Gwen Berry’s Childish Olympic Protest

Gwen Berry’s Childish Olympic Protest

Gwen Berry’s Childish Olympic Protest

Gwen Berry’s childish Olympic protest is drawing accolades from all the right people. When leftists and the media are cheering you on for turning away from the playing of our National Anthem, you know you’ve checked all the right anti-American boxes.

Gwen Berry turned away from the American flag and raised a T-shirt over her face as the national anthem played Saturday, minutes after she qualified for the Olympic team at the U.S. track and field trials in Eugene, Ore. Berry has demonstrated on the podium before, but her impromptu protest Saturday came only after what she called a “setup” by meet officials.

Berry said she had no expectation to protest after she finished third in the hammer throw — and in fact did not even think the national anthem would be played. The song is played only once a night at the trials, not during every medal ceremony as at the Olympics. Afterward, she said an official told her the anthem would be played before she took the podium and posed for pictures.

According to her, the playing of the National Anthem was a “setup.”

“I feel like it was a setup, and they did it on purpose,” Berry said of when the anthem played. “I was pissed, to be honest.”

“They had enough opportunities to play the national anthem before we got up there,” Berry said in Oregon, where the Olympic trials are being hosted. “I was thinking about what I should do. Eventually I stayed there and I swayed, I put my shirt over my head. It was real disrespectful.

There are some problems with both of her statements. 

A. Medal ceremonies have ALWAYS included the national anthem, whether it is a national event or the actual Olympics. 

B. Gwen Berry claims she had no intention of protesting. REALLY??

Then why did she have the ‘activist athlete’ t-shirt conveniently in her hand prior to walking up to the podium? Did it magically beam into her hands as soon as she heard the first note of our Anthem played? Or, did she plan to protest all along, and is now trying to gaslight everyone into believing she never ever even considered protesting? 

You know what? I’m inclined to believe, given her past history of protesting, that she’s planned this all along. Why? Because she essentially told the media that she hadn’t really wanted to be up there in the first place. Yet, she had a t-shirt conveniently at the ready. Uh huh… or perhaps she didn’t want to be up there after placing THIRD in the trials. 

But she’s super duper special y’all! She is a protestor! Forget about the athletics part, her role is as a protestor. That sports stuff? No big deal, it’s just entertainment and she is being USED by the sports world to entertain the unenlightened masses

Berry said she needs to get “my body right, my mind right and my spirit right” for the Olympics. The women’s hammer throw starts Aug. 1.

But Berry doesn’t think she needs to be on the podium in Tokyo to have the biggest impact.

“I don’t need to do anything sport-wise,” she said. “What I need to do is speak for my community, to represent my community and to help my community. Because that’s more important than sports.”

The Olympics are considering allowing some form of protest for those who chooses to do so. Gwen Berry, however, wants to protest however SHE decides is warranted because, “It’s our sacrifice. It’s our podium. It’s our moment.” 

Got that rubes? For Gwen Berry, this isn’t about giving 100% of her all in the sport SHE chose and representing the United States on the international level as an athlete. Nope, not one bit. That’s secondary and really just a distraction for her.

Instead, just like Colin Kaepernick, it’s all about HER and HER virtue-signaling. Forget about giving 100% of your all and doing your damnedest to win a medal for you and FOR YOUR COUNTRY. Forget about using your sports talent to inspire young men and women to advance themselves through athletics. Nope, Gwen Berry wants to protest and act like a child while doing so.

There are a lot of other people who have a problem with Gwen Berry’s childish antics.   

Exactly. Why even compete if you are going to tell the world that the sport itself doesn’t matter. Why even compete if all you are going to do is try to get on that podium only to place an idiotic t-shirt over your head? 

Congressman Dan Crenshaw is one of many who has had enough of these protest antics by Gwen and others. He called her out this morning. Gwen responded thusly.

Calling you out for your disrespect of your sport, of your fellow athletes, and of your country is…obsessive? Uh, no. Try again. 

Gwen Berry is childish and she certainly isn’t competing in order to uplift her CHOSEN sport. No, she’s only competing in order to use the Olympics as her personal protest platform. 

What she and all the leftists refuse to realize is that, BECAUSE of the freedoms we all have in these United States, she is free to act like a child and protest. Other countries who are Olympics bound? Those athletes? They protest like that and they are GONE in a flash. 

Gwen Berry’s childish protest devalues her contribution to the sport and devalues herself in doing so. SAD!

UPDATE: The Biden Administration condones Gwen Berry’s tantrum.

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Feature Photo Credit: Bob Ramsak, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Yep, no question she should be off the team.. of course with the woke BS, she won’t be..

    • SFC D says:

      She’s already said she’s not there for the team, she’s there for “her community”. I’m ok with that. She can just say in her community.

      • Scott says:

        Agree 100%.. America haters like this one need to be shunned and ridiculed like they would have been in years past. The Olympics are NOT about you!

  • ROP says:

    Gee ! the other two had there hands over there hearts
    Why are you competing to Represent OUR county

  • American Human says:

    I would we rather send second-tier athletes to the Olympics who are proud to be an American than this thing.

  • Lloyd says:

    This bitch reminds me of that purple-haired soccer player. Both will willingly accept whatever America gives them, but they will give nothing in return. Neither should be allowed to represent our country in world wide competion.

  • Contempt says:

    Hate is a sickness of the heart. But I don’t think she has a heart.

  • Hey, not big deal. Berry turns her back on my flag, I turn my back on her and her sponsors.

  • Linda S Fox says:

    The trouble with allowing this disrespect to stand is that it sends an easily-misinterpreted signal to other countries:
    – That we are weak, and UNABLE to respond
    – That we really are that bad, and – since nothing worthy of this disrespect has made it to the news – there must be OTHER incidents that are far worse
    – That there is widespread racial turmoil in the US – despite the vast majority of us living, working, and mingling in public without a problem
    – That other countries’ actions against the US are justified

    Kick the overly self-important THIRD-rate athlete off the team. And, add in those “kinda-sorta” psuedo-women, too.

  • JAW3 says:

    I dunno, man. She has a look that screams crazy to me. I think we would have seen the last of her if she had not thrown the tantrum. What’s next for crazy?

  • Chris in N. Va. says:

    Add to all this — her “pitch” to sell herself to potential sponsors/advertisers for endorsements… until she got called out for it and it magically got removed from her site.
    She sees herself as self-made and is in love with her creator.
    Like so many of her ilk, she worships the trinity of Me, Myself, and I.
    The only one truly obsessed with her is — her.

  • JD says:

    DeAnna Price (263-6), Brooke Andersen (255-0), Gwendolyn Berry (241-2)

    Based on her results at the trials, she’d qualify for the 2016 to go to the finals at the 2016 olympics, and come 4th…

    that’s assuming that no one else improved over the last 5 years, like both of the people who threw longer than she did.

  • Terry W says:

    A 2nd Place Loser(3rd place) whines and gets all the coverage. How about 1st place getting a record throw? Stop covering these losers.

  • JAW3 says:

    And she completely upstaged the other two athletes who were massively accomplished. I think the winning woman set a record and the dyke with the weird lipstick diminished their accomplishments.

  • […] between all the social justice posing by different athletes and teams telling us just how TERRIBLE the United States is, and the […]

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