Greta Thunberg Hijacks Climate Protest For Palestine

Greta Thunberg Hijacks Climate Protest For Palestine

Greta Thunberg Hijacks Climate Protest For Palestine

Greta Thunberg is busy showing her true colors when it comes to her social justice activism, and it’s not a pretty look.

The Swedish school dropout has made a career for herself out of her “climate activism.” But it’s obvious that the climate isn’t behaving the way that Greta Thunberg thought it would. She’s gone back through her own Twitter/X history and stealth deleted certain tweets that didn’t come true on her hyperbolic timetable. Fortunately, the internet is forever.

And no matter what Greta says, there is no controlling Mother Nature. There is no force or power that we humans have to currently stop, say, a volcano from erupting.

But you know what Greta Thunberg could stop? Making a total jackass of herself. In case you missed it, she hitched her social justice activism wagon to The Current Thing™, and is now “stanning” for Palestine and by default, Hamas. She has lined that new activism with an obvious veneer of anti-Semitism to boot, which she tried to backtrack after the fact. You would think she would learn that the internet is forever, already.

However, Greta Thunberg has made up her mind, and she’s going to start combining her new Current Thing™ with her old Current Thing™. During a “climate protest” in Amsterdam on Sunday, Greta decided to have some new friends – an Afghan woman and a Palestinian woman – join her on stage, and made sure they had time to spread their message.

Thunberg was speaking to a crowd of tens of thousands when she invited the women onto the stage.

“As a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed and those who are fighting for freedom and for justice. Otherwise, there can be no climate justice without international solidarity,” Thunberg said.

The current situation in Afghanistan is not equivalent to the current situation in Gaza, unless the Afghan woman was representing the Taliban, but I digress.

The Afghan woman, Sahar Shirzad, told The Associated Press that Thunberg allowed them to take the stage with her.

“Basically, she gave her time to us,” she said.

Before Thunberg took the stage, the event was briefly interrupted as a small group of activists at the front of the crowd waved Palestinian flags and chanted pro-Palestinian slogans.

However, not everyone was thrilled with Greta Thunberg using the climate protest event as her new vehicle for pro-Hamas activism.

The two women then spoke before handing the microphone back to Thunberg, who was wearing a Kaffiyeh – worn traditionally by Palestinians – when she resumed her speech.

Then a man wearing a jacket with the name of a group called Water Natuurlijk walked onto the stage and grabbed the microphone from Thunberg’s hands.

“I have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view,” the man said before being ushered off-stage.

There’s a lot to unpack here. First, we are seeing a true believer get upset that the protest is getting hijacked by Greta’s insistence on The Current Thing™. What this guy fails to understand is that any “climate change protest” is inherently a political event. If everything is seen through a lens of “oppressors” and “oppressed,” then naturally Greta – and all the people booing this man – can fit everything into that binary choice. For them, the earth is being “oppressed” by humans, so they must protest on behalf of the earth. And in their simplistic and foolish naivete, Greta and her ilk think Gaza is being oppressed right now, as they so blithely ignore the horrors of October 7th. That this guy thinks the Venn diagram overlap doesn’t apply to HIS protest just shows his own naivete.

Second, Greta is now fully embracing her inner Hamas with the keffiyeh scarf. Wearing that right now IS a political statement. Greta Thunberg is letting us all know what side she is on. And her choice in friends is also making her anti-Semitism obvious.

Third, Greta hijacked the event – and there were pro-Hamas activists at the front of the crowd – with her own speakers to make sure that everyone knows where she stands. Everyone who sees Greta Thunberg as some kind of fellow traveler or kindred soul regarding “climate change,” should now be fully aware that she is an opportunist. From now until it is no longer The Current Thing™, she is likely to keep shoehorning in her new pro-Hamas narrative of Palestinian “oppression.” She’s not calling for the release of hostages, many of whom are children. She’s not calling on Hamas to stop firing rockets into Israel – funny how they always have enough fuel for that. Nope, she’s just playing along in the oppression Olympics and folding that into her own social justice activism. If this was truly about “justice,” then wouldn’t she be demanding that the hostages be released?

And of course, when the protest is over, Greta Thunberg will go home, where there is electricity and heat and wi-fi, where she can keep bitching on social media from the comforts of the Western world about just how terrible we all are. Someone hand this woman a mirror.

Featured image: Greta Thunberg in 2018, via Anders Hellberg on Wikimedia Commons, cropped, CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

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