Haiti “—-Hole” Gets The Biden Afghanistan Treatment

Haiti “—-Hole” Gets The Biden Afghanistan Treatment

Haiti “—-Hole” Gets The Biden Afghanistan Treatment

Dear Haiti:

Just in case you forgot Afghanistan:

Joe is too stupid and arrogant to learn from his past mistakes. It’s not like your country was a garden spot before. President Donald Trump was, in fact, spot on when he called it a “shithole”. Sorry, but Trump was right:

Perhaps the stupidest of those involved his characterization of the island (or half-island) nation of Haiti, which he was said to have referred to as a “shithole country.”

This was in the context of a meeting regarding immigration.

It’s been a fairly established bipartisan consensus, at least until 15 minutes ago, that immigration from Haiti was considerably less desirable than from any other country. For all the smarmy moralizing that word of Trump’s unkind reference engendered, which included such histrionics as Don Lemon and Michael Steele calling Trump a “racist,” Conan O’Brien all but selling T-shirts proclaiming Haiti’s national greatness, and Stephen Colbert claiming that Haiti couldn’t be a shithole because Donald Trump wasn’t its president, the proof of Haiti’s shithole status is overwhelming.

And it has nothing to do with race. Haiti is a shithole by African standards, by Caribbean standards, by Latin American standards — in fact, by any standard you’d like to impose.

Granted, United States’ politicians have not made it easy to rise above your shithole status since 1915 when President Woodrow Wilson sent in the Marines. Then, came the 2010 earthquake that brought you the trifecta of the Clintons, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. In case you haven’t read it, The Canada Haiti Information Project is scathing:

If there is an unpopular couple in Haiti, it definitely has to be the Clintons; for they are held in contempt and in despicable terms. What the Clintons did is unforgivable to the Haitians.

The devastating 2010 earthquake left Haiti in tatters. The country’s economy reeled under the biting and excruciating effects of the earthquake. Because of their history with Haiti, the Clintons seized this chance in the interests of “assisting” Haiti in its times of unparalleled difficulty. But their involvement with the earthquake relief programs was the final proof Haitians needed to show that the Clintons’ true intentions with the country were to rob it for their own parochial interests.

Bill Clinton’s influence in Haiti ranges from the 1990s agricultural policies in Haiti that destroyed the country’s rice industry to the meddling in internal affairs and finally to the earthquake. There is a sense of permanency attached to the Clintons’ name as regards their activities in Haiti, particularly the Clinton Foundation.

According to the Huffington Post, when Hillary ran for President, the Haitians hadn’t forgotten:

he Miami Herald has a video of Haitian activists protesting the Democratic National Convention, primarily because of the “Clinton Foundation’s spending in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.” According to The Nation in a piece titled The Shelters That Clinton Built, the Clinton Foundation provided Haiti with trailers “structurally unsafe and laced with formaldehyde” that “came from the same company being sued for sickening Hurricane Katrina victims.” Pertaining to the Clinton Foundation’s legacy in Haiti, The New York Times writes “the Clintons have become prime targets of blame for the country’s woes.”

As a result of the Clinton Foundation’s controversial involvement with Haiti, The Huffington Post reports that Florida’s Haitian-American community might have a profound impact on Election Day. Ryan Grim explains the influence of Florida’s Haitian-American community in a piece titled With All Eyes On Haiti, Its Diaspora In Florida Could Swing A Close Election. With a sudden shift in U.S. immigration policy dividing Haitian families, alongside the Clinton Foundation’s role in Haiti, Florida’s Haitian community’s discontent might impact other ethnic groups on Election Day.

Well Haiti, you saw Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and now it’s your turn for the Biden treatment. Biden needed to look tough and was bragging about his over the horizon capabilities, so he droned children to death who were loading water into a trunk.

Your President was assassinated two years and your Prime Minister fled. You have a Police Chief/Gang Leader nicknamed Barbecue trying to take over:

Jimmy Chérizier, the former Haitian police officer-turned-gangster leading the latest violent campaign to seize control of the country, is nicknamed “Barbeque.”

Chérizier insists it’s because his mother operated a fried chicken stand in the slums of Port-au-Prince.

But critics say it’s a moniker Chérizier earned after staging multiple massacres in the nation’s capital from 2018 to 2020 that, according to the United Nations, left dozens of people dead, many of whom were burned alive when their homes were deliberately torched.

Keep Biden away from your kids. He will sniff them or kill them. And, Joe is sending the Marines in again:

Our Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is working to stand up a new Haitian government. feck. Y’all are screwed. Please don’t send your people here. We are heading towards shithole status ourselves. Plus, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has put up “No Entry” signs:

Sorry for out “elitists” past interference and, Bon Chance. You will need it. Damn.


Deplorable Americans

Featured Image: Water Alternatives Photos/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • GWB says:

    United States’ politicians have not made it easy to rise above your shithole status since 1915
    OK, I’m throwing the flag on this one! That’s malarkey! Nothing ANY US President, Congress, missionary, or military unit has ever done has EVER held back Haiti, in any way.
    The problem with Haiti is Haitians. Period.

    Haiti made a deal with the devil (literally) during their revolution – around the time our Constitution was written – and their culture has been centered on an awful religion ever since. It is their culture that makes it “not easy to rise above … s***hole status,” not anyone else in the world. It wasn’t outside interference that practically denuded their country of trees and made their nation distinguishable from space without a political overlay. (You can tell Haiti from the Dominican Republic by the abrupt end to most vegetation at the border. And the Dominicans are now building a wall to keep the Haitians out.)

    I will concur that the Clinton’s were rotten people, as concerns Haiti (and everything else in life). But their sending crappy trailers didn’t turn Haiti into a s***hole, and it didn’t stop them from climbing out of that status.

    If you want to change Haiti, you will need to invade and occupy it, instituting a strong central government. Then you will need to change the culture (which will take at least two generations, depending on how authoritarian you choose to be about it) to one oriented on Christianity instead of Santeria. THEN you can have civilization in Haiti.

    (Having said that, there are some good people in Haiti. Same as anywhere. But they are the minority, and never in power.)

    • Cameron says:

      The problem with Haiti is Haitians. Period.

      Yeah, I’ve been seeing a lot of blame thrown at the US over the recent collapse. Thank you for having a similar viewpoint on the issue.

      The idea of going in and raising the kids right is about the only solution. But I don’t like the idea of us funding such a thing.

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