Seems Hillary, not even through the primaries yet, has likely chosen her running mate. According to former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, her VP choice will be Julián Castro. He’s the ideal Democrat VP candidate. Why? Because in the age of identity politics, which twice succeeded in placing a man of little accomplishment into the highest office in the land based primarily on race, Castro is young, attractive, charismatic, and Hispanic. He’s the Left’s “answer” to the liberty-loving Ted Cruz, or an equally-charismatic Marco Rubio, because the First Hispanic President cannot possibly be a Republican or something. From The Hill:
Hillary Clinton’s campaign is likely to choose Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Julián Castro or another Hispanic politician to be her running mate, former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros said in an interview that [aired] Sunday.
“What I am hearing in Washington, including from people in Hillary Clinton’s campaign, is that the first person on their lists is Julián Castro, the … Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who use[d] to be the Mayor of San Antonio,” he said in an interview with Univision’s “Al Punto.”
“They don’t have a second option, because he is the superior candidate considering his record, personality, demeanor and Latin heritage.”
Yep, the Dynamic Duo of Gender and Race. That’s worked out so well the last time. Here are a few facts on Castro. From Hot Air:
Julián Castro, and his mother, Maria “Rosie” Castro (photo credit: Fox News)
Castro has something in common with a number of other high profile Democrat “rising stars” from all appearances. He rose to fame and success based on a “humble roots narrative” rather than any early accomplishments. And to be sure, it’s a great narrative. One of a pair of twins, he was the child of a political activist in San Antonio and didn’t have a wealthy background.
But wait. Hold the phone. “…he was the child of a political activist…” Yep. But not just any political activist. Julián Castro’s mother, Maria “Rosie” Castro, was a founding member of La Raza Unida, aka The United Race, who’s labeled the defenders of the Alamo “a bunch of drunks and crooks and slaveholding imperialists who conquered land that didn’t belong to them.” Yep. She’s one of those radicals who believes Texas stole Mexico’s land. Julián Castro readily admits the huge influence she’s had on his life, and on his politics. He told New York Times Magazine that following his 2009 election to mayor, he immediately hung a 1971 La Raza Unida City Council campaign poster, featuring a pic of his mother, on his office wall.
And if his radical family roots aren’t enough to make you cringe, like Obama, and Hillary for that matter, Castro has no real accomplishments that qualify him for the presidency. Sure, he was the mayor of San Antonio in deep-red Texas, but the city reportedly saw little improvement under his leadership. Sound familiar? You can read more about his record here and here.
But hey, he’s charming. Castro’s full speech to the DNC from 2012:
He’s got the charismatic “Moderate Democrat/Conservative Policies are Failures” schpeal down pat. Call me a disbelieving cynic, but where have we heard that before?
I have to be completely frank: I’ve been predicting for a while now that Julián Castro is the Democrat’s weapon-of-mass-destruction to cement permanent one-party rule. Do I welcome diversity in politics? Of course. But the choice of Castro scares the living daylights out of me. For me, he is Barack Obama on steroids, packaged in a “moderate” suit. And if you think you’ve seen an orchestrated illegal alien invasion of historic proportions, a President Castro, succeeding Uber-Leftist Queen Hillary, could make the current, steady flow of invading illegals make a snaking, four-hour line at Disneyland seem short in comparison. The end result: The Fundamental Transformation of America? Check.
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