Georgia School Shooter’s Father Arrested, Facing Multiple Charges

Georgia School Shooter’s Father Arrested, Facing Multiple Charges

Georgia School Shooter’s Father Arrested, Facing Multiple Charges

It seems there’s more to this than a child going on a rampage with an evil gun. The Georgia shooter’s father was arrested late yesterday on charges of child abuse and endangerment, and more. 

The father of the Apalachee High School shooting suspect has been arrested in connection with the shooting that left four people dead, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

Colin Gray, 54, has been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the GBI said Thursday.

His son, Colt Gray, a 14-year-old student, is accused of killing two students and two teachers with an AR-style rifle in the Wednesday shooting. Nine more people were hospitalized. The teen has been charged with four counts of felony murder, according to charging documents obtained by CNN. He is expected to be tried as an adult, the GBI and Barrow County sheriff have said.

This is a tragedy on multiple levels. First, that a 14 year old is so disturbed that he feels their only choice is to attack others, in this case with a gun. Secondly, that family members plus possibly a former teacher or two took to social media and threw the shooter’s parents under the bus. 

The family of Georgia school shooter Colt Gray threatened to go ‘full throttle’ after the 14-year-old was charged as an adult for murdering four people on Wednesday.

Gray’s relatives leapt to his defense within hours of him opening fire at Apalachee High School, where he allegedly killed four people and injured nine others.

The teenager’s aunt, Annie Polhamus Brown, took to Facebook during the aftermath, bringing up the issues he ‘dealt with’ and saying she ‘will take care of my nephew and what he needs on this side.’

I read that news report earlier yesterday and thought, there are some serious family problems going on here. And that was hours prior to the arrest of Colin Gray. 

The third issue is this: the FBI visited the family home after significant online threats were made by that child. Given the reports, all the FBI needed, yet again, was just a verbal reassurance that everything was super duper ok and that was the end of that. I mean, they KNEW that online threats had come from the kid’s computer and yet the FBI just walked way?? 

HELLLOOOOOOO FBI!! Guess what happened next??

Oh you read that correctly. This disturbed and very possibly abused 14 year old child was GIFTED an AR-15…AFTER the FBI showed up at their home. 

The charges come after it was revealed that Colin Gray purchased the AR-15-style rifle Colt allegedly used in the massacre as a Christmas gift last December.

Colt received the deadly present from his father just seven months after authorities visited the pair when the FBI received tips about online school shooting threats, according to the federal agency.

It is an absolute miracle that more weren’t killed yesterday. It’s solely due to how the school did handle things, mostly…and the quick thinking of students in the classroom. 

That said, for all those who have jumped on the GUNS BAD! bandwagon… Check the HELL out of yourselves. As with the incredibly disturbed Nashville shooter, there is much more to the story of this particular incident in Georgia. And it involves the issues of mental health and possibly child abuse. None of which are Second Amendment issues. 

Yet once again, when the ink was barely dry on the first news of this shooting, the gun control activists and idiotic politicians went full throttle. 

What they are ignoring is what others are finding out. That young man’s life at home was a train wreck on multiple levels. It turns out, his mother has major issues as well as significant problems with the law. 

His mother, Marcee, 43, has a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence arrests.


“There were nights where the mom would lock him and his sister out the house. And they would be banging on the back door, just screaming like ‘Mom! mom! mom!’ and crying. It was absolutely devastating,” she said.

It’s becoming more evident that that child’s life at home was toxic. And yes, ALL the adults in his life, including his extended family, failed him. Which can also be said of the Nashville shooter. 

There’s a young man facing life in prison for killing his peers and two teachers. Media, politicians and pundits want to blame the gun. It wasn’t the gun that started that young man on his path of destruction. It’s looking like the environment around him, including his immediate family, is the culprit. 

Feature Photo Credit: handcuffs criminal via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • GWB says:

    Gray’s relatives leapt to his defense within hours
    Hmmm, I wonder if this is the “redneck culture” Thomas Sowell references in his book? It seems to be. One of those times you can see the culture is very similar between what we might call “ghetto blacks” and “rednecks.” (Honestly, read his Black Rednecks, White Liberals; it nails this.) “Don’t you impugn the name of our clan! No matter what!” Mr. Dindonuffin.

    significant online threats were made by that child
    Maybe. We’re pretty certain he made them because he did this. But, at the time, it seems like they weren’t certain. Maybe they didn’t do the work necessary to be certain (a simple warrant to examine his online activity might have worked), but they at least implied there was some doubt.

    Colin Gray admitted to gifting his son an AR-15 for Christmas
    Oh yeah, there’s your problem. And to all the people who normally lay out how they drove to school with guns in their car, etc., yes and you hadn’t had a visit from the FBI (say that in Hans Gruber’s voice). I’m guessing there was more to it than just giving him the gun.

