Hunter Biden Gun Trial Begins Today After Late Rulings

Hunter Biden Gun Trial Begins Today After Late Rulings

Hunter Biden Gun Trial Begins Today After Late Rulings

Hunter Biden is finally going to court today to face charges over the purchase of the gun he bought in 2018.

Let us recall the salient facts of the case. Hunter Biden, an admitted drug addict, bought a gun in Delaware and lied on his 4473 form (which attests that he has the legal right to buy a gun) about his drug use. His girlfriend at the time and his late brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, dumped the gun in a garbage can at a grocery store across the street from a high school. When Hunter discovered what Hallie had done, the gun was already missing. The Secret Service then tried to seize the original transaction records from the gun store, but the store refused to hand them over. After all, why would the Secret Service need the gun purchase records of then then-former Vice President’s son?

Eventually, the issue of lying on his 4473 form was rolled up into a “sweetheart deal” for Hunter Biden, conveniently folded in with his tax charges, and he was going to plead guilty and walk away. That deal blew up when Judge Maryellen Noreika began poking holes in the entire thing, and ended with Hunter Biden facing federal gun charges in Delaware, and separate felony tax charges in California. The California tax trial has now been delayed to September, but the trial on the gun charges, despite Hunter’s legal team’s best pleadings, complaints, and wacky persecution theories (which cost his “sugar brother” Kevin Morris a whole lot of cash), begins today.

And it begins under the shadow of some shady shenanigans being pulled by none other than Joe Biden himself. Imagine, if you will, that Donald Trump visited his former daughter-in-law right before she was supposed to testify against one of the Trump sons. The media would be howling in outrage, right? Well…

President Joe Biden visited the home of Hallie Biden days before she is due to testify in his first son Hunter Biden’s gun trial, raising eyebrows about the purpose of his visit.

The White House says the visit was about the ninth anniversary of the death of Beau Biden, the president’s first son to whom Hallie was married. However, the president’s brief visit with Hallie also comes before she is expected to testify as a witness in Hunter Biden’s gun crime trial next month.

Hallie dated Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes and is one of a dozen expected witnesses, according to Fox News.

Let me just make this point again, for the people in the back. Hallie Biden was not just “dating Hunter at the time of his alleged gun crimes.” HALLIE BIDEN IS THE DUMBASS WHO DECIDED TO THROW A GUN AWAY IN A GARBAGE CAN. She should be facing charges of her own, but we don’t live in a country with a justice system willing to charge the president’s favorite son’s widow with a crime. What we DO have is the sitting president of the United States, visiting a material witness to his son’s drug use and possession of a firearm, just days before she is supposed to testify. I don’t think Joe was simply paying a condolence call over Beau, though that is his favorite subject in the world. I can easily imagine that conversation going along the lines of “remember that you’re the one who threw the gun away, Hallie, and you’re planning on remarrying and your children are legal adults now… and I don’t want Hunter going to jail, no joke.”

And not to put too fine a point on it, but Joe is keeping Hunter on a short leash near him right now.

Not only that, Joe changed his schedule to be nearby in Delaware before heading off for campaign events. A no-fly zone has been announced around Wilmington, and Joe Biden’s schedule now reflects that he will be near Beau this morning.

Well, before Hunter Biden even sets foot in the courtroom, his legal team is already facing massive problems. Not only do we know that there was cocaine residue on the gun pouch, and not only does Hunter’s own memoir detail his drug use during this period of time where he was buying the gun, all of the novel legal theories that his team has been trying to come up with are getting shot down (pun intended). You see, Hunter’s lawyers were going to argue that when he bought the gun in 2018, he was NOT an “addict.”

“I’m… an alcoholic and a drug addict,” Hunter Biden says in the prologue to his 2021 memoir, “Beautiful Things,” written following four years of extreme drug abuse. Writing in USA TODAY last December, Biden, 54, decried the “weaponization of my addiction by partisan and craven factions.”

Today, Biden refers to himself as an addict in recovery. But there was a moment in 2018 when Biden was not an addict, his lawyers say. It was on Oct. 12, when he purchased a Colt .38 Special revolver and checked “No” on a federal gun form that asked: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

In the fall of 2018, Hunter Biden moved back to the East Coast after months of despairing drug abuse in California. At one point that summer, his uncle, James Biden, had hauled him out of a hotel room and placed him in a rehab center before he moved in with a sobriety coach in the hills over Los Angeles.

“It was great – the beauty, the peace, the support – right up until the moment I relapsed,” he writes in “Beautiful Things. “My lesson after a spring and summer of nonstop debauchery: no lesson at all.”

But it was during one of those periods of sobriety that Hunter Biden purchased the handgun and answered honestly on the federal paperwork, his lawyers say.

“At issue here is Mr. Biden’s understanding of the question,” his lawyer Abbe Lowell recently wrote the court. “Someone like Mr. Biden, who had just completed an 11-day rehabilitation program and lived with a sober companion after that, could surely believe he was not a present tense user or addict.”

Biden’s lawyers haven’t specified where and when the 11-day rehab took place, but they are emphatic that Biden could have reasonably considered himself sober as a result of it.

So, the very expensive lawyer Abbe Lowell, and the very expensive legal team that Kevin Morris has been paying for, was going to try and claim that because Hunter Biden didn’t cut himself a line of cocaine on the counter of the gun store and snort it right then and there, HE WAS SOBER and THEREFORE, not an addict. If this is giving you Bill Clinton vibes, welcome to the club. And that “sober companion” that Hunter Biden was living with? If that is Hallie Biden, then the defense is in deep trouble, because Hallie threw the gun out because… wait for it… Hunter was using drugs.

