Hillary Clinton’s Brand of Sexism

Hillary Clinton’s Brand of Sexism

Hillary Clinton’s Brand of Sexism

Hillary Clinton has accused Donald Trump of being sexist (well, also, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted and on and on). He has called women fat, ugly and pigs, among other not nice things. He has denigrated various body parts, most especially women’s faces. Donald Trump is definitely lookist.

Trying to get under Mr. Trump’s “thin skin” at the Sunday debate, Mrs. Clinton went all in.

Sorry that I made y’all watch that. But, there it is.

Last night, Shawn Boburg at the Washington Post put up an article entitled “Enabler or Family Defender? How Hillary Clinton Responded to Husband’s Accusers”

From the article:

Hillary Clinton has wrestled with allegations surrounding her husband’s infidelities for much of their 40-year marriage, including a sexual harassment lawsuit, a grand jury investigation and an impeachment vote centered on his untruthfulness about a relationship with a White House intern.

And, it’s not like she didn’t know that he was a hound dog when she married him. Again, from the article:

‘She knew he liked attention’
Hillary Rodham moved to Arkansas in 1974, and Blair said rumors of Bill’s womanizing were not a dealbreaker for Hillary before she agreed to marry him in 1975.

And, it’s not just “womanizing”. Rape is not womanizing. Rape is brutal violence. The Political Insider reported, last year, on a “bombshell” report that cataloged the rape allegations against former President Bill Clinton. You can read it right here.

“Enabler or Family Defender?” quotes Arkansas Clinton friend Jim Blair:

Blair said Hillary Clinton realized that the infidelities threatened more than their marriage. “Her idea, I think, was, if he’s going to be politically successful they have to become more conventional people who are more in tune with values of generations other than theirs,” Blair said.

Did you catch that? “Her idea was”…”if he’s going to be politically successful they have to become more conventional people who are more in tune with values of generations other than theirs.”

Bill and Hillary Clinton on their wedding day.
Bill and Hillary Clinton on their wedding day.

In other words, in order to capitalize on Bill’s political talents, they would have to appear to have middle class, “Greatest Generation” type values. You know like fidelity and all that jazz. Not a business like, marriage of opportunity.

That’s it right there, ladies and gentlemen. Cold, shrewd, calculated. She didn’t wanted to know what Bill Clinton did, who he did it with or whether he had permission or not. And, if it came to light then smear the women. Hillary never would soil her own hands. No. That’s what subordinates are there to do.

Hillary Clinton says women should be believed.

Hillary has her own brand of sexism. She and her goals are the only things that matter. Cold, shrewd and calculated sexism.

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