan to latch on to the nonsense of these militant college-aged progressives behind Kamala’s campaign is absurd, and he should be embarrassed.

Feature Image: Kamala Harris/Gage Skidmore/Flickr/License CC BY-SA 2.0/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Scott says:

    While his service was by all accounts honorable, Kinzinger is a Soros bought and paid for stooge. There’s a reason he’s a “former” Rep.. And that he’s at home with Cackles..

  • Cameron says:

    On one side will be a heavyset 78-year-old man who ducked military service during the Vietnam War

    Sorry but bone spurs are a legitimate medical condition. Now ask why Kamala blew off military service when she could have gone in.

    and has a history of disparaging prisoners of war.

    That would be Senator McCain, who EARNED that contempt. Funny thing is that Demoncrats (I know what I typed) hated the Vietnam War, held the veterans in contempt and they had a President who gave amnesty to deserters. But now that a colored girl is running for CIC, Vietnam vets are cool again.

    He even puts down soldiers who died in war.

    Never happened. There was a statement released from a man who was in the room when that was allegedly said and he said it never happened and he would have spoken out if it had. But the “fine people on both sides” and “Russian agent” lies have collapsed and that’s all they have left now.

    • John Shepherd says:

      Trump’s attack on McCain military record were out of bounds. It was not one of Trump’s shining moments. McCain could have gone home from Hanoi. The North Vietnamese offered him the choice because his father was CINCPAC. He refused the offer. You don’t have to like McCain or his politics but he was more a man than you, me or Trump. And the earned emity cost Trump in several key votes.

      • Scott says:

        Not out of line at all, sorry. MANY other prisoners have / had much to say about McCains behavior while in Hanoi, and it is NOT flattering.. The idea he’s above reproach just because he was a POW is ridiculous. Not to mention that he spent years in congress shitting all over any good will he might have earned prior.

  • Cameron says:

    Regarding the Reagan movie, the wife and I are planning to see it.

    While they showed the scenes of Reagan and Gorbachev in talks and negotiations,

    Don’t suppose they showed when he walked away from negotiations in Iceland? That was a cool moment.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Please spare me the Tulsi Gabbard comments. While she has been silent on the war in Gaza, her history of support for the Assad regime makes it likely that she supports Hamas.

    • Que says:

      Thank you. Conservatives need to stop this “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” stuff. Gabbard also defended Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and has refused to condemn it, not to mention her endorsement of Bernie Sanders in 2016.

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