House Democrats Desperate To Hold Slim Majority

House Democrats Desperate To Hold Slim Majority

House Democrats Desperate To Hold Slim Majority

House Democrats have a problem, and there is no good solution. And this actually extends out to the Senate as well, but not in as big a way.

You see, a potential Biden/Harris administration will need cabinet members and a fully staffed transition team. And House Democrats are actively discouraging their caucus from leaving because… oh, right. That majority is very, very slim. And if House Democrats leave to help out Team Biden, that would put that majority in the House in quite a pickle.

Insiders variously accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) of urging Dems to stay put to preserve their fragile majority.”

“Nancy is telling House members, ‘Now is not the time to leave,’” said a Democratic Party official who’s been briefed by Democratic congressional reps.”

But another House insider said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is urging Democratic congressional reps to stay put, and told the Biden transition team not to poach its members because of the party’s slim majority following the Nov. 3 elections.”

The sensitive topic of jumping ship to work for Biden after the loss of House seats came up at a House Democratic caucus meeting last week.”

“It’s not helpful to talk about that,” a member of Democratic leadership reportedly said on the call regarding House Dems wanting to relinquish their seats and work for Biden.”

Given the obvious spanking that House Democrats took when they were anticipating expanding their majority, not hanging on to one by their fingernails, this makes sense if you’re in Democrat leadership. But it is extraordinarily hilarious to watch from the outside – and votes are still being counted, and every time a race is called, it seems to be bad news for Democrats.

And Nancy Pelosi’s hold on the Speaker’s gavel is not as firm as one might think.

“I will not be voting for Nancy Pelosi,” (Rep. Elissa) Slotkin told me. “I have no idea if people are gonna run against her, or who might run against her. And I will of course have this conversation directly with her. But I believe we need new leadership. I would love to see more Midwesterners, because if you look across the leadership. … I respect these people, but it’s New York and California.”

Slotkin, who just won reelection in Michigan, is finding allies among the Democrats from purple districts like Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, who slammed House Democrats and their far-left message on that infamous caucus after-action call. If enough purple district House Democrats band together in fear of their own seats, what is going to happen to Nancy Pelosi and her dentures?

Or does anyone have the balls to stand up to Pelosi and The Squad in hopes of saving the Democrat caucus?

If no one does, then Pelosi will be Speaker again. The Squad is proving daily that they learned absolutely nothing from the election, because unseating President Trump was their goal. They assumed that with all power invested in the Executive Branch, all would fall into place.

That is why putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court was so crucial. This is why the Senate races in Georgia need all the GOP support and dollars they can get. A slim majority in the House, beset by infighting, is what Democrats are facing. Add to that potential Republican control of the Senate and an aging dotard for a Democrat figurehead, and 2022 is looking like 2010 all over again.

Featured image via JamesDeMers on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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1 Comment
  • a bee ee? says:

    I don’t buy the staged conflict between the “moderates” and the “progressives”. ALL BUT TWO voted for Trump impeachment last year, so it’s just political theater for better optics. And of those two, Jeff Van Drew of NJ was so disgusted that he switched parties and was just re-elected as a Republican, and Collin Peterson of MN lost his seat after 32 years.

    And the same is true in the Senate, what with Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren after the Labor and Treasury cabinet posts respectively. Both their states have Republican governors who would appoint their replacements, but given the RINO and NeverTrump proclivities of Phil Scott and Charlie Baker, there’s no guarantee that they would appoint Republicans to the vacancies.

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