Hallie Biden awoke on an October morning in 2018 after Hunter Biden, the brother of her deceased husband, Beau, had spent the night. While he slept, she dropped her two kids off at school and then returned to rummage through the truck he had parked outside, anxious as to what the admitted drug addict might be hiding.

When she found a newly purchased Colt Cobra .38 handgun, she was hit by a wave of anger and fear. She put the gun in a shopping bag and drove a few miles to a high-end grocery store, where she tossed it into a trash can. That set off a chain of events that would trigger a flurry of frantic text messages, launch another dark chapter in a doomed and difficult romance — and lead to Hunter Biden’s federal trial beginning Monday.

Those text messages, which will be used as evidence at trial, have Hallie begging Hunter to check himself into a rehab clinic.

Let’s just say that Judge Noreika is not buying the “what is the definition of an addict” argument, because she just blocked the testimony of an “expert witness” that Hunter’s legal team wanted to use.

Noreika granted a request from special counsel David Weiss to block one of Hunter Biden’s expert witnesses from testifying. The defense had lined up a Columbia University-based psychiatrist who would’ve tried to poke holes in prosecutors’ assertions that Hunter Biden knew he was an addict in 2018 when he bought the gun that led to his indictment.

“The inadequacy of Defendant’s expert disclosure for Dr. (Elie) Aoun leaves the government in the dark as to what his opinions about the facts of this case will be, thus rendering the government unable to prepare for trial,” Noreika wrote in her ruling.

The judge also ruled that only the original 4473 form will be introduced at trial. An annotated version of Form 4473 was made by the shop years after the purchase, seemingly so the store could cover their butt.

A shop employee created the original document when Hunter Biden purchased the firearm in 2018. It lists Biden’s passport as the ID he presented to the shop employee.

Years later, however, a copy was made. The copy included a handwritten note, “DE Vehicle Registration,” on a line left blank for “Supplemental Government Issued Documentation.” Store employees did so in 2021 to rectify a requirement that gun buyers present a form of ID that includes an address, which passports do not.

Lowell contends that gun store employees “tampered with” the document, and that it raises questions about “who wrote what on the form, and when.”

Weiss’ office has said the gun shop employees merely “annotated” the document. But they took Lowell’s argument seriously enough to re-interview the gun store owner, Ronald Palimere, on May 16.

During the interview, according to notes filed on the case docket, Palimere said Hunter Biden’s legal tribulations were becoming “a big scandal and there was intense attention on the incident,” and that employees at the store “were all scared to death.”

Palimere “felt it was necessary to annotate the Form 4473 because he felt they were going to get in trouble just for going up against Biden,” according to the notes.

You can really tell the judge is out of patience with Lowell.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers recently argued in court that they wanted to use the doctored form to undermine the credibility of the employees, who are slated to testify on behalf of the prosecutors. They also claimed it showed prosecutors were politically “biased.”

But Noreika ruled the altered version of the form was “irrelevant and inadmissible,” and she went on to blast Hunter Biden’s team for pushing “conspiratorial” theories and “unsupported rhetoric” about the motivations of the Wilmington gun store employees.

“Any probative value it arguably has is substantially outweighed by a danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of issues, and misleading the jury,” she wrote, further adding that any attempts by the defense to use the altered form to demonstrate the employees’ alleged political bias would have been “unduly prejudicial and invites (jury) nullification.”

As we just learned when watching a different trial last week, the judge and the jury are what makes or breaks these cases. Is a jury in Delaware likely to be too much in awe of the Bidens to ever convict Hunter? It seems that Judge Noreika certainly is not. Is Joe going to be sitting in the courtroom for a few hours, just to make an impression on potential jurors? But Hunter is not Joe, and Hunter comes with a laundry list of his own problems that have landed him in this courtroom. We also now know that Hunter has other money problems than just his “sugar brother” being tapped out. He owes quite a lot of alimony to his ex-wife. The mother of his daughter in Arkansas is planning on publishing a book about their relationship – is Hunter keeping up on his child support payments, or if he’s still trying to pay his daughter in finger paintings?

One gets the feeling that the Biden family gravy train is heading off into the sunset. The next generation will have to get real jobs, because Hunter Biden will have spent everything left in legal fees and court-ordered payments. After years of protecting Hunter, Joe’s ability to save him might be coming to a crashing end.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Lloyd says:

    Warm up the Zamboni….Hunter will be skating !!!

  • Chad King says:

    Just a couple of comments on Judge Norieka. First, the quality of federal judges tends to be far higher than the political hacks who form the basis of the state court systems (see “Judge” Merchan). And second, although Judge Noriega was nominated by Trump, she was proposed by Delaware’s two Democrat senators (Carper and Coons). In fact, Coons (a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee) said: “Colm Connolly and Maryellen Noreika are seasoned attorneys, with impressive trial skills, deep experience in federal practice, and profound respect for the law. I am confident that they will both be capable jurists, and I look forward to their confirmation hearings.” If I were on trial, I’d be comfortable that I’d get a fair deal from Judge Norieka–unlike the biases and incompetent “Judge” Merchan.

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    Jill and Joe are at the trial. Everyone there – prosecutor, judge, jurors – will see and experience a taste of what will befall them if Hunter is convicted.

    He won’t be convicted.

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