    His mother, Marcee, 43, has a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence arrests.
    Aha! I asked about the mother when the bit about the FBI pre-visit came out. And this explains very, very much about the kid’s mental/emotional problems. Definitely a tragedy for everyone involved.

    It’s looking like the environment around him, including his immediate family, is the culprit.
    Sin is to blame. The environment shaped it. But we need to not give anyone an excuse for removing the blame from the actor, himself. I know you’re not, but a common problem with progressives is taking that sort of thing and removing agency from the bad actor. We need to stifle that.

    • A Christian says:

      Sin is not the issue. America is literally the only country where shootings like this happen on a regular basis. Do you honestly think that sin doesn’t exist in England? Or Germany? Or Australia? Do you honestly think the people of those countries are somehow morally superior to Americans because…? People with mental health issues exist in those countries. People who are violent and mean exist in those countries. Humans are human, no matter where they live.

      This whacked notion of American exceptionalism is part of why we’re in this mess. We are not the chosen country or the promised land or whatever. Evil exists everywhere. Prayer won’t get us out of this. Putting your specific religion in schools won’t get us out of it. Marrying to force our society to adhere to your specific faith won’t do anything. (And actually having faith but doing nothing is kind of against Jesus’ teachings but you do you.)

      What will get us out are common sense gun regulations. If other countries can do it, we can too. They are no better than us.

      I’m a Christian and I absolutely cannot stand people using my faith as a shield against action. It’s disgusting and unbiblical. And goes against everything I was ever taught.

      • SFC D says:

        “America is literally the only country where shootings like this happen on a regular basis”.

        Citation, please?

        “What will get us out are common sense gun regulations.”

        Please cite an example, and explain how it would have prevented this shooting. You get bonus points for giving an example that does not violate any article of the constitution.

        Time starts now. Go.

        • Scott says:

          One problem with your post SFC D, Reader doesn’t give a rats hind end about violating the Constitution.. like all good leftists, reader feels it’s an outdated and misguided document.. of course, that doesn’t mean they’ll be moving to any country that more aligns with their ideals, it just means they’re good with ignoring / destroying the Constitution.

          Fools / liars like reader have no understanding (nor do they want any) of the genius behind the founding of this nation. While not perfect, it’s the closest thing to it on earth, or at least was while we adhered to those founding concepts.
          The lefts disgust with America is made clear by readers statement about “this hacked notion of American exceptionalism”.. Of course this idiot also fails to recognize that the nations mentioned are far less “diverse” than America is, and this is why they have less discord (though that is rapidly changing as they import muzzies and others bent on destroying western civilization).. But then again, reader NEVER lets facts get in the way of the agenda..

  • A reader says:

    It is absolutely a gun control issue. Because an adult should not be giving a child a gun. Period. Responsible gun owners don’t give their children guns and then not secure them properly. Responsible gun owners store their guns safely and away from children in locked safes with the ammunition separate. And they don’t let their child handle the gun unsupervised.

    I personally believe that if someone is flagged for potential violence they should be subject to random inspections of their home. If they are allowed to own guns, the guns need to be stored safely in a way that said person cannot access them. And if they aren’t allowed guns in the home, then inspections would he catch that. It’s not perfect, because human nature says nothing will be, but it’s something. And it allows responsible gun owners to keep their guns which should make the 2nd Amendment worshipers happy. I also think forcing the boy and/or family to get counseling— at a rate the parent could afford— should have been included. And keep track so it’s known whether the child attends. Do I think laws like that will happen, though? Sadly, no.

    The issue isn’t simply mental health. It’s allowing someone who should not have had access to a gun, to have access to it. The lax gun laws in Georgia allowed this to happen. Georgia doesn’t have red flag laws. Those aren’t perfect either, but maybe they would have stopped the father from being allowed to have a gun in the home.

    And social services to help the boy, ensure he received the support he needed, may have helped too. But of course, we can’t fund any of that.

    This is complicated. It isn’t just mental health and it isn’t just about gun control. And therein lies the issue. Because no one wants to deal with complex situations. Instead, people revert to their camps and put their fingers in their ears to ignore the other side. We will never solve any of this if there isn’t some compromise. And yes, that will mean changes for gun owners.

    Honestly, I’m surprised you aren’t all “Ahhhh, they’re going to come for our guns!” about the dad being charged. Frankly, every parent of every minor who commits a mass shouting should be charged. Maybe that will spur people to not leave their guns within easy access of children. One can only hope.

