Hochul Worries About Economy and Illegal Immigrants

Hochul Worries About Economy and Illegal Immigrants

Hochul Worries About Economy and Illegal Immigrants

As New York State welcomed illegal immigrants for years on end and Donald Trump enters The White House, Governor Kathy Hochul is “concerned”.

Why is she concerned? Could be this:

New York is home to a staggering 470,100 undocumented workers, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration said Tuesday — as the governor worried a coming crackdown on illegal immigrants could send the local economy into a tailspin.”-Carl Campanile, The New York Post

Hochul unveiled a massive $252 billion budget proposal for a “more affordable and safer New York”. But wait…15% of the state’s entire workforce is undocumented, or nearly one out of every 6 employees is undocumented. And the Trump administration promised to crack down on those who are here illegally.

The potential deportation of undocumented immigrants could further exacerbate the state’s population loss and labor shortages.”

Hochul stated “if workers are forced to leave their jobs, employment in these industries will be significantly disrupted.”

A slowdown in the flow of new immigrants may cause labor shortages and delays in the completion of ongoing construction and negatively impact the available inventory.

The potential deportation of undocumented immigrants could further exacerbate the State’s population loss and labor shortages. A long-term decline in population remains a significant downside risk to both wages and employment.” -Kathy Hochul

Hochul is framing these potential deportations as a “decline in population”? Let’s talk about the “decline in population” in New York that occurred for several reasons. One of these reasons? Remote offices during and post-COVID:

New York’s population decline from mid-2021 to mid-2022 was driven by a net domestic migration outflow of 299,577 residents — meaning nearly 300,000 more people moved out of New York than moved in from other states during the previous 12 months. This was the Empire State’s second-largest net domestic migration loss on record, exceeded only by a net outflow of 314,153 people in 1973. Over the combined two-year period, New York has lost a net 651,742 residents to other states — exceeding the combined populations of Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse.”Empirecenter.org

Read: COVID office restrictions caused some individuals to lose their jobs; others to work online. The ones who lost their jobs could not afford to love in New York. They moved. And, by the time restrictions for in-office work were lifted, most corporations/agencies realized they could do a great deal with an online workforce. Once individuals realized they could work from anywhere and not deal with the rat-race of a commute on crime-ridden subways, or get a jab in the arm they did not want, they moved…to cities and states where the cost of living was nominally lower than in New York. Where, perhaps, their kids were allowed to attend school in-person without useless face-diapers covering their mouths. New Yorkers did not want to be prisoners in their own state.

Hochul is “concerned” about the “construction workers, maids/housekeepers, cooks, home and personal care aides, janitors, and delivery drivers, among other occupations”. The Trump administration is concerned about the criminals.

We will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to places from which they came.”-President Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump did not say say “return millions of construction workers.” Or “return millions of maids/housekeepers.” Or “return millions of cooks, home and personal care aides”. Or “return millions of janitors and delivery drivers”. Donald Trump said “return millions of criminal aliens”. Like the degenerates who light human beings on fire in New York City subways. Or the low-lifes who follow innocent women going for a jog in a park to rape, torture and kill them.

The left, to include Kathy Hochul, will continue to push the term “Mass Deportations” to scare up the community. Trump said “get the criminals out”. In truth, we cannot let more good, hard-working people in until we do this.

Activists and politicians may not want their constituencies to be deported. But the fact that illegal immigrants awaiting removal are here in large numbers is not a compelling argument not to deport them. Nor is deporting them a “mass” action in violation of due process. ‘Mass’ is a term of art that the Left employs to deprecate legal action against favored groups. Proponents of public order shouldn’t use it.”Seth Barron, City Journal

I don’t know about you, but I feel another mass exodus out of New York if this gaslighting, crazy woman remains at the helm for much longer.

Featured image: Governor Kathy Hochul via Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Flickr account, cropped, CC BY 2.0 DEED

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  • Scott says:

    “I don’t know about you, but I feel another mass exodus out of New York if this gaslighting, crazy woman remains at the helm for much longer.”

    You’re probably right Lisa, the problem is, those leaving, for the most part are so indoctrinated and NOT self aware that where ever they land, they’ll still vote for the same dumb shit and the same socialist lefty dims, and turn whatever nice town / city the moved to into the same kind of shithole they left.. and then they’ll wonder what happened. They never seem to understand that THEY are the problem, and that THEY need to change their behaviors.
    I’ve heard libs like that described as both a plague of locusts, and metastasizing cancer…Both seem rather accurate.

  • Lloyd says:

    The only thing Hochul worries about is her political career. She is Biden in a skirt…forever promising things to buy votes. Typical NY democrat who will be re-elected, for sure.

  • It doesn’t surprise me that Democrats still have the mentality of their plantation owning predecessors.

    What does surprise me, although less frequently these days, is how stupid they are to say it out loud.

  • Kaden Cheng says:

    I submit that the major (if only) reason the rest of us care about NY (particularly NYC) is that our President seems to.

  • draigh says:

    Hochul is worried about who is going to make her beds or mow her lawns.

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