Hillary Lost In 2016 Because Women Expected Perfection

Hillary Lost In 2016 Because Women Expected Perfection

Hillary Lost In 2016 Because Women Expected Perfection

Hillary just can’t let it go. Now she’s blaming WOMEN for having the audacity to expect her to be perfect.

That’s right. She’s moved on from blaming Trump (mostly), instead it’s the women who didn’t like her enough. How DARE they expect perfection??!! 

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reflected on her 2016 presidential campaign, saying in a recent interview that female voters deserted her in the last days of the campaign because she was “not perfect.”

“They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect,” Clinton said in an interview with The New Times published Friday. “They were willing to take a risk on [former President Trump] — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.”

I tell you what, Hillary has exactly ZERO self-awareness and she’s evidently never engaged in self-reflection. Keep in mind, this is the woman who, during her campaign, described half the citizens of the United States as “deplorables.” Furthermore, during her tenure as Secretary of State, she was incredibly unmoved and dismissive of the lives lost at Benghazi. “What difference does it make?” 

Oh Hillary, it makes a helluva difference. She never stops to think that A. She’s just eminently unlikeable. B. Her policies are dangerous and would’ve been as or possibly MORE detrimental to the U.S. than what Joe is doing to us now. 

She fails to realize her stance on abortion turned off voters, including many those pesky WOMEN?

In 2016, Planned Parenthood endorsed her candidacy, the first time the organization waded into a presidential primary. In her campaign, Mrs. Clinton promised to appoint judges who would preserve Roe, opposed efforts in Congress to pass a 20-week abortion ban and pushed for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which banned the federal funding of abortions.

Even her language was updated. For years, when it came to abortion, she championed her belief in a phrase popularized by her husband during his 1992 presidential campaign: “safe, legal and rare.”

In a private, previously unreported meeting recounted in the book, campaign aides told Mrs. Clinton to drop the phrase during her 2016 run. Her staff explained that increasingly progressive abortion-rights activists thought calling for the procedure to be “rare” would offer a political concession to the anti-abortion movement. And with so many new restrictions being passed in conservative-controlled states, abortion was increasingly difficult to obtain, particularly for poorer women, making “rare” the wrong focus for their message. Abortion should be “safe, legal, accessible and affordable,” they told her.

She might’ve thought changing the verbiage was stupid, but she still went along with it, AND she definitively ignored several states, Wisconsin for example, during the last months of the campaign. Add to that the weird press campaign rope lines, her whining about how the debates between her and Trump were conducted, the weirdness behind her fainting on 9/11, plus her decades worth of problematic issues.

Those were HER choices. Yet she has spent the last eight plus years engaged in a blame game whine fest combined with election denial. She lost because of everyone else. And the list is LONG. 

Clinton is furious that Comey, then the FBI director, publicly revealed the re-opening of the secret email server investigation just before election day – and has said so time after time after time.

She told the Today show on Wednesday:

‘The role that he played historically was determinative.’

She added: ‘I was just dumbfounded. I thought what is he doing? It stopped my momentum, it drove voters from me.

Nope, none of this was her fault. And now, she claims she lost because women voters didn’t like that she wasn’t perfect enough. 

The funny thing about this is that, several years back, she blamed women and their overbearing husbands for losing the election. Then she lost the women vote because their husbands told them not to. 

Well, now she’s blaming women for having the unreal expectation of perfection. And since Hillary wasn’t ‘perfect enough’ they didn’t vote for her. 

This is why she lost. She absolutely refuses to acknowledge that women didn’t vote for her because of the issues she espoused, and the issues following her around, including blackberries, emails, servers, and more. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some didn’t vote for her because she IS totally unlikable. 

But for her to claim now that because women expected a much higher standard of perfection from her, which she evidently failed to realize at the time, is what led to her losing the election? WOW. 


Damn good question. 

Don’t get me wrong, she’ll always blame Trump for her loss. 

The fact is, Hillary will go to her grave feeling betrayed by everyone else. She should’ve been the WINNER! But she wasn’t. Who will be next on her blame game list? Bill? Chelsea? 

Feature Photo Credit: Original Artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Dietrich says:

    Hillary Clinton, bad politician, worse human being.

  • John Shepherd says:

    But of course Trump is to blame. He was her opponent and ran a better campaign than she did. If she ran unopposed she would have won!!!

  • Lewis says:

    What difference does it make?

    Don’t go away mad, just go away!

  • American Human says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Joe Biden is the most corrupt president ever only because Hillary Clinton was not elected president.

    Also, regardless of how much one may dislike Donald Trump, We must forever be grateful and happy that because of him, Hillary will NEVER be president.

  • Cameron says:

    Hillary views women as her property like most dems so she can’t believe they didn’t fall in line like they were supposed to.

  • Jeff A. says:

    America’s ex-wife strikes again.

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