    • GWB says:

      Responsible gun owners don’t give their children guns and then not secure them properly.
      Define “secure them properly”?
      Responsible gun owners store their guns safely and away from children in locked safes with the ammunition separate.
      Ah. So no, you don’t know what you’re talking about beyond a gun control talking point.
      (Do you know the point of the separation rule? It’s also used in many places as a rule for transporting your weapon [not carry, but transport]. The point is merely to slow you down when you want to load your weapon – maybe at need. It won’t stop anyone at all, just slow down putting the 2 together.)

      I personally believe that if someone is flagged for potential violence they should be subject to random inspections of their home.
      Totalitarian much? This is EXACTLY why red flag laws are hated so much. “Flagged for potential violence” is such a nice-sounding phrase, and totally untenable in a free society. Because what you’re saying is “Let’s put them in prison in their own homes.” You want to do that, then you bloody well better convict them of a crime, Mr Beria.

      2nd Amendment worshipers
      Only someone who doesn’t understand freedom would word it that way.

      And social services to help the boy,
      Sure, because government run “therapy” is an even better choice. /eyeroll/

      The issue isn’t simply mental health.
      Here you’re absolutely right. It is more complicated than just mental health. It’s the sickness of a Progressive society with its nihilism and therapeutic chemicals as an answer for broken families. It’s the destruction of some of the very morals that would allow a society to curb this. (Of course, your answer is more therapy.)

      We will never solve any of this if there isn’t some compromise.
      Just so long as that compromise comes on the freedom side of the equation, huh? Yeah, we notice that about you. How about we not give up our natural right to self-defense (in the narrow and in the broad sense)?
      You want a compromise on school shootings? I and others have offered it numerous times, only to hear the cry from your sort of “Oh no! More guns will just create more carnage!” How about we allow freedom to run rampant and allow anyone otherwise legally allowed to carry to exercise their rights on school grounds? Including teachers, administrators, and parents? How about we make it a Quick Kill zone instead of a “Gun Free” zone?

      Frankly, every parent of every minor who commits a mass shouting should be charged.
      And once again, you actually might be onto something here. Making parents responsible for their children, once again, would do wonders for our children and for society at large. Heck, making people take responsibility for their actions, in general, would be a big improvement. Of course, the way it gets implemented by Progressives will be a travesty and probably worse than it is now. (See above about red flag laws.)

      BTW, “safe” storage laws do nothing to stop determined violence* that couldn’t already be achieved by an enforcement of negligence laws. (Unless, of course, you’re going to go full Orwell with telescreens and home invasion searches and such.) Which is how some folks who have recently been charged with allowing their kids to get weapons and use them in school are being dealt with. We don’t need more laws in almost any case – we merely need to enforce the ones we have.

      (* Remember Sandy Hook? Where the mom did keep the gun locked up? So he broke in to get the gun, then murdered his mother THEN went to shoot up all of those kids.)

    • Cameron says:

      GWB already filleted you but I’m going to go back to this one:

      We will never solve any of this if there isn’t some compromise. And yes, that will mean changes for gun owners.

      Do you have the first clue about what a compromise is? It’s to arrive at a settlement with concessions made from both sides. Your side of the argument has made a constant barrage of demands for almost a century and the only thing you offer is more demands.

      When does YOUR side compromise? And no; I don’t accept “we compromise by allowing guns to exist” which is what a liberal has used on me when I asked this question before.

      Frankly, every parent of every minor who commits a mass shouting should be charged. You could have just posted that sentence only and looked rational. But what if the minor kills the parents or simply gets the guns from somewhere else?

      Honestly, I don’t like the fact that the kid is being charged as an adult. His father should be the only one facing that.

    • SFC D says:

      “I personally believe that if someone is flagged for potential violence they should be subject to random inspections of their home.”

      I stopped reading after this. You’ve reached a new level of unhinged. Perhaps Venezuela would be more to your liking, or any other dictatorship.

      • Scott says:

        “I personally believe that if someone is flagged for potential violence they should be subject to random inspections of their home.”

        Seems to me that a couple hundred years ago, some “gentlemen” in red coats tried just such an approach at a couple locations in the northeast. I believe they were Lexington and Concord??? Seems that such actions had significant consequences, eventually leading to a revolution…But again, those are facts and history, something reader proves over and over again to not have a grasp of.

  • Mad Celt says:

    America has become the child murder center of the world. From abortion to mass shootings to gangs to cannon fodder for the pointless, endless wars. It is all so ingrained in the culture there will be no reversal. America faces a bitter judgment that will prove we took a good gift and turned it into something vile.

    • Anna A says:

      Don’t forget about China and all of the forced abortions there. Not to mention infanticide, especially girls and handicapped boys so that the family can try for a healthy boy. Since China has relaxed its “One child” rule, i don’t know whether much has changed or not.

      I know that we in America have a lot of problems on our hands, but I suspect that one reason we know so much about is it our ability to talk about it. And that there are some good conservative news sites as well, so we can get multiple sides.

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