Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting The Feminist Cause

Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting The Feminist Cause

Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting The Feminist Cause

Women for Hamas donning keffiyehs and standing in solidarity with Palestine are actually glorifying Hamas terrorists.

Too harsh? Not really. Though, they don’t see it that way at all. They stomp around their college campuses, pitching tents, holing themselves up in buildings and demanding pizza delivery, these saviors of terrorism.

Zoe Strimpel of The Telegraph calls it “Teenybopping for Hamas”:

A sick irony lives in the fact that these protest babes, ardent, self-righteous, self-avowed progressives, are cheering on terrorists who, when not raping women, insist on a brutal patriarchal society.”-Zoe Strimpel

What could be a scene out of a dystopian fiction movie is becoming a reality. These Hamas fangirls are actually cheering for the wrong guys. They are cheering for a bunch of womanizing rapists who beat their women into submission and strive to keep them silent. They don’t speak of these atrocities when yelling in the face of “oppressive” forces like law enforcement or their Jewish classmates.

The fact is Hamas does not discriminate against any woman who tries to speak up. Take Manar Al-Sharif, who was trying to create a virtual ZOOM call for Gaza’s to engage with Israelis:

Six men and three women barged into the apartment she shared with her cat in Gaza, confiscated her phone and laptop, forcefully searched and blindfolded her, and led her to a vehicle that would take her to an all-women prison.”-Allison Norlian, Forbes

She was not allowed to call a family member or a lawyer. She eventually was placed in gen-pop with other women who committed other crimes. Most of these crimes? Having sex with men. This was not the first time Al-Sharif was arrested by Hamas:

She was sitting in her apartment with friends — both men and women — when building security called the police because she says Hamas forbids intermingling of the sexes. When police arrived, she said one of the officers bit her on the face, near her eye. They took her to jail, where she was beaten for two days straight before she was finally released.”-Allison Norlia, Forbes

This is what these women on our soil are “fighting” for. Militants who hate women and bite them in their faces like rabid dogs. I would even venture to say the rabid dog is a better life form. A poor, rabid dog does not know any better. What happens to a rabid dog should happen to these men. They need to be PUT DOWN, yet, they continue to exist.

Whatever happened to Believe All Women? Not a convenient truth, I suppose. Carry on, Hamas Fangirls…

Based on the first-hand accounts of released hostages, the mission team received clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment occurred against some women and children during their time in captivity and has reasonable grounds to believe that this violence may be ongoing.” -United Nations Report, The Guardian

Did you read that, Keffiyeh Kathy? Children. But, please, fight on for these pieces of human excrement. The following details of the October carnage are NSFW:

Many young women arrived in bloody shrouded rags with just their underwear, and the underwear was often very bloody. Our team commander saw several soldiers who were shot on the crotch, intimate parts, vagina or shot in the breasts.

One raped woman was ‘shredded to pieces’ and another ‘stabbed repeatedly in the back while she was being raped'”-Simcha Greeneman, Kibbutz volunteer

Gang rape, genital mutilation, sex with women who were shot in the head first (AKA necrophilia). We can’t expect more out of these Hamas “freedom fighters” who keep their own wives subjugated, now can we?

Allah created a solution for this…warn them [the wives], and separate from them, and hit them, and bring an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. [Only] after this comes divorce. The husband starts with a warning. The warning needs to be made politely by the husband to his wife, while he shows good relations, dialogue, respect and humanity. The warning should be made using a good word, good treatment and a positive look. The Prophet [Muhammad] said: ‘Do not hit the face and do not make her ugly.’ In other words, not hitting that will bring the police and break her hand and cause bleeding, or hitting that makes the face ugly. No….The hitting is not meant to disfigure, harm, or degrade. The hitting will be like a joke. He will hit her jokingly.”-Gazan mufti, Hassan al-Laham, from The Times of Israel

A beating-but not in the face-followed up with “Allah says I can do this jokingly”. Keep fighting, Hamas Fangirls! Religion of Peace.

Still, these beatings, this abuse, according to some “experts” are because of Israel:

Israel is to blame because house demolitions create instability, which results in Palestinians living in a relative’s overcrowded home, which increases pressure on families, and this, finally, leads to Palestinian male violence against women.”-UN “Expert”, Dubravka Simonovic in 2016.

So, tripping over one another in an overcrowded home is now justification for a beating? Don’t worry, Palestinian women, your husband will “lovingly” warn you before he gives you a swift punch in the throat or takes you to bed for some late-night sodomy because YOU deserved it. He may even get pissed off at your children and decide to beat the crap out of them as well.

Within the occupied Palestinian territories, many deeply embedded forms of violence against women are petrified in a context of prolonged occupation, among which, domestic violence, early marriages, sexual violence, including rape and incest, as well as killings in the name of ‘honour’”.--Dubravka Simonovic

All Israel’s fault, Ladies and Gents and Queers For Palestine (yeah, Hamas loves you, too). It’s all the “dirty little Jews‘” fault! Stop the oppression!

The West went from “believe women” to “believe terrorists.”

Nothing seems to interfere with the ideological excitement these old and perverse peacocks derive from a barbarism they mistake for rebellion in an unholy marriage of Western self-loathing and Islamic Jihad. They are willing to do anything to save the most squalid moral vanity and be able to continue selling us their “goodness.” Except that it is really evil.”-Giulio Meotti, Middle East Forum

I can see it now: “Wife Beating 101” coming to a Marxist, Ivy League campus near you. Throw on your hijab, ladies, and don’t look at your male lecture hall mate with a wanton eye. He may be so overcome with Jewish hate and desire to beat you, rape you or both. Keep accessorizing with your keffiyehs on campus and carry on, Hamas Fangirls.

Featured image via Joe Piette on Flickr, cropped, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED)

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