In the midst of her Benghazi testimony, Hillary Clinton herself has offered the most damning evidence of why having a private server and a non-State Department email address was not only ill-advised and violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the law, it also was a security issue. And not the security issue for her emails – it was a security issue for Ambassador Chris Stevens.
During questioning by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), Hillary admitted that her “friend,” Chris Stevens, had no way to personally contact her via email, because she didn’t have a State Department email address.
Westmoreland makes the point that Stevens' many security requests didn't reach Clinton. "Did he have your personal email?" #Benghazi
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Effective point: Stevens was HRC personal friend, in a dangerous place, requesting more security, & didn't have HRC email. Blumenthal did.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
First time HRC on her heels. HRC friend Chris Stevens desperately called for more security but couldn't get through to HRC- Blumenthal could
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
. @HillaryClinton says she was "thousands of miles away" from attack. This wouldn't have been a problem if she had an email in the system
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 22, 2015
Bingo! Chris Stevens didn't have an email for Hillary! SHE WASNT IN THE NORMAL SYSTEM.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 22, 2015
Breaking: Sid Blumenthal had @HillaryClinton's email address, Chris Stevens did not.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 22, 2015
And that line of questioning was followed up on by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS).
Pompeo says more than 600 requests re security issues in #Benghazi in 2012 – HRC says not a single one reached her desk
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) October 22, 2015
So, only special friends got Hillary’s personal email, and because Chris Stevens wasn’t special enough, he had no way to make a personal appeal to her to push his requests for more security.
Is it a stretch to say that Hillary’s insistence on secrecy and shielding of her email accounts may have cost Stevens his life? It most certainly created a disconnect between her and the “friend” that she said she sent into a dangerously fluid situation.
. @HillaryClinton says she tried to call ChrisStevens on the night of attack….had she had an email address she would have seen his pleas.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 22, 2015
The American people will have to be the judge. Ambassador Stevens is unavailable for comment.
No email address? L.O.L.
This is truly theater of the absurd. Maybe if the Secretary of State of Malawi said this I’d believe it but for the Secretary of State of a supposed superpower to make this claim-um, no.
Anyone who votes for this cretin after hearing this needs to a)be stripped of the right to vote for life and b)shipped to the nearest nuthouse.
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