Ginni Thomas Read Jan 6 Committee The Riot Act

Ginni Thomas Read Jan 6 Committee The Riot Act

Ginni Thomas Read Jan 6 Committee The Riot Act

Ginni Thomas testimony before the January 6 committee ended with her reading them the riot act. The committee desperately wanted Ginni Thomas, and by proxy, Justice Clarence Thomas to be not only election deniers but insurrectionists. And, their hopes were dashed after she testified.

In March 2022, the January 6 committee released text messages between Ginni and Mark Meadows. 

Virginia Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote, according to copies of the messages obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News.

The messages — 29 in all — reveal an extraordinary pipeline between Virginia Thomas, who goes by Ginni, and President Donald Trump’s top aide during a period when Trump and his allies were vowing to go to the Supreme Court in an effort to negate the election results.

This was a blatant attempt to drag both Ginni and Clarence Thomas through the mud. For the Democrats and media, this was IT! This was the big huge gotcha that would make Justice Clarence Thomas resign! Except he didn’t, much to everyone’s dismay. 

But oh, the January 6 committee persisted. They wanted everyone and anyone to testify, in hopes of finding that ONE thing that would show that Trump really did promote insurrection. 

If Ginni’s testimony was SO important and so notable, how come her name isn’t anywhere in the final documents? Because, once her testimony was done, the January 6 committee realized that particular witch hunt gotcha failed and the house fell on them, instead of Ginni. 

Reading through her testimony, which can be found here, it is incredibly evident that the January 6 committee was truly on a hunt to find something, ANYTHING to tie her to Trump or to tie her to fully engaging in stopping the election certification process. Which included, on pages 11-13, questions about emails that didn’t belong to either Ginni nor Justice Thomas, and any conversations (even recent ones) she may or may not have had with the list of people they provided. And…her answers were consistently, NO.

But her text messages!

On Nov. 10, after President Biden was projected the winner, Ginni Thomas texted Meadows, “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

A few weeks later, Meadows encouraged her to keep up hope in this “fight of good versus evil.”

“Thank you!! Needed that! … I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!” she replied.

The 29 messages reported by the Post and CBS News show that both Thomas and Meadows believed the election was stolen.

Discussing concerns over election irregularities is NOT the same thing as claiming the election was stolen. As the news is breathlessly reporting, Ginni explained during her testimony that she regrets the text messages because of the emotions of the time. Adam Schiff wanted to know, on page 34 if she regretted her texts. Ginni schooled him in her response which was that she regretted the tone and content of the texts, but at the time she was texting friend to friend. But SHE also made it clear to the committee that THEY should seriously regret making those texts public, and further on in her testimony, told the committee that the only reason Justice Thomas knew of her work was because the committee had publicized her text messages while he was in the hospital! I’m sure none of the committee wanted to hear that.

Then Liz Cheney tried to explain to Ginni that since there was no fraud, she shouldn’t be claiming there was fraud and irregularities across the country.  Ginni’s informed the committee that many Democrats have questioned elections and Liz’s only response was just another snide remark about how we are a nation of laws. Well yes, Liz. We ARE a nation of laws and if there are irregularities in the election process then Congress and state legislatures should step up instead of engaging in partisan witch hunts. 

So much for the bombshell they were all hoping for!

But it’s the very end of Ginni’s testimony that is a thing of beauty. They asked an open-ended question and boy howdy, she politely read them the riot act! 

Violence on both sides is abhorrent, and the more you guys focus on just one side, it can do significant damage to our country.

And, certainly, I’m living with Senator Schumer having said some things on the steps of the Supreme Court that unleashed a lot of things that have us living with Marshals right now. I think the summer of 2020 has a lot of communities who felt violence by left-wing activists.

And when you don’t show that same kind of focus that you guys are focusing on the violence in the Capitol on Jan. 6th, I’m afraid of what happens — the corruption, the erosion of confidence in equal justice.

That’s the last thing I’d like to say to you.

What was it that Schumer said??

And to this day, NO ONE has been held responsible for their criminal acts of rioting and looting during the summer, fall, and winter of 2020. NO ONE.  Meanwhile all the Justices, the conservative ones anyway, have round the clock security because of the continual threats. 

So finding out that Ginni read the January 6 committee the riot act was just total perfection. 

Feature Photo Credit:  Gage Skidmore/flickr/cropped/CC BY-SA 2.0.

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