GOP Creates a Plan to Make More Democrat Voters

GOP Creates a Plan to Make More Democrat Voters

Proving that the Republican Party is really not interested in anything involving winning elections or doing right by We the People, Phyllis Schafly has a report coming out showing that our current immigration policy will—as in, 100% certainty—result in not only more Democrat voters, but the installation of a majority that does not believe in American exceptionalism and is only interested in highly liberal policies such as free lunch and gun control.

Citing Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, the study explains some truly shocking statistics (well, shocking only if you STILL haven’t been paying attention):

According the 2012 National Asian American Survey, as well as a Kaiser Foundation poll, only 40 percent of the general public holds a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 42 percent unfavorable. Meanwhile, 51 percent of Asians have a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 18 percent an unfavorable one. Even Koreans support Obamacare by 57 percent to 17 percent.

Overall, 69 percent of immigrants like Obamacare, according to a 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study.

That same survey showed that only 35 percent of native-born Americans support affirmative action, compared to 58 percent of immigrants, including — amazingly — 64 percent of Asians (suggesting they may not be as smart as everyone thinks).

Yes, let’s bring in millions more folks who like Obamacare.  They won’t pay for it, of course, since most immigrants have low income and end up on government assistance.  As the infomercial says, “But WAIT!  There’s MORE!”

Pew also found that only 27 percent of Hispanics support gun rights, compared to 57 percent of non-Hispanic whites. According to Latino Decisions, large majorities of Hispanics favor a national database of gun owners, limiting the capacity of magazines and a ban on semiautomatic weapons.

Seventy-five percent of Hispanic immigrants and 55 percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government — also according to Pew. Even after three generations in America, Hispanics still support bigger government 55 percent to 36 percent, compared to the general public, which opposes bigger government 48 percent to 41 percent.

So let’s see.  Love Obamacare?  Check.  Want to take guns from the citizens?  Check.  Want that big socialist government?  Check.  Why would we allow more of them here?  That’s not even counting the prison population and crime rates of illegals.  Absolutely staggering.

Just more evidence that the Republican party is just as corrupt, stupid, and anti-American as the Democrats.

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